Castlevania Sorrow: End Game
By The Crossman
"My God! My God! Why have You forsaken
Mark: 15. 33.
Kyoto, Japan. The 5th. Of June 2075 A.D.
The wind blew cold through broken openings. I sat in my chair. I am Soma
Cruz. My family had gathered before the celebration of my 59th. Birthday.
I closed my eyes. I was weary. Those who stood around, watched me with longing
on their faces. So few. It was a joke to think about. That I had survived
the hordes of Dracula, and the cult's gathered demons, to be left alone.
13 monsters had there been. They had murdered my family. I opened my eyes.
Jenryah Oikawa was still watching. He had stabbed my poor dear Mina before
my eyes. The mere sight filled me with smoldering hate. My life had been
a cursed existence. All because of Genya Arikado and his damn meddling.
Why couldn't he have left me alone? I could've lived an ordinary life. The
wounds got the better of me. I bent over. "Curse you!" I said. "Curse you
to hell!" The witches took Mina's charm from me. I knew that Chaos was boiling
over. I no longer feared their influence. The spirit of the Dark Lord would
get nothing from me. Poison boiled in my vains. "Chaos take all of you!"
I cursed them all with my last breth. I would continue to do so with all
my strength. The order of shadow wasn't going to win. I wouldn't let it
be. I had killed the werewolf. I could kill them all. I would kill them…
When he died, a sort of black smoke seemed to leave his body. Oikawa breathed.
He had remain hidden until it was time. The order, who was still loyal to
the memory of count Dracula, had contacted him. They requested something
from him. The warlocks and witches reached out with their hands. No one
would ever harvest Dracula's ghost. So it was. Oikawa knew that. The presence
had already left. The vampires burst out in lamentation for their fallen
prince of Darkness. His family was no more. Nobody was then left of Soma's
blood to foil with their business. That was a relief he was willing to pay
for. He himself possessed the power of dominance. Perhaps even the next
year, the great would awaken. That would be their finest moment. The necromancer
was the only who seemed untoutched of what had happened. Vivian Krause,
and his brother Julian, was descendant of the Dark Lord's chosen desiple.
He had watched all of the events. Though it was Oikawa who had led their
campaign. Uriel should have been present. He would have been pleased. Twise
the angel of Death had challenged the throne robber. Now it was all over.
The cycle would begin anew.
Hakuba shrine, Japan. The 15th. Of August 2075 A.D.
Genya Arikado had been summoned. He entered the shrine. His words had been
true. Few but he was left of the group which ventured into Dracula's castle.
Arikado showed no emotions. Of that, he was uncapable. He wondered what
might happen now. It had been discovered that the order of shadow where
behind. The flowers where giving forth such a wonderful smell. He thought
of those he had loved. That was so very long ago. He could not cherish it.
He could not cherish anything. The world was at it was. Genya Arikado was
who he was. So be it. The Lord would save them at last. He toutched the
tiny silver crucifix which he kept underneath his tie. The field seemed
unchanged. The Hakuba family would continue to caretake their mission. That
at least was something to behold. Arikado went over the field. There where
three messages for him. The first, from his own agency, told the hunt for
the order continued. That was to be expected. HE arched an eyebrow by the
second note. Soma Cruz still got living descendants. Yoko Belnades, who
was an aged woman by now, was certain. The third message told of the activety
of the Belmont clan. They continued to hunt for the undead. Arikado would
burn the notes. "If the world needs a Dark Lord." HE repeated. "Someone
will appear. Although it is not Soma." He had no choise but to continue
his work.
(A.N: What really will happen if Soma Cruz died? Of
high age or by assassination. Either way. That may be the still ongoing
future of our series. Have a nice time indeed.)