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-Denotes those who have contributed a decent amount of material.
-Denotes those who have contributed massive amounts of material.
- Contributed 147 game scans.
Aaron Mims
-Contributed 1050 game scans, and 18 MP3s.
Ace Whatever
-Contributed 14 game endings.
Adam -Contributed 37 games.
Adam35711 -Contributed 1 game ending.
AdamL -Contributed 16 game endings.
Adriano Leite -Contributed 1 game ending.
Aishsha -Contributed 3 endings.
Aisu Breeze -Contributed 6 games and 3 game endings.
akiTONE -Contributed 1 game endings.
Al LaPrade -Contributed 25 game endings.
Alejandro -Contributed 1 game ending.
Alex -Contributed 1 game ending.
Alexander -Contributed 1 game scan.
Alexander Patraj -Contributed 12 game scans.
Alphard -Contributed 1 game ending.
AnakinVdr from Nintendo Game Archive
-Contributed 284 game scans, and 389 game ads.
Andreas Joachim Mergner -Contributed 2 wallpapers.
Andrevan from IRL -Contributed 16 game scans.
Andrew Rae
-Contributed 8 games and 134 game endings.
Andy Calvert -Contributed 2 game scans.
Andy Carr -Contributed 2 game scans.
-Contributed 204 game scans.
Antonio -Contributed 4 music tracks.
Apachacha -Contributed 2 game endings.
ApacheMan2K -Contributed 17 game endings.
Apollo -Contributed 41 game scans.
Arjak -Contributed 2 game scans.
Ark 5th -Contributed 1 game ending.
Art -Contributed 1 game ending.
ASchultz -Contributed 8 game endings.
-Contributed 16 games.
Audi -Contributed 3 game endings.
Bakudon -Contributed 5 endings.
Baldi -Contributed 25 game scans.
Bast -Contributed 1 ending.
Beastard -Contributed 1 ending.
Beiguo -Contributed 1 ending.
Benito -Contributed 22 game scans.
Biffo’s Dog -Contributed 1 game and 1 ending.
-Contributed 57 game endings.
Blackoak -Contributed 1 ending.
Blindness -Contributed 3 endings.
Blitzchamp -Contributed 1 game screenshots.
Boba Fett -Contributed 1 game, and 3 scans.
Boochi -Contributed 1 game and 2 scans.
Boyakki -Contributed 10 game endings.
Bozak -Contributed 1 ending.
Bren -Contributed 1 ending.
BreakTargets -Contributed 1 ending.
Brian -Contributed 14 games.
Brickroad -Contributed 2 game screenshots.
BRPXQZME -Contributed 1 ending.
Bryan Clark -Contributed 1 game ending.
Buapo -Contributed 1 ending.
Byron McDanold -Contributed 2 system pics.
C-64 Games
-Assorted C-64 games.
Cameron - Contributed 1 ending.
Camus - Contributed 5 endings.
Capricorn -Contributed 12 games.
Carrion Reek -Contributed 14 game scans.
Caveman Ninja -Contributed 9 sprite rips.
Cavery210 - Contributed 10 endings.
CBH -Contributed 1 game.
cccmar - Contributed 1 ending.
Cckerberos - Contributed 1 ending.
CesarMFM - Contributed 1 ending.
Cgvg -Contributed 42 game scans.
Chad Polenz -Contributed 10 game reviews.
Chanacol - Contributed 2 game endings.
- Contributed 179 rips.
ChaosTheorem - Contributed 1 ending.
Chris -Contributed 1 game ending.
cj_iwakura - Contributed 1 ending.
Cleeem - Contributed 5 endings.
CloudVII - Contributed 2 endings.
cmd1 - Contributed 1 ending.
Cody Jarrett -Contributed 50 endings.
CoF -Contributed 4 games and 2 endings.
Commander Marklar -Contributed 2 game scans.
- Contributed 43 games.
Coolkat -Contributed 17 games.
Cosmicnet -Contributed 1 ending.
Crashtest -Contributed 1 game and 2 game endings.
CreativEmu - Contributed 20 games.
-Contributed 104 games.
Cutman -Contributed 10 games, 60 game scans and 3 game endings.
CWDevine -Contributed 1 ending.
Dale -Contributed 10 game scans.
DarkChojin -Contributed 8 game endings.
Dark Mazda's Domain -Assorted Neo-Geo CD scans.
Dark Watcher's Domain -Contributed 3 game reviews.
DarknessSavior -Contributed 3 game endings.
- Contributed 5 games, and 86 game endings.
Darryl B. - Contributed 1 game review.
David - Contributed 26 game scans.
