Castlevania: Darkness Never Dies
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Part 1: Curse of Blood
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Part 2: Legacy of Sorrow
Landmap | Character List | Prologue
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A Castlevania Landmap2
"Legacy of Sorrow".
Music track: Black Sun.
Within the temple of light, the spirits are watching. The balance is threaten.
Arien has been awaken. All they might do now, is to wait and hope. Five
of the warders bow and then leave the sacred realm. The followers of Chaos
knows about what is happening. They must not be allowed to absorb the blooming
flower of their hope.
Within the countryside of Warakiya, at the village of Doina, Heinrich Schneider
and his friends have gathered. You argue about what to do now as Chrismus
is over. Then the New Order attack. They captured the children. Although
you managed to fend them off, many villagers got killed in the battle. This
is a disaster. Then you notice that Saria got abducted. The villagers blame
you for what happened. You promis to save the village from evil. They don't
believe you. The other children received sanctuary within the church. They'll
remain until you return. You only got three days to keep your promise. The
hunt has begun anew. Patrick Oldrey, Heinrich and Torah Fernandez leave
the village behind.
Inside the Dora wood, two members of the New Order have met each other.
A Lord of Shadow desire something from another. A pact is made. Then they
depart. The remaining individual is pleased. All is going according to plan.
He turn. Then he leave the forest behind. There is still much work to be
Chrismus is over! In England, Edward Morris and Thomas Lecarde are fighting
against the New Order. You spot the castle. Germain appears before you.
He tells you about what happened here in 1917. Someone rebuilt the castle
Proserpina. Shaken, you agree to investigate the affair. Germain warns you
about the rising evil. Then he disappears. You meet Anastasia. She is a
member of the Aulin clan. She tells you about what happened with her family.
The dead soldiers attack. Although you manage to fend them off, you lost
Anastasia in the chase. This is bad. You have no choise but to continue
to investigate the countryside.
In the Vatican, the church is meeting to discuss the threat of the Dark
Lord's return. The pope Mathew is waiting in his office. Rachel Belmont
has volunteered to be his bodyguard. There are rumours of monsters about
the city. Mathew sent David to investigate. They wonder about the Belmont
clan. There have been no words from Isaac Van Helsing since he sent the
telegram. Then Gustav Schneider appears. Paul and Samuel are with him. The
church has reached a settlement. The pope rise to follow. They have to rejoin.
There is work to do. Neither have noticed the order is stalking. They are
almost ready to make their move.
Within the legendary halls of the demon castle, the angel of Death is meeting
with the inner circle. Shaft, Carmilla and Orlock have gathered. Other figures
lurk in the darkness. They plot against their Dark Lord's enemies. The order
have regained their property. Soon the time is right for lord Dracula to
return to this world.
Branches into: Warakiya, the Vatican & England.
Lesser enemies: Bats, skeletons, harpies, zombies, crows, dead soldiers,
hounds & Treant.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.
Intro 1.
Music track: Prologue.
Within Ruvas forest, Heinrich Schneider and his friends are searching for
the abducted children. The weather isn't natural. You become ambushed by
Dracula's followers. It's autumn, like in Yoma marshland. After the battle,
you notice you lost the others. It's raining. At the abandoned farm you
meet with the ferryman. The shrouded figure tells you the legend about the
castle in the forest. For a price, he might row you across the river. The
group is reunited. You're glad they survived. The ferryman starts rowing.
The mist thickens about. You're unsure if you might live up to your family's
legacy. There is no turning back. Another chapter has begun in the war against
count Dracula.
Branches into: Warakiya.
Lesser enemies: Bats, skeletons, ghosts & zombies.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.
Quest 1.
Hero(es): Patrick Oldrey, Heinrich Schneider & Torah Fernandez.
Supporting cast.
The ferryman, Aaron, Dracula's servant, Julia, Joseph Vincent, Susan Oldrey,
Jacob Oldrey, Renon, Iori, Gilles De Reis, Actrise, giant lizard man, grim
reaper, Rose & Saria.
Castle in the forest.
The castle in the forest is the hideout for Dracula's followers. Heinrich
Schneider and his friends must search through 16 castle sections to save
the children and to might solve the puzzle of the castle.
Haunted ship.
Music track: Foggy lake.
Lake track: The ocean.
The haunted ship is located near the heart of the lake. The ferryman rowes
you across. Patrick have to climb aboard. The mist shrouds everything. You
recognize the scent of the missing children. The ship is haunted by the
dead from the sea. You have to locate the cabin key. The cargo contains
of these 30 boxes of earth. Patrick should obtain the stakes. Sigmund is
hiding within the other hold. The side of the ship got smashed through.
You have to escape from the rising water. The ship is sinking fast. You
should use the reckage to might get back to shore. The water dragon rise
from the stream. After the battle, the bridge collapsed. There is no turning
back. You have to enter into the forest.
Branches into: The forest.
Lesser enemies: Fishmen, ghosts & skeletons.
Guardian(s): Water dragon.
Guardian description: The water dragon rise out from the water to strike
its head down or spit fireballs. Some portions of the bridge might collapse.
The fireballs might also make the water wave or might become sticky magma.
The water dragon might also summon other fishmen which might finish off
the battle.
The forest.
Music track: Silence.
This is the forest. Heinrich have to find his friends. The silence isn't
natural. At the crossroad, lightning strikes. The dead start to come alive.
After an initial squabble with the boss, you must explore the woods. You
have to find the tunnel. Heinrich should obtain the dagger and the red gem.
The passage collapse so you have to be quick about it. The monsters are
still out there. You have to search for the switches. They might open the
way onward. Your abilities are put to the test. The giant ape skeleton rise
from the rubble. You are in great trouble when Patrick appears. He helps
you to fight off the enemies. Patrick worries about the others. The drawbridge
is lowered. You might enter into the castle.
Branches into: Haunted ship & castle wall.
Lesser enemies: Bats, skeletons, goblins, Werewolf, zombies, motorcycle-skeletons,
fishmen, ghosts, explosive skeletons & were-tiger.
Guardian(s): Giant Ape Skeleton.
Guardian description: The giant ape skeleton was risen through black magic.
The giant ape skeleton attacks with its club or jump high to might crush
you. It channel electricity before it hammer the ground. This might rise
other skeletons. The giant ape skeleton also jump high to might make the
rubble wave about the area.
Castle wall.
Music track: The Watchtower.
The castle entrance is closed. Aaron is here. He knew PAtrick would return.
He challenge you to find Saria. Then Aaron disappears. Heinrich must climb
the towers to open the gate onward. At the top of the left tower, PAtrick
finds Lucy. Heinrich should obtain the morning-star and the stopwatch. Torah
recovers the iron smash and the gauntlets. When you defeated the guardian
skeledragons atop the right tower, Dracula appears before you. It's impossible.
The count laughes it off. He claims he hold ultimate power. Then Dracula
vanished. You have to activate the mechanism to rise the gate. You must
continue to investigate the castle.
Branches into: The forest & the villa.
Lesser enemies: Bats, skeletons, pillar of bones, blood skeletons & bone
Guardian(s): Guardian skeledragons.
Guardian description: The guardian skeledragons chase about while breathing
heavy steam. You might trick them to become chained to the mechanism. When
damaged, bones are knocked off. They might inflict a cursed state. The guardian
skeledragons also spit explosive fireballs which might finish off the fight.
The villa.
Music track: Hamlet people.
Garden track: Garden maze.
Battle track: Shudder.
The villa was the home of the Oldrey family. The courtyard is guarded by
a pack of Hellhounds. You should locate the thorn key. The villa is haunted.
You meet Joseph Vincent. He is unimpressed. He boasts he'll defeat Dracula.
In the rose garden you meet Julia. She has become a vampire. Joseph give
you the key to the archive. You became ambushed. Patrick should search for
the family crest. You need the garden key to reach the hedge maze. Heinrich
recover the axe. You meet Renon in the hall downstairs. He'll purchase items
for a price. Torah obtained the garlic. Iori hide in the garden maze. He
might show Patrick the way to the outer wall. The group have to split. You
must reenter the garden to might find the way to the villa crypt.
