Mega Man X2

It's your typical Mega Man game. Violen, Agile and Serges, in their initial incarnations, can show up on any of the stages after X defeats 2 of the Mavericks; you can find their initial forms here.


Bubble Crab

When he's not being assaulted, he'll wrap himself in a protective bubble; from inside, he'll create 3 smaller versions of himself, them hovering around the room in smaller bubbles. If X tries to jump over him, he'll extend his claws, catching X and ramming him into the spikes that line the ceiling. Also, he can use his bubbles splash weapon, shooting it in any direction he pleases.

  • Weapon used: Bubble Splash
  • Weak against: Spin Wheel

Crystal Snail

Crystal Snail loops 3 crystal hunters towards Xthem sticking to the surface—trying to get X to stick to them so he can spin in the air and hurl himself at X. At any other time, he'll use a similar attack of circling and hurling towards X's position. He'll use his shell to protect himself from attacks, while on the ground and while spinning. When damaged enough, he'll use his powers to slow down X's movement, making the battle more difficult.

  • Weapon used: Crystal Hunter
  • Weak against: Magnet Mine

Flame Stag

Flame Stag will jump back and forth, seemingly bouncing off the walls, making his way upward and then descending. His most powerful attack is to flame dash at X, knocking him upward; he'll follow it up by using his legs to push X downward, ramming him into the floor. On the ground, he'll throw blue fireballs high and low, alternating quickly.

  • Weapon used: Speed Burner
  • Weak against: Bubble Splash and Sonic Slicer

Magna Centipede

He'll always start out by making his tail break apart, each part circling X, prohibiting movement. When they stop circling X, the pieces will stab at him. When damaged slightly, he'll transport out and back in anywhere on the screen—even on the ceiling. When on the ceiling, he'll send 3 small magnet mines looping downward. His final attack is to use his power to suck X in, weakening him, stopping him from charging up his X buster and dashing. Climbing walls also becomes tough.

  • Weapon used: Magnet Mine
  • Weak against: Silk Shot and Strike Chain

Morph Moth

Initially, you'll face a larvae that swings back and forth by the cable attaching it to the ceiling. Swinging back and forth, it loops out a clutter of debris. When it stops swinging, it drops to the ground and moves around the walls, ceiling and floor, sending debris flying everywhere. When damaged enough, it leaves and comes back as the guy above. When morphed, he'll fly overhead, dropping deadly powder on X; also, he'll use a magnetic force to hurt X if he's standing nearby.

  • Weapon used: Silk Shot
  • Weak against: Speed Burner

Overdrive Ostrich

You fight this guy on an almost endless field. Using his speed, he'll either run quickly or hop along the ground, trying to ram X. If X outruns him temporarily, he'll be seen running in the background, catching up to X. From the background, he'll dive forward, trying to land on X's head. He can use his sonic slicer two ways: He can throw individual blades forward, or he'll throw a giant blade upward, it splitting into seven or more bigger blades, looping downward.

  • Weapon used: Sonic Slicer
  • Weak against: Crystal Hunter and Silk Shot

Wheel Gator

To begin the battle, he'll submerge in the chamber's swamp-like liquid. One or two spinning blades will emerge from the liquid, circling the room, keeping X busy while he plans his next attack. When he pops up, he'll try to catch X in his jaw, draining X's energy. He can also spin himself like a drill, dashing quickly across the room. Finally, when he gets mad, he'll change colors and begin spitting out small fireballs, three at a time.

  • Weapon used: Spin Wheel
  • Weak against: Strike Chain and Bubble Splash

Wire Sponge

Using his wire like a lasso, he'll throw it towards X, trying to grab and pull him inward; if he misses, he'll wind up pulling himself towards the walls. He'll also use his wires to grapple to the ceiling; from that position, he'll throw down little projectiles that spring up as spikes when they hit the floor. When damaged enough, he'll do an invincible war dance, commanding powerful lightning blasts from the ceiling.

  • Weapon used: Strike Chain
  • Weak against: Sonic Slicer and Speed Burner




Before he begins attacking, he makes three blocks appear randomly on the screen. Depending on X's positioning, they can either help him attain easy victory or wind up being the cause of his destruction. Next, Violen will start to wildly swing a spiked ball on a chain, it able to strike any section of the room, except for when hits one of the blocks. If X gets caught in a section of the room where there's no blocks, Violen can score multiple hits with the ball and chain.

  • Weak against: Bubble Splash


When the battle with Serges begins, X will be standing on 4 up-and-down-moving platforms that hover over a bed of spikes. Each of the 4 cannons on Serges' tank will begin firing lasers or bouncing projectiles. As 2 out of the 4 are destroyed, he'll move forward, eliminating 2 of the moving platforms, limiting X's space. When all 4 cannons are destroyed, Serges will start moving up and down inside the tank, firing big fireballs that explode 4-directionally; he's then vulnerable, his head the weak spot.

  • Weak against: Silk Shot, Sonic Slicer and Speed Burner


Agile spends the whole battle in the air, as he'll hover back and forth. Out of the openings on either side, he'll create spike-lined platforms and drop them down on Xa gap where X is positioned—so the battle will move progressively upward. As a second attack, he'll create a big target that locates X's positioning then try to blast him with a barrage of huge missiles.

  • Weak against: Magnet Mine

Fake Zero

Depending on whether or not X collected all of Zero's parts by defeating Agile, Serges and Violen early in the game, the fake Zero may or may not be the enemy. If X fails to collect Zero's parts from them, you'll have to face Sigma's fake Zero. As a fighter, he has all of the moves X has. If X managed to collect all of Zero's parts, he'll show up and blast the fake Zero away, eliminating him as a boss character.

  • Weak against: Speed Burner

Neo Sigma

Like a wolverine, Sigma whips out a pair of claws, preparing to destroy X. His primary attack is to dash forward, swiping at X with his claws, sending X bouncing across the room. When he senses a powerful attack coming his way, he'll beam out and transport back in quickly—trying to land on X's head. Finally, if he can keep him grounded, he'll start blasting X with rapid circular projectiles.

  • Weak against: Sonic Slicer

Sigma Virus

Escaping death by taking this form, Sigma becomes a computer virus. First, he'll use his huge frame to try to crowd X on either side of the room. While this is going on, he'll use his power to create a constant stream of minor Maverick foes, to keep X busy. As he takes more damage, he'll change colors, getting quicker and quicker as he gets closer to eradication.

  • Weak against: Strike Chain