Glitches and Fun Facts


Whip Felt 'Round the World: Simon's Quest has a strange glitch where you can swing the whip while facing the screen's edge and see the whip's edge appear on the screen's other side. This works as more than just a visual--if you time it correctly, you can actually use this glitch to damage enemies that rest on the opposite side of the screen. (Contributed by Danny.)

Spike Walker: As sort of an offspring of the Extra Boost secret: Simon can use his ledge-maneuvering ability to stand on the edges of spikes that jut out horizontally from walls. This will allow him to jump to a higher platform without taking damage when it appears he should. (Contributed by Danny.)

A Very Special Message: So it turns out that the Famicom Disk System version of Simon's Quest contains a variant of the worst ending. If you really take your time and finish the game on the 69th day, you get a special message at the credit's end. The game says to you, "See You Again." (Contributed by ReyVGM. Image credited to The Cutting Room Floor.)

The Hangover: Most obvious about Simon's Quest's day-to-night system is that enemies grow in toughness whenever the sun sets and their endurance doubles, and they weaken whenever the sun rises. However, any enemy on-screen during the "...Horrible Curse" or "The Morning Sun Has Vanquished..." shift will defy the system and retain its enhanced or diminished hit-point total.