Dawny - Contributed 1 ending.
- Contributed 1 game screenshots, and 53 game endings.
Densetsu -Contributed 1 game ending.
DExcel -Contributed 1 game ending.
DeXeSs -Contributed 1 game ending.
DIN1031 - Contributed 12 game scans.
Dingo -Contributed 2 game reviews.
DiscoAlucard -Contributed 6 game endings.
Divingkataetheweirdo -Contributed 1 game ending.
Djinn -Contributed 1 game ending.
DJTigresa -Contributed 9 games, 22 game scans and 13 game endings,
DMWeb -Contributed Contributed 2 endings.
Dogmatix Man -Contributed 28 game scans.
Double Dragon Dojo -Contributed 6 game scans.
DownSouth420 -Contributed 1 game ending.
D&P Haber -Contributed 78 game scans.
Draconis - Contributed 1 ending.
Dragonmaster - Contributed 2 endings.
DragoonMyuutsu - Contributed 1 ending.
-Contributed 174 games.
Dream Land - Contributed 1 game.
DR. KYNES - Contributed 4 games.
DrSenbei - Contributed 2 endings.
DvD - Contributed 3 endings.
-Contributed 2,403 games, 21 scans and 6 game endings.
Eien Ni Hen - Contributed 34 game endings.
Electromaster 64 -Contributed 2 game scans.
Eloist -Contributed 8 game scans.
e Matyas - Contributed 1 game ending.
EmuMax -Assorted TG-16 games.
Enba Blaze -Contributed 3 games and 1 game ending.
Enigmaopoeia -Contributed 3 game endings.
Eric 'Mutt Fox' Wright -Contributed 4 system pics and 76 game scans.
Ernst Schuller -Contributed 1 game ending.
Eroico02 -Contributed 1 game.
Etria -Contributed 1 game ending.
Euclid -Contributed 1 game ending.
eXAXXiON -Contributed 3 game endings.
Explosion Net -Assorted N64 games.
Fabiano -Contributed 1 game ending.
Falcon -Contributed 1 review.
Fataku -Contributed 1 game and 1 game ending.
FaustWolf -Contributed 1 game ending.
Filler -Contributed 1 game ending.
Flame -Contributed 1 game ending.
FlashVP -Contributed 2 game endings.
Flying Armor -Contributed 1 game.
Flying Omelette -Contributed 2 endings.
-Contributed 137 games, the Dragon Warrior Monster Charts, 1 ending.
Foxhound -Contributed 2 scans.
Fragnarok -Contributed 2 game endings.
FrostedFl -Contributed 1 game ending.
FuturArt -Contributed 1 wallpaper.
-Assorted Genesis games.
Galen Puronen -Contributed 5 games screenshots.
Gamerhenky -Contributed 3 endings.
GameScanner -Contributed 41 game scans.
Garoth Moulinoski -Contributed 1 game ending.
GekiV -Contributed 1 ending.
General Horace -Contributed 1 game ending.
Generalme -Contributed 1 game ending.
Gennadiy Master -Contributed 25 endings.
-Contributed 33 game endings.
gfrankwick -Contributed 45 game ads.
Gynoug -Contributed 1 game.
Hall of Light
-Contributed 998 games and 61 endings.
Hedon -Contributed 28 games.
Herr Sol -Contributed 9 game scans.
Hillebrinkie -Contributed 1 ending.
Hybrid -Contributed 1 game ending.
Hydao -Contributed 1 game ending.
Ian Johnston -Contributed 4 system pics.
iamthejake2000 -Contributed 1 ending.
Ichiban Crush
-Contributed 22 Game Ads, 166 games and 42 additional game screenshots.
IcyCool -Contributed 1 game ending.
-Contributed 401 game scans.
Insanitist - Contributed 1 game ending.
Inspector Vector -Various Artwork.
Intellivision Graffiti
-Assorted Intellivision games.
Iñaki -Contributed 1 game ending.
IMO -Contributed 1 ending.
Iron Knuckle -Contributed 3 endings.
J. Soler -Contributed 2 games, and 1 scan.
Jacquismo -Contributed 19 game endings.
James Mamone -Contributed 1 game review.
James Wragg -Contributed 18 game endings.
Jamie Lee -Contributed 15 game endings.
Jammaniaclord -Contributed 4 game endings.
Japadius -Contributed 2 game endings.
Jason Falconer -Contributed 6 game reviews.
JDTAY -Contributed 1 game ending.
Jeff Cotten -Contributed 5 game endings.
Jeff Nussbaum -Contributed 1 game ending.
JimBob -Contributed 1 game ending.
