Battle Clash

System: SNES Country: US
Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Size: 8 Megabits Save Feature: None
Retail Price: ? Release Date: October, 1992
Number of Players: 1 - 2 Genre: Light Gun Shooter
Related Links: Ending Followed By: Metal Combat - Falcon's Revenge

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    One of the handful of games made for the Super Scope 6, a bazooka-like peripheral for the SNES. You play an ST (Standing Tank) gunner, on a quest to defeat the eight best ST pilots in the world. There's an obvious anime influence, with giant mechs travelling at high speeds through destroyed cities while shooting at each other. The ability to charge your gun or just shoot rapid fire and the ability to blow off multiple parts of your enemy's ST add a little strategy to this shooter, but it is hampered by a lack of lasting value, as the game can be beaten in under an hour, or even a half hour if you're good enough.

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Contributed by: Opi

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