Fan Fiction
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Chapter 3: Cave.
Cave, Warakiya. The 21st of October 1688 A.D.
This was what Simon called coldness. The frozen air made his breath flout
before him like smoke. Christina mumbled as she did roll along the ground
as if to take out the ice that had erupted on her dress thanks to the water
and rain outside. "Here," Simon said as he brought a hooded cloak out from
his backpack. "take this." "Thanks." She said as she brought it on. Even dough
she wouldn't admit it, she'd underestimated what might be waiting for her
along the rout to the castle. "Christina," Simon said in a low voice. "I think
something terrible is happening." He brandished the Vampire Killer as chilling
coils of mist drifted toward them. Christina stepped forward, reaching out
with her cane like a blind woman. "Be watchful." Simon's voice came to her
from somewhere behind her. "Where are you?" She wanted to know, then she felt
an abyss before her. Simon cracked his whip forward and the top-most skull
of a pillar of bone burst into nothingness. "Thank you Lord." He thanked as
he finished off the final skull. He'd used the Belmont's power to see beyond
the obvious and noticed something evil was before him. "Christina!" He shouted
as he swung the whip at a cluster of incoming bats. Then he stopped, as before
him an abyss opened before him. He crossed himself before taking a deep breath
and jumped. "Witch." Christina had managed to jump the abyss and destroyed
some swarms of bats who'd flew at her, but now it had all became silent. And
now, the word came drifting out from the thickening fog. "Simon?" She worriedly
said. It came no answer. "I know who you are. I feel your power." The voice
whispered. As she walked forward, she sliped on a slope and tripped down on
a new platform. A pillar of bones rouse out from the mist behind her. Christina
wheeled around and made fireballs shoot from her staff. "You see." The voice
echoed from the mist. "You are no better than we are." Simon did crack the
Vampire Killer at the stone-creature and gasped as it broke into two lower
forms. Taking a step forward, he threw the boomerang-cross at the two, making
they each brake into four. He licked his lips and threw holy water at them
and now they broke into pieces. "There is nothing to fear than fear itself."
That had bean the slgan of his father, he'd never fully understood it. He
continued forward and had to duck as a pillar of bones stood on an elevated
pillar started blasting down fireballs at him. Simon cracked the Vampire Killer
and threw a vial of holy water. More bats flew at him as he jumped across
the pillar and was faced with yet another abyss before him. He jumped forward
and landed upon another platform. To his right the abyss continued downward
as to his right, a tiny corridor led. If somebody had asked him, Simon could
never had answered, but he somehow knew it was down the leftmost path in which
he was suretan, Christina had went.
Cave, Warakiya. The 21st of October
1688 A.D.
"You know who you are." The shrouded creature seated in the throne at the
end of the tiny corridor. The being rouse, throwing back the hood and cloak
which concealed him and now Christina could fully see the source of the supernatural
voice.. He was a rather short man, or vampire, a Chinese with that nationality's
characteristics, clad in a blue and yellow cloak and golden embreooderies.
But it was his yellow eyes who really made her stare. "I don't know what you
want of me, but I know who you are. You're a servant of Dracula." "Lord Dracula."
The ice-lord corrected. "And I don't think you understand. I might grant you
a hideout from the people of this world. News of the various witchhunst in
western and sentral Europe must have reached as far as here too." Christina
smiled. "I'm not afraid. The Belmonts will help us. As will the husbands of
my cousins and myself." "And from God." They wheeled around, Simon stood at
the entrance of the cave. "God help all who permit Him to help." The red hair
on his head hung down below his neck dripping wet with sweat and dank mist,
but his face held in it a strong determination which made the ice-lord glide
some steps back. "Simon!" Christina cried with happiness as she ran to him,
he took her in his arms. "I was worried about you." He comfessed before letting
go of her. Together, they turned on the ice-lord. "Foolish humans." The Chinese
vampire mumbled. "You just destroy yourself." Simon merely shook his head
as he brought out vials of holy water. "If we are, then we shall destroy ourselves
as humans, not mindeless blood-sucking monsters." Christina gave him a look.
