In what's becoming a tradition for modern series titles, Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles came bundled with a special bonus item, provided by toy-creating company NECA, for those who pre-ordered the game from GameStop or any of its affiliates. Available, as described by the retailer's website, was an "8-bit Castlevania Simon Belmont figure," which looks every bit like its description implies--a figure made to resemble Simon's pixel-based standstill profile as seen in Castlevania. The item must have been limited in stock, because it quickly disappeared and was replaced by a very similar item: "An 8-bit Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Simon Belmont figure," which is a simple re-coloring of the figure to resemble the character's Simon's Quest profile. Below is the packaging, as shared by both versions, and the actual figures.

Front Cover

Back Cover

Castlevania Figure
Simon's Quest Figure