-Contributed 65 game endings.
Jin-Iytoshi -Contributed 2 game reviews.
JLukas -Contributed 1 game ending.
JMSH -Contributed 8 game scans.
JoeHigash - Contributed 3 game endings.
-Contributed 160 game endings.
Joong -Contributed 1 game ending.
Jorge Nieves -Contributed 2 games.
Jörn -Contributed 18 game scans.
Josh -Contributed 7 games, 7 game scans, and 2 game reviews.
Joshua Dennis -Contributed 1 game scan.
Jotaro Raido -Contributed 19 game endings.
JR -Contributed 1 game ending.
Juan C. Jiménez -Contributed 13 game scans, and 1 game.
Justjustin -Contributed 1 game ending.
Kain Xiorcal -Contributed 1 game ending.
KaneRobot -Contributed 38 game scans.
-Contributed 188 games.
Kevin Low -Contributed 3 game endings.
Kevin Nunes -Contributed 11 game scans.
KeyBlade999 -Contributed 1 game ending.
KindarSpirit -Contributed 5 game endings.
King Arthur Pendragon -Contributed 1 game ending.
KingMike -Contributed 7 game scans.
Kirokan -Contributed 1 ending.
Kitsune Sniper
-Contributed 74 games, 19 game reviews and 19 endings.
-Contributed 113 game endings.
Kobushi -Contributed 12 game endings.
KOF Perfect - Assorted Neo-Geo scans.
Kung Fu Furby -Contributed 13 game endings.
Kuro-chan -Contributed 1 ending.
Kyo Kusanagi
-Contributed 136 games, and 13 game scans.
Labedzki - Contributed 12 game endings.
Lady Kirk -Contributed 11 game scans.
Ladyabaxa -Contributed 1 ending.
Larry -Contributed 26 game scans.
LastBossKiller -Contributed 2 endings.
Last Cetra - Contributed 1 game ending.
- Contributed 93 games and 2 game endings.
Lezard -Contributed 1 game ending.
LGN-76 -Contributed 2 endings.
Light Hawk King -Contributed 7 sprite rips.
Likeable Rodent -Contributed 2 game scans.
Loki555 -Contributed 2 games.
Lord Oddeye Sama -Contributed 5 game endings.
Lord0bsidian -Contributed 1 game ending.
LostTemplar -Contributed 2 game endings.
Louie -Contributed 1 game.
Louis S -Contributed 1 game ending.
Luigi -Contributed 1 game ending.
Luiz Fernando Alves
-Contributed 2 games, 828 game scans and 21 game endings.
Lukegorri -Contributed 1 game and 4 game scans.
Lukman -Contributed 17 game endings.
LyncJW -Contributed 1 game ending.
M Tieleman -Contributed 3 game scans.
Mafoo343 -Contributed 1 ending.
Magicalpatcher -Contributed 1 game ending.
Magnus Ver Magnusum -Contributed 1 game ending.
Magnus Anderson -Contributed 1 ending.
Mahlemiut -Contributed 4 endings.
Majax79 -Contributed 1 game ending.
Manuel -Contributed 1 game ending.
Manuel Pazos -Contributed 1 game ending.
Marcelo -Contributed 1 game ending.
Marco -Contributed 1 game scan.
Mario974 -Contributed 5 game scans.
-Contributed 95 game scans, and 16 wallpapers.
Marlon -Contributed 8 game scans.
MarsDriver -Contributed 2 game endings.
Master Ace -Contributed 9 game endings.
Matias Naranja -Contributed 3 endings.
Matt Carr -Contributed 3 endings.
Matt Cook -Contributed 1 game ending.
Maverick -Various X-Men rips.
Maxim from SMSPower - Contributed 1 game ending.
mbox -Contributed 5 game scans.
MCPantera -Contributed 5 endings and 24 games scans.
Melanogaster - Contributed 7 endings.
MetHy - Contributed 1 ending.
meu2 - Contributed 1 ending.
Mich - Contributed 11 game scans.
Mightyblue -Contributed 1 game screenshots.
Mike -Contributed 23 game endings.
Mike Myers
-Contributed 2 games and 43 game endings.
Mike Sgam -Contributed 1 game ending.
Mini4Rider -Contributed 4 game endings.
Mirko -Contributed 1 game scan.
MisterNifty -Contributed 1 game ending.
MJRARE -Contributed 1 game ending.
MJC -Contributed 75 games and 1 game ending.
Momo Vampire -Contributed 1 game screenshots, and 1 ending.
MonkeyIslandGirl -Contributed 4 endings.