Branches into: Castle wall, underground mine, underground tunnel & outer
Lesser enemies: Bats, Hellhounds, ghosts, Cerberus, phantom skulls, maids,
snakes, stain-glass knights, butlers, sword lords, hounds & the gardener.
Guardian(s): Vampire, vampire-Oldrey, female vampire & Gilles De Reis.
Guardian description: The vampire is an undead nightmare who cleverly dodge
attacks to might suck your blood. This might inflict a cursed state. The
undead also attack with repeated claw-swipes or utilize martial arts. The
vampire also jump high to crawl along the walls and ceiling for a surprise
Guardian description: Vampire Oldrey is the Devil's concubine. Vampire Oldrey
cleverly dodge attacks to suck your blood. This might inflict a cursed state.
She flout in the air to attack with claw-swipes before releasing a long-lasting
steam-blast. Vampire Oldrey might continue the attack all until exsausted.
Guardian description: The female vampire is an undead victim of Dracula's
curse. She falls down to suck your blood. She teleports like mist to attack
with claw-swipes or conjure smaller bats which might confuse. The female
vampire also crawls along the floor like a black cat before suddenly rising
up for a surprise attack.
Guardian description: Gilles De Reis is the knight from the circle of blood.
Gilles teleports like mist to suck your blood or throw tripled fireballs.
The undead knight execute repeated claw-swipes or fire sonic blasts which
might stun you in place. Gilles also generates an inward pull to suck your
blood or make lightning strike.
Outer wall.
Music track: Invicible Sorrow.
The outer wall is the backside and rooftop portions of the castle. Patrick
have to investigate this area. The wind is terrible up here. Iori led you
to this area. He disappeared. The outer wall has been left in ruins. Patrick
should obtain the wild roses. You must utilize the sun and moon cards to
might reach the top of the structure. Snow starts falling. You run into
Alfred. He is searching for his sister. Alfred refuse to go before you save
her. He give you the key to the elevator chamber. You have to cross the
last leg. The ropes are rather unstabile. The huge boulders also make things
difficult. When you reach the top, the harpy appears. After the showdown,
you should continue into the tower of art.
Branches into: The villa & tower of art.
Lesser enemies: Bats, skeletons, pillar of bones, explosive skeletons &
Guardian(s): Harpy.
Guardian description: The harpy is a half-woman/part bird of Greek mythology.
The harpy fly in from difficult angles to release multiple pointed feathers.
She throw huge boulders or summon other harpies for assistance. The harpy
also flap her wings to create strong winds which might push you off of the
Tower of art.
Music track: Sinking Old Sanctuary.
The tower of art is one of the most bizzar locations within the castle.
Patrick have to find the way out to the tower of ruins. Portraits and artwork
are everywhere a presence. You have to find the keys which open the door
into the tower. The tapestries and furniture should've made it rather elegant.
You must rescue Penny. It's easy to get lost. Patrick should obtain the
knight's sword. When you defeated the servants, Penny reappears. She explains
how to read the map incarvings. You must guide her back to the outer wall.
Alfred is waiting. You have to return. The building is haunted. You must
jump upon the huge chandliers to might reach the other side of the tower.
The exit is just ahead.
Branches into: Outer wall & tower of ruins.
Lesser enemies: Bats, spear guards, servants, ghosts, axe knights, phantom
skulls & sword lords.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.
Tower of ruins.
Music track: Thorny grave.
This tower is located high above the castle. Patrick have to rise the gates.
The weather is bad. You might get lost. The initial rooms look very similar.
You should use the hand-made map incarvings. The floor gave way. You must
find the correct passage or the pillars might collapse. The blizzard obscure
some distances. You might use the ladders to climb down to the foundation.
Benjamin hid himself behind the false wall. You have to defeat the knights.
The superstructure is heavily guarded. You have to use the pillars eventually.
At the other side, there is another set of doors. You must find the switches.
The spike traps might make the floor to break down. You have to reach the
dual tower.
Branches into: Tower of art & dual tower.
Lesser enemies: Bats, spear guards, goblins, zombies, axe knights, snakes,
crawling zombies & sword lords.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.
Underground mine.
Music track: Unseen entry.
When the floor in the crypt collapsed, Heinrich ended up down here. The
underground mine smells bad. You discover that the river has been poisoned.
The sun and moon cards should open the sealed metal gates. You must purify
the water. Arachene leapt from the river. Heinrich should obtain the morning-star
and the cross. The spider-women continue the chase. Julia is about to commit
suicide. You manage to convince her it's wrong. To kill herself wouldn't
do her any good. Julia doesn't want to be a vampire. You have to use the
elevators to cross the waterfall. The queen awaits behind another seal location.
You helped Torah to escape from the tunnel. The castle center is just ahead.
Branches into: The villa, underground tunnel & castle center.
Lesser enemies: Bats, Arachene, pillar of bones, ghosts, Medusa heads, crawling
zombies & bone heads.
Guardian(s): Spider-woman queen.
Guardian description: The spider-woman queen climb down from her webb to
release spindles which might make you spin in place. Arachene also summon
multiple smaller spiders which might overthrow you. The spider-woman queen
also emit an acidic green mist which might inflict a poisoned state upon
Underground tunnel.
Music track: Sinking feelings.
When the floor in the crypt gave way, Torah was sent down here. You must
obtain the blue ring before you might explore the area. The underground
tunnel is submerged. You have to run across the narrow paths and walkways
while fighting lizard men. Torah might obtain the silver crush and the mystic
book. Actrise is here. She wants you to join with Dracula. When refused,
she tells better to rethink her statement. You must find the switches which
close the poisonous waterfall. Some platforms might break away. You have
to remove the rubble which block the exit. It's easy to get lost. When you
closed the dam, Medusa's nest got revealed. You must defeat her before you
might continue upward.
Branches into: The villa & underground mine.
Lesser enemies: Bats, lizard men, pillar of bones, skeletons, Medusa heads,
fish men & goblins.
Guardian(s): Medusa.
Guardian description: The eternally-suffering snake-woman Medusa throw multiple
snakes upon the ground. They might inflict a poisoned state upon you. She
use her rock shield to block your attacks before executing tail whips. Medusa
also fire a beaming gaze which might inflict a stoned state upon you.
Castle center.
Music track: Dungeon.
When Heinrich and Torah left the underground, you must investigate the area.
There are some breakable walls within the center. You need the nitro if
you are to remove the structure. The giant lizard man, a mutated prisoner,
might tell where to look. Heinrich should obtain the holy water. You have
an encounter with Death. The angel encourage Julia. She launches an attack.
You find Iori inside the warehouse. He acts confused. He explains how to
use the nitro. You have to replace Dracula's seal. Torah found Saria's medalion
and the fairy ocarina. You have a second encounter with Actrise. She unleash
Torah's cousin. The witch then rise up to enjoy the dual. The Behemoth has
awaken. After the battle, you might leave the castle center behind.
Branches into: Underground mine, dual tower & tower of science.
Lesser enemies: Bats, axe knights, ghosts, Hellhounds, lizard men, motorcycle-skeletons,
Cerberus, harpies, mudmen, phantom skulls, vampires, bloodborn, female vampires,
spear guards, snakes & sword lords.
Guardian(s): Julia, Torah's cousin & Behemoth.
Guardian description: Julia is an undead victim of Dracula's curse. She
flouts in the air to suck your blood or spit homing fireballs. Julia also
stab or slash her blade or release sonic-blasts which might stun you in
place. When damaged, Julia also start conjuring smaller bats which dash
forward to might finish off the battle.
Guardian description: Torah's cousin was captured and turned into a vampire.
She flouts in the air to suck your blood or throw tripled homing balls.
The vampire also hurl three-prolonged crystals which might freeze her enemies
in place. Torah's cousin might also twirl her staff to release heavy steam
for better protection.
Guardian description: The Behemoth chase you throughout the area while attacking
with its horns. When damaged enough, the raging bull starts to rott. The
mythological monster might inflict a poisoned state upon you. The Behemoth
might also fire crippling laser blasts which might finish off the battle.
Dual tower.
Music track: Encounter.
When you left the tower of ruins, Patrick reached this area of the castle.
