Pic of the
day: Virtua Fighter, Sega 32X. Click for full
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Wednesday, August 16,
2000. -created a new section and added 11 Sega 32x games with
111 pictures to Gamepics. :) Check out Virtua Fighte, Virtua
Racing Deluxe and the other great games - not much more to
come (only almost 2 dozens of 32x games were released ! Opi.
-Added many
pictures in the Arcade section
of Gamepics to Mr. Do and Out Run, two of my alltime arcade
faves :) Feel free to do the same with your favorite games
.... Opi.
Tuesday, August 15,
2000. -Hey everybody, I added 21 Atari 2600 games
to Gamepics. And let me say, there is going to be some really
exciting changes coming to the Museum in the near future. P.S.
if you look around here enough, you just might find what I'm
talking about. - Mek
Monday, August 14,
2000. -Uploaded 27 new Game Boy
scans - more to come - sorry for not updating much lately, but
I joined Retrogames and now I'm too busy to do my duty here as
much as I would like to do. Opi
Sunday, August 13,
2000. -Added 57 Arcade games to
Gamepics, thus surpassing 8,000 games. - Mek
-Added 2 X68000 games
and updated one more to Gamepics (thanks Vitor) with more than
50 new screenshots. The japanese X68000 computer system seems
to be a pretty good and powerful machine (check out Dive On.
SSF 2 and Nemesis 90) - more to come later this day - Opi.
Thursday, August 10,
2000. -I updated the What's Needed page
with a list of Game Gear
games we need. - Mek
-added 10 SNES games with
119 pictures to Gamepics - and much more to come :) I will
upload many new pictures to the real SNES classics to present
them better ! If you wanna contribute some level-boss fight
pictures or screenshots from later levels - you're welcome to
do so :-) Opi.
Wednesday, August 9,
2000. -added 11 SNES games with
123 pictures to Gamepics - more to come :) We STILL NEED
someone with a good x68000 archive and the WILL to help !
me, Reiginsei, here
with an update for you. 'Bout time I did something eh? Well,
anyways, on with the update. I finally uploaded the final
piece of music from DBZUB22, which would be the ending. Pick
it up the the Playstation music
section..... What? Oh yeah, you didn't think that was all did
ya? I more than doubled the Ads section bringing the total
from 18 to a whopping 44 ads. Yay!! ...Ok, so it wasn't a
major accomplishment, but adding the 50 remaining megs of ads
will be, heh. ^^; BTW,
aren't the <!-- --> tags just great AND fun too? =)
-Added 22 Multi-Console
-Added 2 SNES ads.
-Added 2 NES ads.
-Added 1 Game
Boy . All of these were from NGA. - Reiginsei
-I wasn't going to update today but after looking at
all the work Mek has
done, I thought I would throw in a few endings too...you
know...to make this day a record breaking one (Opi, Reiginsei, update a little
today so we can make this day a record breaker!). Ok, I came
today with 12 Game
Boy Endings, I completed the Mega Man Games By adding Mega
Man 1 And 2, completed all the Kirby games released for the
Game Boy by adding the always cute Kirby's Dreamland ending,
added Operation C the mother of all Action/ Shooter games,
Nintendo's Shooter attempt with Solar Striker, the best Mario
game on GB with Super Mario Land 2, all 3 Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles endings, Wario land 2 among other game endings. That
Snes update is still on track, all I have to do is wait a few
days before posting it. - Rey
-Added 14 PC-98 games to
Gamepics, and I'm signing off for the night. Later all. -
-Added 2
MSX games to
Gamepics. - Mek
-Added 1 more SNES scan.
- Mek
4 more NES scans. -
-Added 2
scans. - Mek
-Added 8 NES scans. -
-Added 2
scans. - Mek
-Added 135 3DO scans.
And I am TIRED, this update took two days to deliver. Thanks,
Qun Mang for the scans. - Mek
Sunday, August 6,
2000. -Added 15 Nes Endings, you
should all go and submit Save States at Zophar's Domain. You will
all see my name a lot there since I am the only one submitting
saves lately. Anyhow, here I come with endings for commando,
an old capcom "classic" with some MAYOR spelling errors on the
ending, Flying Warriors, both G.I. Joe endings, wax on wax off
ending for Karate Kid, the nes game with the weirdest
name-Magic of Scheherazade, the super cool River City Ransom,
the third Simpsons title, a regular sequel for an awesome
game-Star Tropics 2, Super Dodge Ball, Wizards & Warriors
and some other crap'o games. I have a nice little surprise for
the Snes update I am planing to do, some small innovations
will take place in an ending or two. - Rey
Saturday, August 5, 2000. -Added
60 Arcade
games to Gamepics. Whew, I'm tired, I guess that's it for me
until later today. - Mek
Friday, August 4,
2000. -Added 39 MSX scans. -
-WOW, the
endings section was updated with 5, yes you read that right, 5
Sega Genesis
endings!! This long time negleted section is alive at last
and it comes with endings for Golden Axe 1 & 2, Revenge of
Shinobi, Streets of Rage and a game from one of the coolest
heroes of our childhood......the Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles!! Anyone that does not like the TMNT can go eat turtle
soup with shredder. Back one of these days with more endings.
- Rey
-Put up
7 Sega CD
ads. Yeah, remember that section? More stuff later today. -
Wednesday, August 2,
2000. -FAQ is updated with info on making better
endings. - Rey
-added 53 SNES games with
357 pictures to Gamepics and renamed [old name], added and
replaced pictures for 4 SNES games. This
was another really large update, it took more than 10 hours to
make the screenshots, write the html and upload this stuff :)
I added a "!" to the
new additions like Rey did it with his endings. The SNES
section will be completely redone, that should keep me busy
for the rest of this year ! Please, if you're able to donate
some X68000 and Armstrad stuff for Gamepics, that would be
really GREAT ! Rey READ the message board ! Opi
-Added 39 Intellivision
games to Gamepics. We're still looking for all sorts of
material, so if you have any of the stuff in the What's Needed let
us know. - Mek
-Added 3 Snes Endings,
another crap ending goes to the Toy Story game, an oldie
ending from Zelda A Link To The Past and the mother of all
RPGs, the Final Fantasy 3 ending. I still prefer Final Fantasy
2 because of the story. Hi Opi, Hi Reiginsei.There isn't much
interaction between us, it's almost like we don't like each
other. My Snes ending of the day goes to Tetris
Attack, even though the ending is nothing out of the
ordinary the game is the best puzzle I have ever played, I
still remember all those nights in which I went to sleep
making combos and chains in my head.Luckily, there is a
"sequel" in the works for the N64 and I don't mind that it is
based on pokemon instead of yoshi island, nothing can be more
sickening than listening to yoshi say "NINTENDO" when you
turned on Tetris Attack. That's why I don't mind that it's
pokemon now, I like pokemon (except those pikachu piercing
screams). - Rey
-Yo people, what is the haps? Welp, I've been gone for
a few days doing some design work, and that's all done so I
can resume my updates. Anywho, here is 49 new NES games to
Gamepics. - Mek
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