Slogra and Gaibon Madness

Page 1: Trailblazing Art | Page 2: The New Batch


"Caffeine Slogra- Nice to see Slogra fully caffineated (sp?) today. 11-7-200V."

"Cast of Vania 4- The CV4 guys gather 'round for a group shot! One of my favorite CV drawings, done 10-24-1998."

"cv2brmerman- The Merman in Belmont's Revenge brandishes a fierce blade. Winter 200V, I think..."

"snt94boss.jpg- A very rushed drawing of all the CV4 masters done towards the close of an art class in the Spring of 1994."

"snt94garg.jpg- A drawing of That Gargoyle at the end of CV4...the one after Slogra."

"xtremeslog.jpg- Slogra is EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME!!!!! Done in response to that Loonatics fiasco of two years ago, in which Bugs Bunny was redesigned as a brown spike. Remember that?"

(All of this and more wacky artwork can be found at Mr. Roman's website - Dracula's Curse "The Page"!!!)