The dual tower consist of this enormous chamber. There is a cage at each
coner of the room. You have to work your way around the tower while watching
out for crushing spike beds, lowering platforms, moving scythes and other
traps. The boiling lava might make things more difficult. There is a monster
waiting in each cage. You might obtain the cross, the holy book, the paladin's
sword and the Host as the price of the battle. Aaron is here. He appears
atop the cage for a final warning. You must defeat the werewolf. There is
only one final jump before reaching the exit. You have to enter the next
Branches into: Tower of ruins, castle center & execution tower.
Lesser enemies: Bats, fishmen & Medusa heads.
Guardian(s): Were-leopard, were-couger, werewolf, Minotaur, were-tiger &
Guardian description: The were-leopard is a shape-shifting foe. The were-leopard
attack with repeated punches or with fierce claw-swipes which might inflict
a cursed state. The were-leopard also jump high to climb along the walls
and ceiling to attack from difficult angles with input jumping or flying
Guardian description: The were-couger is a shape-shifting foe. The were-couger
attack with repeated punches or with fierce claw-swipes which might inflict
a cursed state. The were-couger also jump high to climb along the walls
and ceiling to might attack from difficult angles with input jumping or
flying kicks.
Guardian description: The werewolf is a shape-shifting lycanthrope. The
werewolf utilize fierce biting attacks which might inflict a cursed state
upon you. The werewolf also jump high to climb along the walls and ceiling
to might attack from difficult angles with repeated series of sliding, jumping
or flying kicks.
Guardian description: The Minotaur is a half-man/part bull of Greek mythology.
The Minotaur chase you about while attacking with its horns. The monster
grab you to might throw you against the wall or also slam you into the floor.
The Minotaur also release a heavy steam blast which might inflict a stoned
state upon you.
Guardian description: The were-tiger is a shape-shifting foe. The were-tiger
attack with fierce claw-swipes or with input kicks which might inflict a
cursed state. The were-tiger jump high into the air to climb along the walls
and ceiling to might attack from difficult angles with repeated series of
sliding, jumping or flying kicks.
Guardian description: The werewolf is a shape-shifting lycanthrope. The
werewolf utilize fierce biting attacks or hurl energy scythes which might
inflict a cursed state. The werewolf also jump high to climb along the walls
and ceiling to might attack from difficult angles with repeated series of
sliding, jumping or flying kicks.
Tower of science.
Music track: specimen.
This is the tower of science. Dracula used his magic to split you up. Torah
was left alone to climb the tower. The production area is a death trap.
You have to find the controls which operate the defence mechanism. The guards
protect that area. You have to jump upon the conveyor belts. Torah recovered
the jewel smash and the mirror. You escaped through the ventilation system.
The turrets are still in effect. You have to find the keys to open the Roman
numeral doors. The torture lab is just ahead. You discovered the main power
source for the tower. The security crystal must be destroyed. The giant
lizard man saved your life. He tells you more about the castle. You have
to reach the tower of sorcery.
Branches into: Castle center & tower of sorcery.
Lesser enemies: Bats, machine-gun guards, turrets & goblins.
Guardian(s): Security crystal.
Guardian description: The security crystal is the main power source for
the tower of science. The security crystal activate the defence-mechanism.
You must remove the other crystals. When the shield is down, you have to
destroy the defence mechanism. Afther that, the security crystal must meet
the same fate.
Execution tower.
Music track: Deathly ambitions.
This is the execution tower. When Dracula split you up, Heinrich have to
find the way out. The track will not be easy. You must climb up the center
pillar. Heinrich should obtain the morning-star and the laurels. You have
to activate the switches. This might extend the hidden steps. You should
recover the white diamond. Strong winds continue to obscure the area. You
must find the key which open the gate mid-way up the tower. Snow is falling.
You have to continue to climb up the tower. Some platforms might break down
when stepping upon them. You must cross over the collapsing bridge while
fighting skeletons. The exit is just ahead.
Branches into: Dual tower & clock tower.
Lesser enemies: Bats, skeletons, pillar of bones, Medusa heads & blood skeletons.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.
Tower of sorcery.
Music track: Mystic towr.
The tower of sorcery is located atop the castle's chapel area. This is the
second tower which Torah have to investigate. The building seemed to have
been made of stain-glass. The icy platforms might break away when you walk
upon them. The transparent nature make it difficult to reach the top of
the tower. Torah should obtain the laurels. It's freezing up here. You must
pul the mystic switches if you wish to continue. Some crystal shards might
even attack with deathly laser blasts. You have to find the exit. Saria
got through with her message. Time is running out. Saria is in great danger.
You must continue into the clock tower.
Branches into: Tower of science & clock tower.
Lesser enemies: Ice monsters, ghosts & crystal shards.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.
Clock tower.
Music track: Toothed weel.
Death's track: First battle.
Actrise's track: Second battle.
This is the clock tower. Patrick should take the elevator within the clock
room. Aaron is up here. He used Dracula's magic to enchant his man-beast
form. The battle wages back and forth. You spot Saria. Aaron is defeated.
Death shows up. He takes Saria with him. Heinrich must fight his way to
the top of the tower. You should obtain the crystal. Death appears. Julia
sacrificed herself to save your life. Torah have to explore this area of
the castle. You should rejoin with Rose. The fairy grants you the crystal.
Actrise is atop the tower. She is ready for the last encounter. After the
battle, you have to reunite with the group. The curse has awaken. Together
you have to climb the final staircase.
Branches into: Execution tower, tower of sorcery & castle keep.
Lesser enemies: Bats, skeletons, Medusa heads, pillar of bones, axe knights,
blood skeletons & bone dragons.
Guardian(s): Chimera, the grim reaper & Actrise.
Guardian description: The Chimera is Aaron's man-beast form. The Chimera
chase you about while the monster emit magic rings. The creature flap its
wings to create strong winds. The snakes might inflict a poisoned state.
All the heads must be defeated. The Chimera also breathe heavy flames which
might explode upon impact.
Guardian description: Death is the Dark Lord's right-hand man and guardian
of choise. The grim reaper ride his horse while attacking with his scythe.
Death throw an array of sickles or conjure Scuba monsters from the evil
star symbols. They must be destroyed. The grim reaper also hurl his weapon
like a giant boomerang.
Guardian description: Actrise is the witch from the circle of blood. Actrise
appear to suck your blood or throw three homing balls. She might conjure
a circle of crystals for better protection. They must be destroyed before
inflicting any real damage. Actrise also make other crystals rise which
might freeze you in place.
Castle keep.
Music track: Stairway to the Clouds.
Dracula battle: Dance In A Phantasm's Hell.
Escape track: Castle escape.
Final battle: Consert of Another Dimension.
The steps are shrouded in eternal mist. Renon appears. Patrick spent to
much money. You have to fight for your soul. Joseph shows up. He failed
to defeat Dracula. Torah must remove his state. Heinrich continue alone.
You entered the throne room. Saria is about to be sacrificed. Dracula shows
himself. After the battle, the castle starts to crumble. Iori appears on
a winged horse, guiding you to a stabile tower. He then reveals himself
as Dracula. He absorbed the curse. He is ready to fight. After the battle,
Iori reappears. It seems like he was merely a possessed boy. Then Joseph
shows up. The aged hunter doused Iori with holy water. His plot has failed.
Malus drags you with him into the desert realm.
Branches into: Clock tower.
Lesser enemies: Bats.
Guardian(s): Renon & Joseph Vincent.
Dracula form(s): Dracula's servant, Dracula & Drago.
Guardian description: Renon is the salesman of Hell. You psent to much money.
Renon flies through the air to attack with his pitchfork. He might inflict
a cursed state upon you. The demon might summon other Scubas from the evil
star symbols. Renon might also fire out a barrage of fireballs which might
enforce the contract.
Guardian description: Joseph Vincent is an undead victim of Dracula's curse.
Joseph flouts in the air to suck your blood or attack with a repeated double-handed
claw-swipe. He throw three-prolonged vials of anti-holy water to might cause
flaming explosions upon impact. Joseph also make rising flames to burn in
Dracula form: Dracula's servant is a vampire spirit poising as the fallen
Dark Lord. This imposture teleports like mist to suck your blood or to throw
one-three directional fireballs. Dracula's servant might also use three
other forms of attack during this round of the battle. He (1) release three-prolonged
and pressurized flames. Or the fake (2) cause sonic-blasts to might stun
you in place. Dracula's servant then generates an inward pull which might
drag you toward the center. He might suck your blood. The vampire spirit
also (3) summon a bolt of lightning which make multiple electrical currents
to become spread outward for repeated damage.