Monoxide219 -Contributed 2 game endings.
Moondog -Contributed 1 ending.
Moses -Contributed 2 game endings.
Morfus -Contributed 1 game ending.
Mozai -Contributed 1 game ending.
MP83 -Contributed 1 game screenshot, and 3 game endings.
MrBlarney -Contributed 1 game ending.
Mr X -Contributed 8 game scans.
-Contributed 374 games, 14 Game Scans and 3 game endings.
Mr.Hibiki -Contributed 1 game ending.
Mr.Wilbury - Contributed 4 game endings.
MSTieScott -Contributed 2 game endings.
Mukimuki -Contributed 2 game endings.
Mustafa -Contributed 1 game ending.
MustafaG -Contributed 4 game endings.
MWD -Contributed 1 game.
Mysticales -Contributed 1 game ending.
NES Boy -Contributed 2 endings.
Nesrocks -Contributed 1 game ending.
Nicholas -Contributed 1 game ending.
Nightcrawler -Contributed 1 ending.
Nigoli -Contributed 5 endings.
Ninjasrok -Contributed 1 ending.
NintendoComplete -Contributed 1 game ending.
NoOneee -Contributed 1 ending.
-Contributed 119 game endings.
-Contributed 106 game screenshots and 1562 game endings.
Nworldnmc -Contributed 1 game ending.
O Ilusionista -Contributed 1 game ending.
Octoprime -Contributed 7 game screenshots.
Odino -Contributed 9 game endings.
ODog502 -Contributed 1 game ending.
-Contributed 1074 games, 6 game scans, 157 endings and 62 game ads.
Olivier -Contributed 1 game ending.
Omnizero -Contributed 1 game ending.
Onivas Areilza -Contributed 2 game scans.
Opi from Screenmania
-Contributed 2,887 games, 165 game scans, 26 endings, 1 review, and 1 sprite rip.
Outkastcjb -Contributed 9 games.
Pacc - Contributed 1 game.
Patrick - Contributed 4 game scans.
Paul Jensen - Contributed 15 endings.
Paulo-Magno - Contributed 1 ending.
PCEFan Chris - Contributed 1 ending.
PeKENyo - Contributed 5 game reviews.
Pennywise - Contributed 1 ending.
Peter - Contributed 2 endings.
Phil The Hammer - Contributed 1 ending.
Pick Cook - Contributed 7 games.
Prodakah -Contributed 1 game ending.
PS3Talk - Contributed 27 game scans.
q 3 -Contributed 1 game ending.
Qun Mang
-Contributed 135 scans.
|r0mz| - Contributed 2 endings.
R00n5t3r - Contributed 3 endings.
Rafcor - Contributed 2 endings.
Rage Quitter 87 -Contributed 3 endings.
Ragey -Contributed 1 ending.
Raphie - Contributed 1 ending.
Raptor Green - Contributed 1 ending.
Raziel - Contributed 22 reviews and 4 game endings.
RealKyo - Contributed 41 games and 8 game scans.
Red Soul -Contributed 1 ending.
Red88Rex -Contributed 1 ending.
- Contributed 63 game scans.
Reiji-Kun -Contributed 1 ending.
REIROM -Contributed 1 ending.
Retro - Contributed 1 game ending.
-Contributed 434 games, 313 game scans, 414 game ads, 3932 endings and 1 old dead message board.
Richard Ashmore -Contributed 1 ending.
Richard DD -Contributed 1 ending.
Rickard - Contributed 1 game ending.
Rikusu - Contributed 1 game ending.
Rinoa - Contributed 1 game ending.
Rob Browning - Contributed 1 game ending.
Robin Mask - Contributed 7 games.
Rolins - Contributed 9 game endings.
RPG Master -Contributed 2 endings.
Ruiner9 - Contributed 1 game review.
Rusty - Contributed 2 games.
rx782 -Contributed 1 game ending.
Ryukenden - Contributed 1 game screenshots.
-Contributed 7 game scans and 223 game endings.
RZX Archive - Contributed 434 game endings.
SaebaRYO -Contributed 1 game ending.
SamIAm -Contributed 2 game ending.
SamusAran - Contributed 2 game endings.
Sarah Meyer -Contributed 1 game ending.
Saturn Urameshi -Contributed 1 game ending.
SAV2880 -Contributed 3 game scans.
Sayang -Contributed 18 Game Ads and 15 game endings.
Scorpiove -Contributed 1 game ending.
Scott - Contributed 4 scans.
Seabass - Contributed 3 games.
Seihen -Contributed 1 game ending.
Seppukumaru -Contributed 1 game ending.
sfx - Contributed 1 game.
