Art of Fighting

System: SNES Country: US
Developer: SNK Publisher: Takara
Size: 16 Megabits Save Feature: None
Retail Price: ? Release Date: 1993
Number of Players: 1 - 2 Genre: 2D Fighter
Also On: Neo Geo, Genesis Followed By: Art of Fighting 2, Art of Fighting 3
Related Links: Review, Ending

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    SNES port of the Neo Geo game; not the best of SNK's fighters, but not necessarily the worst, either. There are 10 characters to choose from in player vs. computer or player vs. player mode, but one may only choose either Ryo or Robert in story mode. The story revolves around saving Ryo's kidnapped girlfriend, but it's basically just an excuse to beat up people (which makes one wonder why they made a story mode and a player vs. computer mode).

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Contributed by: Opi

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