She'd known Simon all her life and had never heard him speak like this. But
she could understand and not only that. She agreed with it. Simon nodded with
encouragement as he saw how she started generating fire around her hands and
rod. "I might remedy that." The ice-lord said as he rouse from his throne
and elevated into the air. "Auch time." Simon mumbled as a pillar of mist
gathered into the centre of the cave and a mass of chilling mist descended
outward as the pillar collapsed. Just as Christina created a wall of outward
shot fireballs, Simon threw a vial of holy water which he smiling made burst
into a down-pour of vials. "Watch out!" He shouted as the ice-lord shot out
a tiny spread-shot of ice-blobs. As she countered with another wave of fireballs,
Simon leaped at the Chinese vampire as he threw his his boomerang-cross. Their
enemy screamed and rouse his hands to counter the cross which on impact made
blood spill from his roused arms. Then it was Simon's turn to scream as pillars
of ice rouse around him and threw him into the ceiling and then let him fall
flat on the floor. Christina ran at him as she made bolts of lightning strike
down around the ice-lord and wind blew away the frozen blobs he sent at her.
To her eternal joy, Simon got back on his feet. She noticed he put those strange
laurels he'd received from the horn-playing druid into his purce. Simon saw
Christina's open mouth and smiled at her. "It's nothing to worry about." He
reassured. "I'm all right." "Things changes." The ice-lord commented out of
dry humour as made pillars of ice rise to knock Simon and Christina into the
ceiling. But this time they where prepared and used the momentum to jump at
him while Simon cracked the Vampire Killer and Christina made bolts of lightning
strike. Then all happened to quick for them to comprehend. The cloor caved
in and they all three fell down and vanished into the misty abyss below.
Waterfall, Warakiya. The 22nd of October
1688 A.D.
It was the sound of running water which made Simon came about again. He rouse
up and noticed he stood upon a Greece-looking pillar rising up from the river
below. "Simon?" On a platform not far beyond him, Christina got on her feet.
"What happened?" She weakly said as she started dusting off of her dress and
cloak. "I'm not sure." He comfessed. Then something jumped to Simon's mind
and he looked around himself. "You don't know where that ice-lord…" Christina
began, but was cut short as the mist started reforming around them. Christina
screamed and Simon wasn't sure he didn't do the same as the ice-lord reappered.
"Now," The vampire smirked. "you have nowere to run." "Don't expect anything,"
Simon calmly said as he poured holy water over bought the whip and throwing-cross.
"only react to what Dracula throws against you." He smiled. "Something my
father once told me." Christina nodded as she prepared for battle. "Your move."
Simon calmly said. The ice lord made pillar of solid frost rise from the water,
before he made it blow outward like chilling steam. Christina made fireballs
go crisscross all over the place as Simon threw his boomerang-cross and this
time hit the ice-lord in his abdomen. "Curse you!" The ice-lord shouted as
blood oozed from his belly. "I am not finished with you just yet." He spread
his arms and frost surrounded Christina's fireballs, making them fall like
frozen rocks into the water. Simon regained his cross and determined started
to walk out on the froxen pillars their eney had rouse. Christina watched
with ave how Simon leaped into the air and cracked the Vampire Killer whip
at his head and then sent one of his daggers right into his hearth. "May God
forgive you of your sins." Simon said as he finished him of by trusting the
throwing-cross through the ice-lord's trout. She reached out with her magic
and used the wind to embrace him and drew him back upon one of the Greece
pillars. "That was a hard one." Simon foomfessed as he jumped the pillars
over to where Christina stood. "I don't think that is the final blow." She
silently said. "Look upon the water. It's rising upon us." He took a deep
breath. "Just what we needed. Hold on and watch for those needles." Christina
looked around and her eyes focused upon a strange needle formation circling
one of the nearest platforms. "God be with us." She prayed as she did freeze
the needle. Then she jumped and Simon was just behind her.
(A.N: This is a short chapter I know.
But the area in which the musical-piece is played on is also short. You might
look upon the ice-lord as some sort of mid-boss. Until next chapter, have
a nice time.)