Shaun Kranzusch -Contributed 13 game scans.
Shellshock -Contributed 14 game screenshots.
Shemp -Contributed 1 game ending.
Shezee -Contributed 9 game scans.
Shinigami -Contributed 4 game scans.
Shimizu Hitomi -Contributed 1 game ending.
Sinister Pizza -Contributed 3 wallpapers and 1 art gallery.
SIMple_dave -Contributed 1 ending.
Skippy911 - Contributed 3 game endings.
Sky_Yoshi -Contributed 1 game ending.
SkyeWelse -Contributed 6 game endings.
Slein - Contributed 12 games.
Smasher 100 -Contributed 22 game endings.
Smorpheus - Contributed 3 game endings.
SMS Power -Assorted SMS, Game Gear, and SG-1000 pics.
Snark -Contributed 1 ending.
SniperViper - Contributed 1 game.
- Contributed 51 game endings.
SomeGirl -Contributed 1 game ending.
Space Man -Contributed 1 game ending.
Spectra -Contributed 4 games and 7 game scans.
Spikey - Contributed 4 game endings.
SpkLeader - Contributed 4 game endings.
Spoonygundam - Contributed 1 game screenshots.
SSJ89 -Contributed 2 games and 1 game ending.
Steven Lee -Contributed 1 ending.
Strikebomber -Contributed 2 endings.
Sturmman -Contributed 1 game ending.
Sub Sane -Contributed 3 games.
Summi -Contributed 2 scans.
Super Squall -Contributed 1 game.
SuperG -Assorted SNES Games and 25 game endings.
Supreme1 - Contributed 1 ending.
Synchronicity -Contributed 1 game ending.
SYS2064 -Assorted Arcade games.
Tammy -Contributed 1 game ending.
Teary Eyes -Contributed 4 endings.
Tech Neon -Contributed 2 game endings.
Tecviper -Contributed 1 game scan.
Terunaga -Contributed 9 game scans.
Texx -Contributed 1 ending.
Thai and Anh Ngo -Contributed 1 game ending.
TheFado -Contributed 1 ending.
TheLetterM -Contributed 1 ending.
Thibaut Gauthier -Contributed 1 game.
Thöja Enwizz from The Ela Fountain -Contributed 16 game scans and 2 system pics.
Thorfinn -Contributed 55 sprite rips.
threetimes -Contributed 1 game ending.
Tiamat X -Contributed 60 game scans.
TJ -Contributed 9 game scans.
TJ Meister -Contributed 12 game scans.
TK Flash -Contributed 2 game endings.
ToeJam - Contributed 3 game endings.
Tom H -Contributed 1 ending.
Tomato -Contributed 5 game endings.
Tony -Contributed 4 game scans.
TonyB -Contributed 3 game endings.
Trace -Contributed 1 ending.
Trevor -Contributed 1 game review.
Trike -Contributed 1 game.
Tristan -Contributed 1 ending.
Tristan885 -Contributed 1 game ending.
Tropicon -Contributed 1 ending.
Tupou - Contributed 15 game endings.
Tuxedo Kamen -Contributed 4 games and various DBZ rips.
Tyler -Contributed 1 game and 4 game endings.
-Contributed 156 game scans.
Ugetab -Contributed 1 ending.
Vampier - Contributed 17 game endings.
Vaz -Contributed 1 ending.
Vehek -Contributed 1 ending.
Vermilh0 -Contributed 9 games.
Vesther -Contributed 1 game ending.
Vincent -Contributed 1 ending.
Vinicius -Contributed 2 games.
Visslik -Contributed 17 game ads.
Vito -Contributed 1 game ending.
Vitor -Contributed 2 scans, and 3 games with many many shots.
Vixtar -Contributed 4 endings.
vnisanian2001 -Contributed 1 ending.
Volandum -Contributed 2 game endings.
Vortex -Contributed 2 game scans.
Wildrows -Contributed 2 game endings.
Willy Koch -Contributed 52 game scans.
Wolf -Contributed 1 game ending.
Wolfgirl -Contributed 2 game scans.
Xaer0Knight -Contributed 8 game scans.
Xavier Esquerre Mayrena -Contributed 2 game scans.
Xonox -Contributed 7 games.
Xyz -Contributed 1 game ending.
Yuuichi -Contributed 1 game ending.
Zauver -Contributed 6 game scans.
ZeikTheGeek -Contributed 1 game ending.
Zerker -Contributed 28 games.
Zerochan -Contributed 1 ending.
-Contributed 191 game scans.
ZZebedeee -Contributed 3 sprite rips.