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Technical Specs
Model Number:
MK-1601 (r1), MK-1631 (r2), MK-1641 (r3)
Motorola 68000 at 7.61 MHz
1 MByte (8 Mbit)
64 KByte
Z80 @ 4 MHz (Not Present in MK-1631)
controls PSG (Programmable Sound Generator) & FM Chips
Sound RAM:
8 KBytes
Colors Available:
Colors on screen:
Pixel Resolution:
320 x 224
VDP (Video Display Processor) dedicated video display processor,
controls playfield & sprites.
3 Planes, 2 scrolling playfields, 1 sprite plane
64 KBytes (Video Ram)
64 x 9-bits (Color RAM)
PSG (TI 76489 chip)
FM chip (Yamaha YM 2612)
6-channel stereo
8 KBytes RAM Signal/Noise Ratio: 14dB
System Notes/History
The 3rd in the series, named the Genesis 3, was released by Majesco, not
SEGA. Although it was under permission of SOA, that model is MK-1641, the MK
1601 is the original, and the MK 1631 is the second of the series.
The Genesis 3 does not have the Z80 processor, and that means the following:
1. Unable to run the MS convertor as it needs the Z80 chip which is the brain
of the SMS.
2. Unable to run Game Genie, the Z80 must have played a role in the use of
this for code break ins.
3. Unable to run special games such as Sega's Virtua Racing, which again uses
the Z80.
The obvious disability of the Genesis 3 is the missing expansion port that
used the purpose of running the SegaCD system. These factors should be taken in consideration if anyone is looking to buy a
Genesis system. -- Contributed by Nestor J. Galeano
Related Links
Sega Genesis Gamepics
Sega Genesis Scans