Dracula form: The young man claims to be Dracula incarnate. He teleports
like an electrical current to suck your blood or to release a flurry of
enflamed bats. He might make them home onto you for successive explosions.
Dracula might also use three other forms of attack during this final round
of the battle. He (1) cause a rising flame which create multiple short-ranged
explosions. Or he (2) create air pockets which might trap you in place.
The youn master then suck your blood or also release repeated electrical
blasts. Finally Dracula (3) create a far-reaching enflamed explosion which
become spread outward like a volcanic eruption.
Dracula second form: The young man use his remaining power to morph into
this form. Drago then drags you with it into this endless desert realm.
Drago berry his claws into the ground to make sand to become spread throughout
the battlefield. Drago's only weak spot is the head. The demon protect itself
when summoning bone dragons. They chase you about while breathing heavy
flames. At a closer range, Drago might use one of two attacks. He (1) release
a storm of fireballs toward your position. Drago also (2) generate dark
energy before releasing a short-ranged nuclear blast which make more sand
to become spilled out over the battlefield.
Ending 1.
Music track: Necromonicon.
Finally it is over. Malus is banished back to the underworld. The children
are safe. Still the countryside is in grave danger. Saria can feel how the
curse is leaking into the forest. Then five of the devine warders appear;
Life, Earth, Water, Spirit and Dream. They approach Saria. The caertaking
spirits anaunce her as the sage of the forest. Arien has finally been awaken.
Saria has no choice but to accept her destiny. Only when taking up her mantle
of power, the forest might become healed again. You can't stay. Saria give
Torah her ocarina. She asks you to tell Edward about this. Saria then send
you away from the castle in the forest.
Branches into: Warakiya.
Lesser enemies: None.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.
Intro 2.
Music track: Echoes of Darkness.
Within the snowy streets of the village of Ondol Christian Belmont is searching
for his friends. You are speaking with Koji & Maria Hakuba about what happened.
Celia Fortner appears. She knew about you. The priestess make her demons
attack. Genya Arikado shows up. He helps you to fight back. Koji disappeared.
Maria is hurt. You don't like it. Genya warns you to stay out of this. Then
Hammer appears. He has secured a house. He heard Genya Arikado speak about
the castle Ondol. Hammer promise to stay in the village to protect Maria
while you continue to search for your friends. You really worry about Noriko
Cruz. You have to find her before something terrible happens.
Branches into: Warakiya.
Lesser enemies: Rycuda, witches & Malachi.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.
Quest 2.
Hero(es): Noriko Cruz, Christian Belmont, Zue Belnades & Alucard.
Supporting cast.
Celia Fortner, Genya Arikado, Koji & Maria Hakuba, Hammer, Zue Belnades,
Graham Jones & Dimitri Blinov.
Castle Ondol.
The castle Ondol is located outside the village of Ondol. Christian Belmont
must search through 12 castle sections to save your friends and to solve
the puzzle surounding Dracula's resurrection.
Lost village.
Music track: Beginnings.
This is where the adventure begin. You start within the snowy streets of
the lost village. Hammer secured a house. He'll open shopws in there. You
might always return to gain his help. You should obtain the dagger. The
castle entrance is locked. You move around the haunt when you find Koji
Hakuba. He is involved in an argument with Noriko Cruz. She doesn't want
any of you to get in her way. She morphs into a bat to enter the castle.
You must guide Koji back to the village. But first you have to defeat the
flying armour. Koji and Maria Hakuba later open shops across from Hammer's.
You must drain the moat to might enter the castle.
Branches into: -Wizardry lab.
Lesser enemies: Bats, ape-skeletons, harpies, wargs, Unes, dead farmers,
tombstones, slaughterers, humpbacks, Mandragora & golems.
Guardian(s): Flying armour.
Guardian description: The flying armour was brought to life through black
magic. The armour fly in the air to attack with his swords. He might make
them dart in or make them to twirl and spin to might inflict repeated damage.
The flying armour might also make the swords to perform a repeated zigg-zagging
Wizardry lab.
Music track: Dracula's Tears.
The wizardry lab is the next area you must explore. The section is one of
the most bizzar locations within the castle. This is where you start to
run into the more powerful supporters of count Dracula's doctrine. The entire
lab is frozen over. Noriko encounter Celia Fortner, Graham Jones and Dimitri
Blinov. They aren't impressed. She doesn't stand in the way for the return
of the Dark Lord to this world. The way into the castle hall is frozen over.
You should obtain the morning-star and the mystic book. You meet with Zue
Belnades. She is glad to finally have caught up with you. Zue then joins
the group. The ice blocks have to be removed. For now you have no choise
but to enter into the inner den.
Branches into: Castle hall, lost village, sky walkway & inner den.
Lesser enemies: Bats, mothmen, Corpse-weeds, mimic, dead mates, ectoplasms,
axe armours, Yorick, imps, Bugbears, mud worms, Alastor & sword lords.
Guardian(s): Balore.
Guardian description: Balore is an ancient spirit revivedthrough Dracula's
magic. Balore hammers his powerful fists into the floor to make rocks fall
down. The enemy grabs at you to might squeeze the life out of you. When
damaged, Balore opens his left eye to spew down a fire-rising laser which
might end the battle.
Sky walkway.
Music track: Platinum moonlight.
The sky walkway is in reality the backside and rooftop portions of the castle
Ondol. You should come here later to might find the shortcut into other
locations of the haunt. The winds are still blowing up here. You have to
obtain Noriko's crucifix and the encyclopedia. This area is really nothing
but an extention of the wizardry lab. You have to be careful. Some portions
of the walkway might give way when walking on them. There is no safe spots
up here. You should find plenty of money laying around. When the switch
in the clock tower is activated, this become one of the castle's main connector
areas. For now though, you should return back down.
Branches into: Wizardry lab, demon guest house & clock tower.
Lesser enemies: Bats, bone-archers, Valkyries, axe armours, humpbacks &
bomber armours.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.
Inner den.
Music track: Path to Justice.
Graham's track: Lord of the Vampires.
The inner den is the central location of the castle Ondol. There is still
snowing out here. You have to open the gate into the garden. There is another
safe spot in here. You must use the holy water to melt the ice. Your first
goal should be to enter the dark chapel. You obtain the laurels. When Noriko
arrive, Graham appears. He claims to have unlocked the secrets of count
Dracula's power. A battle arises. Neither of them are able to get the upper
hand. Celia shows up. She challenge her to reach the pinnacle. You have
to enter the guest house. When all is over, you must return. With horror
you watch as Noriko is brought into the abyss. Then Genya appears. He found
a way to break the barrier within the lookout tower. You have to go with
Branches into: Wizardry lab, demon guest house & dark chapel.
Lesser enemies: Bats, dead warriors, harpies, wakwak trees, hoppers, student
witches, stolas, Valkyries, Catobeplaces, Treant, dead knights & Yeties.
Guardian(s): Graham.
Guardian description: Graham Jones is the possible incarnation of the fallen
Dark Lord. He teleports to suck your blood or to throw a fireball. Graham
might also use two other forms of attack during this round of the battle.
He (1) release two-way pulsating orbs, one high, one low, which might explode
upon impact. Graham also (2) appear flouting to release one-two black orbs
to spiral outward. When damaged, Graham might also upgrade his lone fireball
toss into a three-prelonged onslaught.
Dark chapel.
Music track: Bloody Tears.
Dimitri's track: Into the Dark Night.
The dark chapel was the worshipping ground of the castle. It became destroyed
by Dracula's followers. You must find the way to the clock tower. There
is no safe spots inside this section. You should obtain the second morning-star
and the holy water. The chapel must've been magnificent. Noriko has another
encounter with Dimitri. He wished to achieve Dracula's power. He launches
an attack. You have to open the metal door. The catacombs are located beneath
this area. You must defeat Malphas. The ravaged worshipping area is haunted
by Dracula's most powerful monsters. After the visit in the guest house,
you should return. You must use the tear of blood to enter the subterranean
Branches into: Inner den, subterranean Hell & clock tower.
