BASS Masters Classic

System: SNES Country: US
Developer: Malibu Games Publisher: Malibu Games
Size: 12 Megabits Save Feature: Password
Retail Price: $65.95 Release Date: 1994
Number of Players: 1 Genre: Sports - Fishing
ESRB Rating: K-A (Kids to Adults) Also On: Genesis, Game Boy Color
Followed By: BASS Masters Classic Pro Edition

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    Bass fishing game officially endorsed by BASS (Bass Anglers Sportsman Society), and touted as being the most realistic fishing experience available at the time. I can't support or deny that statement, but I can say that the game does not lack for details. Wind, temperature, water depth and time of day are all taken into account, and players can choose from a huge selection of new reels, rods, engines, fish finders and lures at the bait shop. Gameplay is a straightforward tournament, the object of which is to bring in the most weight in bass. Followed by a Pro Edition, which was essentially just an upgrade.

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