
Rusalka is an aquatic demon whose powerful voice can influence the surrounding sea, which is compelled to obey her commands. Rusalka is all about keeping heroes off balance with quickly executed attacks depending upon their position: She'll attack distanced enemies by sweeping her hand across the battlefield's flooded surface and causing a violent ridge--a damaging wave--while carelessly approaching enemies will feel the sting of her lightning-quick tendrils. Rusalka can influence even normal surroundings, her powerful voice causing spiky stone pillars to fall onto the battlefield. Her grand attack, a crippling tsunami that pours over the entire area, will prove near-fatal for unprotected heroes, whose only means of shelter is positioning themselves beneath the very same stone pillars (assuming at least one remains).

Games In: Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Similar Enemies: None
Forms List: Not available
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