Lesser enemies: Bats, spear guards, mini devils, bone-arks, Malachi, witches,
spin devils, Lillith, flame demons, Eryne, imps, Buer & great knights.
Guardian(s): Dimitri & Malphas.
Guardian description: Dimitri Blinov is the possible incarnation of the
fallen Dark Lord. He teleports like bats to suck your blood or throw three-prolonged
green orbs. Dimitri might also use two other forms of attack. He (1) release
swarms of bats before cleverly dodging your attacks. He then use an imitated
copy of that last used attack. Dimitri also (2) hurl green spheres in a
speedy fashion. When damaged enough, he also upgrade his green orb toss
into a five-prolonged shot.
Guardian description: Malphas is a demon who escaped from Hell. Malphas
fly in from difficult angles to release a spreadshot of multiple black birds
which might overthrow you. The demon suddenly dashes forward. Malphas might
also unleash an onslaught of five-eight prolonged feather projectiles which
might end the battle.
Demon guest house.
Music track: Banqueting of Spirits.
Battle track: Scarlet Battle Soul.
The guest house consist of these multiple large chambers which are built
out of marble. You have to investigate the dining hall. You should obtain
the axe. You must find the way into the gallery. From there, things start
getting difficult. There are no safe spots in here. You might enter the
toy room. After the battle with Paranoia, you meet Genya Arikado. Noriko
told him about your actions. Genya wishes for you to stop interfearing.
He grants you Mina's charm. Arikado disappeared. When you solved the puzzle
within the art gallery, you you might reach the theatre. The puppet master
appears. He refuses to give up the Dark Lord's possession. The puppet master
launches an attack. After the battle, you must continue to investigate the
Branches into: Inner den & sky walkway.
Lesser enemies: Bats, bone knights, killer dolls, waiters, poltergeists,
Ucoback, killer clowns, disc armours, Alastor, guillotiners, Yorick, ghost
dancers, imps, spin devils, maids, spear guards & creatures.
Guardian(s): Paranoia & Puppet master.
Guardian description: Paranoia is a shape-shifting demon who escaped from
Hell. Paranoia appear from one of the mirrors. The demon dance along the
battlefield to might inflict a cursed state. He duplicates himself. When
damaged enough, Paranoia might also fire multiple freezing lasers toward
your position.
Guardian description: The puppet master is in control. The undead entertainer
flout in the air to might suck the hero's blood or throw multiple playing
cards. You might become captured among his dark treads. The puppet master
conjure killer dolls or a duo of Malachi demons which might finish off the
Clock tower.
Music track: Endless motion.
You have reached the clock tower. There is another safe spot at the bottom
of this area. You must climb to the top of this section. You should obtain
the stopwatch while exploring the clock tower. Celia is here. Her plot is
unfolding like she predicted. Celia then open another black hole. The priestess
escaped. You sometime have to use the rotating or moving platforms as transportation.
You should activate all the switches if you wish to get to the top of the
tower. You even have to climb on the gears while investigating this area.
Atop the clock, you encounter the flying dragon. After the battle, you have
to return to the castle.
Branches into: Dark chapel, sky walkway & the pinnacle.
Lesser enemies: Bats, rope-lizards, Medusa heads, rock armours, spiders,
pillar of bones, cloacked figure, skelerangs, flying archers & bone dragons.
Guardian(s): Flying dragon.
Guardian description: The flying dragon is a half man/part dragon creature.
The flying dragon fly in from difficult angles to spit multiple fireballs.
The monster also breathe heavy flames. When on the ground, the flying dragon
stump the ground to make bricks fall down or also release a flurry of blood
Subterranean Hell.
Music track: Zombie dance.
This area is located beneath the dark chapel. Without the tear of blood,
you cannot even reach beyond the impenetrable wall. The subterranean Hell
is the bottom of the castle. You have to find the way through a maze of
twisted tunnels and confusing gold mines. The water is poisonous and deathly
to toutch. Although there is a safe spot down here, it's rather difficult
to find. You should bring along plenty of antidotes before moving into this
labyrinth. Some of Dracula's most tricky companions have infested this area.
You should obtain the crystal. It's easy to get lost down here. You must
find the way back up into the castle.
Branches into: Dark chapel & castle hall.
Lesser enemies: Bats, mermen, needles, Unes, fish heads, dead pirates, killer
fishes, frozen shades, Decarabia, Tanjelly, Alura Unes, mud demons, giant
slugs, Malacoda, Procel, Molusca & gorgons.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.
Castle hall.
Music track: Vampire Killer.
The grand hall is one of the most neglected sections within the castle.
Your first goal should be to clear away the rubble. This area has an eerie
resemblance to the demon castle Dracula. You should obtain the cross. Graham
is here. He launches an attack. Graham is close to victory when Noriko appears.
She helps you to fight back. Both of them vanished. The castle hall is another
ravaged area. At the end of the corridor you encounter the bat-company.
After the battle, you should open the way into the wizardry lab. There are
no save spots within the hall. You might use this section as a short-cut
as you shift between the two portions of the castle. For now, you must return
back to the clock tower.
Branches into: Lookout tower, subterranean Hell & wizardry lab.
Lesser enemies: Bats, skeletons, Mandragora, zombies, peeping eyes, ghosts,
axe armours, fishmen, dead warriors, Manticore, spear guards & golems.
Guardian(s): Bat-company.
Guardian description: The bat-company flies in from difficult angles to
suck your blood. This might inflict a cursed state upon you. The six cemi-large
bats split into swarms of other bats. When damaged they cry sonic-rings
to might stun you in place. The bat-company might also spit fireballs which
might end the battle.
Lookout tower.
Music track: Held up.
The lookout tower is located at the leftmost side of the castle. You have
to climb up the outside portions of the tower to might reach the abode.
To get inside will not be easy. Dracula's henchmen try to stop you. Beside,
the storm is terrible up here. There is an alternate path which lead to
the annex. You discover another safe spot out there. There is only a dead
end. You should obtain the crucifix. The executioner is atop the tower.
The floor gave way. You have to climb back up to find the key to the pinnacle.
Later, when all is over, you must return. You have to use blood power to
might break the barrier spell which block the way down to the dungeon.
Branches into: Castle hall & mine of Judgement.
Lesser enemies: Bats, rope-lizards, Valkyries, bone-arks, hoppers, werewolves
& disc armours.
Guardian(s): The executioner.
Guardian description: The executioner was brought to life through black
magic. The brute slowly lumbers forward while attacking with the axe. Only
through three repeated attacks you might repel it. The executioner also
slam the axe to cause debries fly forward or utilize sudden speedy dashes
for finality.
The pinnacle.
Music track: Encounters.
Alucard's track: Vokata.
The pinnacle is the top of the castle. Your first goal should be to activate
the elevator. The winds are terrible up here. You might uncover the third
morning-star. There is another safe spot beneath the staircase. You encounter
Alucard within the armory. The climax is at hand. Alucard then joins the
group. You have to enter the castle top floor. There is a passage which
lead back down into the armory. You must climb the last staircase to reach
the throne room. You encounter Noriko. She is involved in a battle with
Graham. It's almost to late. You reunite to convince her she isn't alone.
Graham's souls are released. Noriko absorbed that power. She managed to
escape. You have to chase after her.
Branches into: Clock tower.
Lesser enemies: Rycuda, axe armours, humpback riders, Succubi, bats, long-axe
armours, Eryne, Ucoback, spin devils, Hell knights, maids, imps & iron golems.
Guardian(s): Alucard & Graham..
Guardian description: Alucard is the estranged and forgotten son of count
Dracula. The young master teleports like bats to suck your blood or to throw
three-prolonged fireballs. Alucard might also use three other forms of attack
during this round of the battle. He (1) attacks with his sword or use his
shield to block against ranged attacks. Or Alucard might also (2) summon
three forms of familiars; sword, fairy or demon familiar. He also (3) cast
four types of spells; flame, frost, bat or thunder which might end the battle.
