Although it is not one of the newest titles on the Playstation,
credit must be given. Street Fighter Alpha 3 is by far one of the
greatest 2D arcade translation to grace the Sony Playstation.
Street Fighter Alpha 3 brings back old familiar faces from the
series as well as introduces new characters and moves. Street
Fighter Vets will be pleased with the extras. New players to the
series will find a fighting game that provides fast paced action,
hidden characters, special moves, and tons of extras. What
more could you ask for in a 2D fighter?
Graphics: 9 out of 10
An excellent arcade port. Street Fighter Alpha 3 contains
excellent 2D animation, lighting effects, and colorful
backgrounds. The new characters look great. Each character
has new animated intro sequences depending on who they face.
Equally impressive are the super combo animations where the
entire screen boils over with special effects and shadow delays.
Each character ending has been redone. There is also a nice
animated intro. Returning characters from the Alpha series retain
the same look.
Sound: 8 out of 10
Street Fighter Alpha 3's stage music is decent, and fits each
character. The music is an improvement over the other Alphas
giving you a techno/ dance beat. Character voices were kept in
Japanese, but fit each character well. Sound effects are well
done. Every blow is followed by grunts, groans, and of course
the explosive sounds after a special move.
Gameplay and Replay:10 out of 10
New characters and character moves gives SFA3 a new depth
gameplay. A total of 34 diverse characters can be used.
Characters have been balanced out giving no one character an
edge. Computer AI is decent depending on the difficulty level.
The use of X-ISM, A-ISM, V-ISM can change the moves and
strategies for each character. Each ISM can give advantages,
but at the same time limit others. This also gives more depth to
Replay is where SFA3 shines. Each character has been given
new endings and storyline as they progress in Arcade mode. A
World Tour mode has been added. In World Tour You go on a
"world tour" with your favorite characters and gain experience
points by defeating challengers from each country. Gathered
experience points go towards "leveling up" your character, like in
an RPG - the better the fight, the bigger the reward. While your
characters level up, they will also be granted access to special
ISM-plus abilities, such as Auto guard, Alpha cancel, and
Damage plus. Once you have earned these skills, you can then
augment each ISM with abilities previously unavailable in normal
arcade play. For instance, X-ism lacks air blocking, but through
world tour mode, you can enable an X-ism character to perform
air blocking. Character levels peak at 32, while each ism maxes
out at level five (considered mastery). As an added bonus, you
can take characters you created in world tour mode to fight in
versus mode by importing from memory cards. More hidden
modes and characters can be unlocked by playing both Arcade
and World Tour giving even more replay value to SFA3.
Overall: 9 out of 10
Capcom has done an outstanding job with the Playstation port
of Street Fighter Alpha 3. It is by far one of the greatest 2D
fighting games on the Sony Playstation....