When damaged enough, Alucard might also upgrade his three-directional fireball
toss into a five-prolonged objective.
Guardian description: Graham is back. He teleports to suck your blood or
throw tripled fireballs. Graham also use two other forms of attack. He (1)
make one-three black orbs to spiral outward. Or he (2) fire two-way pulsating
orbs. When damaged Graham encapsulates himself for better protection. He
make the claws grab or use one of two attacks. He (a) unleash four black
orbs in a high pattern. Or Graham (b) make the flouting skull formation
to blast down powerful bolts of lightning.
Mine of Judgement.
Music track: Underground melodies.
Death's track: Peircing Battle Fury.
The dungeon is the last section within the castle. When you enter this area,
you fall down this long drop. You lost your friends in the fall. You must
continue to investigate this area alone. The caves are the remains of an
ancient mine. You should obtain the Host. There is no safe spot down here.
At the bottom of the mine, you encounter the angel of Death. He warns you
to stay back. You have to find Noriko. Death launches an attack. After the
battle, Genya shows up. He found the portal through which your enemy escaped.
When you reach the gate, Zue is there. Together, you prepare to enter the
abyss. This is the ultimate challenge.
Branches into: Lookout tower & the abyss.
Lesser enemies: Bats, ghouls, Slogra, cave trolls, larvas, heart eaters,
Gaibon & arch demons.
Guardian(s): Death.
Guardian description: The angel of Death is Dracula's right-hand man. Death
attacks with his scythe. The grim reaper throws it toward you. It might
shatter into a three-prolonged scikle onslaught. Death might also split
into four. He then rise into the air to release four parallel bolts of dark
energy upon the battlefield.
Guardian description: Death throws off his outer cloak. The grim reaper
appears at will to attack with his weapon. He release multiple sickles toward
you. The dark angel might also summon four evil spirits which gather into
a large skull formation. Death then make them to swoop in from difficult
The abyss.
Music track: Dark Nightmare.
Dracula battle: Illusionary song.
The abyss is where the wicked go to harvest greater power. You start inside
this temple. You have to reach the forbidden area. Upon breaching the seal,
Abbadon is released. After the battle, you have to enter through the portal.
There is a final safe spot within this area.
You have to reach the sea of flame. Noriko gained control of an oblivious
demon's soul. She killed Dimitri Blinov in a battle for power. Celia Fortner
trapped Zue within a crystal. Noriko claims to be the Dark Lord incarnate.
She use Celia's soul to block Genya off from his source of power. The final
battle is about to begin. Although Noriko is forced to surrender her souls,
the battle is not over yet. Dracula's ghost has arrived.
Branches into: Mine of Judgement.
Lesser enemies: Bats, Humunculus, imps, mud demons, Succubi, panthers, Decarabia,
Drahignazzo, Alastor, Musussu, Barbaricia, Eryne, Malacoda & Devils.
Guardian(s): Abbadon.
Dracula form(s): Noriko Cruz & Dracula's ghost.
Guardian description: Abbadon is the embodiment of pestilence. Abbadon appears
riding on her horse while she swings the staff to make multiple flies to
attack. They might inflict a plagued state. Abbadon conjure rats before
she make multiple larvas to crawl about. They might inflict another plagued
state upon you.
Dracula form: Noriko Cruz is the possible incarnation of the fallen Dark
Lord. She teleports to suck your blood or throw trippled spinning orbs.
Noriko might also use three other forms of attack. She (1) appear to make
a large spinning axe to attack which might inflict a cursed state. Noriko
then summons her Gaibon familiar to might throw you off balance. She (2)
make rising flames to track along the floor of the battlefield. Finally
Noriko (3) summons her harpy familiar. The mythological maiden conjure multiple
big worms, which might inflict a poisoned state, or she swoops in to might
overthrow you. When damaged enough, Noriko also upgrade her tripled toss
into a five-directional onslaught.
Dracula second form: Dracula's ghost is the Dark Lord from the Demon castle.
Dracula's ghost jump high to might corner you before he conjures his Succubus
familiar. She might summon multiple bats to might overthrow you. Dracula's
ghost might also use three other forms of attack. The demon (1) jump high
into the air before releasing heavy flames which burn along the floor. When
struck, a flurry of blood drops is released. Dracula's ghost then (2) release
an acidic attack which might inflict crippling damage. The demon also suddenly
dashes forward to might grab hold. Dracula's ghost then (3) throw you skyhigh
while releasing enflamed shots which might cripple your health.
Ending 2.
Music track: After battle.
At last it is all over. Evil has been defeated and the souls have been put
to rest. The potential of the final battle made the castle to crumble. You
have to get away. Within the forest you watch as the castle burns to the
ground. Noriko has disappeared. She must be found. Your other friends arrive.
Genya Arikado found Hammer. The curse is lifted. Although the soldier is
dead. Genya couldn't help him. Your group mourns this loss. Zue is sorry
for her actions. You feel like being watched. There is nothing you might
do about it. Dracula's followers will learn about this anyway. You kneel
in prayer. You have to leave the village of Ondol behind. The war against
count Dracula is far from over.
Branches into: Warakiya.
Lesser enemies: None.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.
Intro 3.
Music track: Intro.
Within the English countryside, Edward Morris and Thomas Lecarde are searching
for the castle Proserpina. You worry about Anastasia Aulin. The New Order
hunt her for reasons you don't know. Thomas wonder if it might have to do
with what happened in 1944. You remind him why you are here. Followers of
the Dark Lord roam the countryside. You have to be careful. The castle appears
from the mist. You are about to enter when the monsters attack. The group
is splintered. Although you managed to escape, it's no victory. They stole
your items. It doesn't matter. You speak a small prayer. Then you enter
into the castle.
Branches into: England.
Lesser enemies: Crows, dead soldiers, bats & Treant.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.
Quest 3.
Hero(es): Edward Morris & Anastasia Aulin.
Supporting cast.
Roger Dorin, Mina, Whisp, Dolores, Brauner, Elizabeth Bathory, Drolta Tsuentez
& Death.
Castle Proserpina.
The castle Proserpina is the English stronghold of Dracula's followers.
Edward Morris and Anastasia Aulin must search to 6 castle areas and 9 portraits
to might twart count Dracula's evil plot.
Castle areas.
Music track: Invitation of a Crazed Moon.
Roger's track: A Small Prayer.
This is where the adventure begin. This area has an eerie resemblance to
the demon castle. Within the main hall you meet Anastasia Aulin. She tells
you more about the castle. The Behemoth appears. The raging bull might chase
you. There is an exit to the buried chamber. You should obtain the leather
whip and the dagger whileAnastasia recover Cuttle and the stakes. You encounter
Roger Dorin within the chandlier room. He'll set up shops inside this area
of the castle. After the battle with the boss, Whisp appears. He is a ghost
of a lost castle inhabitant. He has discovered the first pportrait. Later
you have to return to find another painting. For now you should leave the
entrance behind.
Branches into: Buried chamber & great stairway.
Lesser enemies: Bats, zombies, peeping eyes, axe armours, pillar of bones,
hounds & golems.
Guardian(s): Behemoth.
Guardian description: The Behemoth is a monster from Greek mythology. The
Behemoth chase you about the area while attacking with its horns. The raging
bull spit out multiple rebounding fireballs. When damaged, the monster starts
to rott. The Behemoth starts to emit acid blood drops which might inflict
a cursed state upon you.
Buried chamber.
Music track: Silent prison.
The buried chamber is the second area you should explore. It's the only
way through which you might reach the depth of the castle. You have to work
your way downward. Within the cavern you have the first encounter with Drolta
Tsuentez. She isn't pleased when learning about Brauner's activeties. You
must obtain the thorn whip and the laurels. Anastasia might recover the
Warqa knife and the gauntlets. It's easy to get lost down here. The way
back up is blocked. You need the equipement from the portraits to break
through. When you return to this area you have to knock down the wall before
you might continue into the great stairway.
Branches into: Entrance & great stairway.
Lesser enemies: Bats, skeletons, Unes, mimic, cave trolls, corpse-weeds,
frogs & moulded corpses.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.
Great stairway.
Music track: Jail of Jewels.
The great stairway is the main connector area within the castle Proserpina.
There is another save point inside this area. You have the first encounter
with the angel of Death. He isn't interested in you. The grim reaper is
searching for Brauner. You might recover the stone whip and the holy water.
Anastasia should uncover Baxalard and the garlic. Whisp reappears. He discovered
another portrait. You must defeat Keremet before you might continue. There
is a second painting hidden beneath the gold mine. You have to reach the
chapel area if you wish to enter the tower of death. You must solve the
tiara puzzle. For now you should continue to investigate the castle.
Branches into: Entrance, buried chamber & tower of death.
Lesser enemies: Bats, dead warriors, mini devils, bone-arks, Malachi, witches,
hollow men, flame demons, Aliorunes, Vipula, Lillith, imps & great knights.
Guardian(s): Keremet.
Guardian description: Keremet is a demon who escaped from Hell. Keremet
rise from his pot to throw blobs which might inflict a cursed state. You
must destroy the pot. The demon might also throw other blobs which might
evolve into an endless supply of mudmen. Keremet might make them to overthrow
Tower of death.
Music track: The Gears Go Awry.
Death's track: Dance of Sadness.
The tower of death is one of the last sections of the castle you should
investigate. You must use the moving platforms or the gears for transportation.
You might obtain the black whip and the axe. Anastasia should recover the
Shingusia And the boomerang. You encounter Mina. She claims your involvement
must end. Mina launches an attack. Brauner appears. He don't want her to
waste time while playing games. The artist take her with him. You have to
turn off the water before you might climb down into the reservoir. You have
a final showdown with Death. He cannot permit you to interfear. To much
is at stake. Death launches an attack. After the battle, you must enter
the master's keep.
Branches into: Great stairway & the master's keep.
Lesser enemies: Bats, bone-ribs, flying archers, bomber armours, demon heads,
spear guards, ghosts, spittles, Medusa heads, axe knights, sirens & bone
Guardian(s): Mina & Death.
Guardian description: Mina Hakuba is a member of the Hakuba clan. Mina flouts
in the air to suck your blood or attack with her swords. She make them fly
out to might inflict repeated damage. Mina then release deathly hurricanes
to might overthrow you. She also make the blades attack with a zigzagging
Guardian description: The angel of Death appears to attack with his scythe.
He then summon large metal chains in an attempt to box you in. Death throws
his weapon like a giant boomerang to might inflict repeated damage. The
fallen angel of Death also throw out a spreadshot of sickles toward yor
The Master's keep.
Music track: Gaze Up at the Darkness.
Brauner's track: Banqueting of Madness.
Finally you have reached the Master's keep. There is a save point inside
this area. You might obtain the cross. Anastasia might recover the tiger
claws and the roses. You meet Mina and Dolores. You must use the spell found
in the tower to lift their cursed state. Then the twins will show you where
Hugh Baldwin's sword is hidden. First however you must defeat the doppelganger.
Brauner appears. He is enraged for having lost his "daughters". A battle
arises. The countess shows up. She helps the artist to escape. Whisp has
found other portraits. Anastasia feels that something is wrong. When all
is over, you have to leave this area behind. Somehow you know where to go.
Branches into: Tower of death & throne room.
Lesser enemies: Crows, bone-archers, harpies, skeleton trees, humpbacks,
student witches, Treant, blade-skeletons, Dodo, wights, Nyx & Wyvern.
Guardian(s): Mina & Dolores, doppelganger & Brauner.
Guardian description: Mina and Dolores are back for the final battle. They
flout in the air to suck your blood. Dolores might enchant Mina's blade
through powerful flame magic. Dolores might conjure mystic crystals which
Mina make to shatter into heavy flame. Dolores also summon a brimstone storm
to might end the battle.
Guardian description: The doppelganger is back. It take the form of Edward
Morris. The doppelganger attacks with its whip or sword. The fake might
fuse them with rose, stone or black. The enemy use four sub-weapons; dagger,
stopwatch, axe or cross. When damaged, the doppelganger might also utilize
Guardian description: Brauner is the artist from the circle of blood. Brauner
teleports via his portraits to suck your blood. He surrounds himself within
a crimson seal for greater protection. The artist summon golems to might
overthrow you. Brauner also conjure demon heads which spew fireballs throughout
the area.
Throne room.
Music track: Overture.
Battle track: Equese of Violance.
Dracula battle: Great Gate of Darkness.
The throne room is the highest point of the castle Proserpina. You must
find the different keys which might open the locked doors found throughout
the area. You might obtain the flame whip and the crucifix. Anastasia must
recover the Keizer's knuckles and the holy book. You should locate the save
point. When you collected the destiny stones, you might breatch beyond the
darkened area. Brauner and Elizabeth are waiting. They imprisoned Thomas
within a crystal. The vampires used his power to reset the seal. Then Oikawa
reveals his presence. He absorbed the souls of World War 1. The final battle
is afoot. Thomas escaped from his prison. Even so, the fight have only just
Branches into: The master's keep.
Lesser enemies: Ravens, flail guards, hounds, killer clowns, humpback riders,
Succubi, ruler swords, Ucoback, Hell knights, maids & iron golems.
Guardian(s): Oikawa, Brauner & Elizabeth Bathory.
Dracula form(s): Dracula's ghost & Dracula's ghost II.
Guardian description: Jenryah Oikawa is the possible incarnation of the
fallen Dark Lord. He teleports to suck your blood or attack with a bat-dash.
Brauner and Elizabeth fight alongside their candidate. The countess toss
fireballs. Oikawa might also use two other forms of attack. He (1) make
crimson lightning strike down. Brauner teleport via his portraits to suck
your blood. Oikawa also (2) release blood orbs. Elizabeth summon four magic
orbs which she make to spiral inward while Brauner conjure demon heads which
spew flame. When damaged, Oikawa might also release forward with a crimson
bat-flare which might end the battle.
Dracula form: Dracula's ghost is the image of the Dark Lord spawned from
the mind of his followers. They fused together to form this monstrosity.
The winged devil release a barrage of rockets before jumping over to the
other side of the battlefield. Dracula's ghost then use one of two attacks.
They (1) throw out a five-prlonged onslaught of large scythe-like projectiles
which might explode upon impact. The chest-placed face also (2) spit out
a swarm of cemi-large bats toward you. The chest-placed face must be damaged
before you might inflict any real damage. Dracula's ghost retaliate by quadrippeling
the size of the claws. They must be deflected or they might inflict crippling
Dracula second form: Fused with the souls of Oikawa the Dracula's ghost
alter appearance before the final battle. The three-headed Hellspwan remains
mostly stationary while releasing outward with a five-six barrage of arching
flames. This might be devastating if caught in between the series. Dracula's
ghost then starts jumping back and forth. The demon only stop to throw out
spread-shots of acidic projectiles. When damaged enough, the arch enemy
starts to rott. Dracula's ghost then release a flurry of rebounding blod
drops which might cover up the battlefield. When Dracula's ghost become
undead, they might also try to finish off the battle with repeated thrown
series of arching bones.
City of Haze (England).
Music track: Victorian Fear.
This is the first portrait you have to investigate. You start inside the
estate. Count Dracula once purchased the property. You should take the train
to the city. There is a safe spot hidden beneath the railway station. Edward
might recover the lift cube as Anastasia finds the iron ball. You have to
climb down into the sewers to blow a hole in the wall. Then you must enter
the graveyard. You have to solve the tombstone mystery to reach into the
crypt. There is a destiny stone hidden somewhere inside the city of haze.
within the tomb you must defeat the mecha-knight. After that you obtained
the destiny stone, you should leave this portrait behind.
Branches into: Entrance.
Lesser enemies: bats, zombies, bartenders, ravens, dead soldiers, phantom
skulls, dragonflies, dead farmers, mermen, owls, tombstones, ghouls & demons.
Guardian(s): Hellhound & Mecha-knight.
Guardian description: The Hellhound is the watchdog from the underworld.
The Hellhound breathe heavy flames. Then it suddenly dashes forward. When
damaged, it howl sonic blasts which make the windows to shatter. The demon
starts to rott. The Hellhound might also inflict a cursed state upon you.
Guardian description: The mecha-knight is a robot battler created by Drolta
Tsuentez. The mecha-knight attacks with its lance. It then suddenly speeds
toward you. The knight throw axes at you. It also jumps high to might crush
you. When damaged enough, the Mecha-knight also starts releasing a heavy
Dark academy (Belgia).
Music track: Trouble time.
This is one of the final portraits you should visit. You start inside the
garden. There is a save point out here. You must solve the puzzle before
you might enter the campus. From here on things start getting really difficult.
You have to explore all the six areas. There is a boss waiting at the end
of each leg. There are portraits spread throughout the area. You might use
them to retreat back to England. You should find the stopwatch and the change
cube. Anastasia might recover the morgan stern and the laurels. You have
the second encounter with Drolta. She is pleased to hear that Death is chasing
the artist. There is another destiny stone hidden somewhere inside the library.
You must find it before you might leave the painting behind.
Branches into: Entrance.
Lesser enemies: Ravens, skelerangs, Mandragora, bats, mothmen, large ghosts,
Ucoback, Nightmare, larvas, killer dolls, spin devils, Yorick, giant slugs,
red knights, lesser demons, axe lords, gold bones & Devils.
Guardian(s): Balore, Armour lord, Evil tower guardian, Armour lord, Queen
of Moss, Drolta & Doppelganger.
Guardian description: Balore is an ancient spirit revived through Dracula's
magic. Balore hammer his strong arms into the floor to make rocks fall down.
The enemy grabs you to might squeeze the life out of you. When damaged enough,
Balore opens his left eye to spew down a fire-rising laser which might end
the battle.
Guardian description: The armour lord was brought to life through black
magic. The armour lord marches forward while attacking with its axe. Only
through three repeated attacks you might repel it. When damaged enough,
the armour lord smash its weapon into the ground to make the rubble wave
Guardian description: The evil tower guardian was possessed. They summon
two large faces which occupy each corner of the area while breathing accurate
explosive bubbles. They must be defeated before you might deal it any real
damage. The evil tower guardian protect with sonic rings before reconjuring
the faces.
Guardian description: The armour lord was brought to life through black
magic. The armour lord marches forward while attacking with its ball-and-chain.
Only through three repeated attacks you might repel it. When damaged enough,
the armour lord strike the floor to make spiked rocks to fall downfrom the
Guardian description: The queen of moss appears flouting in the air to might
inflict a cursed state. When damaged enough, she retains her true form.
The giant moght flies overhead to release an ugly poisonous powder. The
queen of moss might also release swarms of smaller moths to might overthrow
Guardian description: Drolta Tsuentez is the witch from the New Order. Drolta
flouts in the air to suck your blood or to throw wavy shards which might
inflict a cursed state. She might release magic rings which circle the area.
They might explode upon impact. Drolta also split in four to release parallel
beams on the battlefield.
Guardian description: The doppelganger is a shape-shifting foe. The doppelganger
takes on the form of Anastasia Aulin. It use different types of knives or
knuckles. The fake might also use four sub-weapons; stakes, gauntlets, garlic
or boomerang. When damaged, the doppelganger utilize item-crushes or magic
Atlantis shrine (Greece).
Music track: Hail from the Past.
This is the first portrait found within the great stairway. From the bridge,
you have an exelent view of the sea while the sun set. You must fight past
the enemies to enter the submerged palace. You might obtain the twirling
cube. Anastasia should recover the throwing knife. Beneath the dome you
have to defeat the water magician. There is a save point right behind his
chamber. You must climb across the rooftop to enter the second tower. You
have to go down to find the way into the curse temple. There is another
destiny stone hidden somewhere inside the palace. This is where you found
the tome of arms. You must defeat the rock golem before you might leave
the Atlantis shrine behind.
Branches into: Great stairway.
Lesser enemies: Bats, fishmen, death masks, poison worms, Minotaurs, giant
slugs, Forneus, Elquisa, Dogether, bone-throwers, toads & gorgons.
Guardian(s): Water magician & rock golem.
Guardian description: The water magician is the sorcerer from the New Order.
He flouts in the air to release streams of water. He teleports to dodge
your attacks. The real danger is the crystals which make it rain to might
flood the area. They must be destroyed. Then the water magician must meet
the same fate.
Guardian description: The rock golem was brought to life through arcane
magic. The golem make rocks fall down or throw fireballs. The crystal is
the only weak spot. The enemy defend with its huge arms. The monster hammer
the floor to make it collapse. When damaged, rocks also fall from the rock
golem's frame.
Leaning tower of Pisa (Italy).
Music track: Chaotic playground.
Later track: In Search for the Hidden Spell.
This is the third portrait you should investigate. You appear outside the
leaning tower. You must enter the castle. This is where you have the first
encounter with Mina and Dolores. They have resieved a crimson baphtize.
They challenge you to a battle. Brauner appears. He don't want his "daughters"
damaged. He takes them with him. the tower continue to fall. Edward should
obtain the crawling cube. Anastasia have to recover the darts. There is
a save point near the top of the tower. You must find the Sanctuary spell.
Atop the leaning tower you have to defeat the gargoyle bat. There is another
destiny stone hidden somewhere within the tower. With it, you should leave
the area.
Branches into: Great stairway.
Lesser enemies: Ravens, dead officers, hanged men, bats, heavy armours,
thunder demons, hoppers, red skeletons, crows, hill knights, owls & Golems.
Guardian(s): Bone dragon king & Gargoyle bat.
Guardian description: The bone dragon king circle the area while breathing
wavy flames. When damaged enough, bones are knocked off of its frame. They
fly about to might inflict a cursed state upon you. The bone dragon king
might also spit out repeated rebounding fireballs which might finish off
the battle.
Guardian description: The gargoyle bat flies in from difficult angles to
might smash you against the floor. The huge creature also fly in to throw
accurate rocks toward you. It hammer into the ceiling to make the tower
collapse. The gargoyle bat also fire a laser which might inflict a stoned
state upon you.
Muniton factory (Germany).
Music track: Iron Blue Intention.
The muniton factory is the last portrait you should investigate. You start
outside in a parking-lot. You must defeat the monster before you might enter
the factory. You have to explore three large rooms to activate the switches.
You regained the charge cube as Anastasia should recover the Shuriken. There
is a save point inside the second chamber. You might also find the crystal
and the other tome of arms. You must climb to the top of this small clock
tower to defeat the giant gear steamer. You have to find the destiny stone
which is hidden somewhere within the factory. When you regained the relic,
you might leave the area behind.
Branches into: Tower of death.
Lesser enemies: Ravens, skeletons, sand worms, dead farmers, man eaters,
Ucoback, killer bees, bats, red knights, bee hive, ectoplasms, Dodo & creatures.
Guardian(s): The monster & Giant Gear Steamer.
Guardian description: The monster is built out of multiple corpses which
where brought to life through the arts of alchemy. The creature lumbers
forward while attacking with its hammer. It throw fire-rising, freezing,
explosive or clone-causing vials. The monster also channel electricity or
fire bullets or rockets toward you.
Guardian description: The giant gear steamer is a collection of cogs possessed
by evil spirits. The steamer release several smaller gears toward you. Only
the crystal cog might be damaged. The gear steamer also reset itself while
releasing a deathly steam which might inflict another stoned state upon
Ruins of castle Dracula (Romania).
Music track: Crucifix held Close.
This is the first of the portraits inside the master's keep you should investigate.
You appear outside another castle. This portrait has an eerie resemblance
to Dracula's haunt. You start within the graveyard.
You must reach beyond the drawbridge to enter the main hall. The abode is
mostly ruined. You should obtain the climb cube as Anastasia recover the
crystal. The way to the dungeon is closed. You need the key. The werewolf
is within the courtyard. You must defeat him before you might continue.
There is another save point within the mansion. The view from the keep is
magnificent. You have to find the destiny stone. Afterward, you might leave
the painting behind.
Branches into: The master's keep.
Lesser enemies: Crows, ghouls, wakwak trees, dead hunters, mudmen, bats,
ghoul kings, axe knights, Ucoback, dead knights, harpies & Devils.
Guardian(s): Werewolf.
Guardian description: The werewolf is a shape-shifting lycanthrope. The
werewolf utilize fierce biting attacks which might inflict a cursed state.
He hurl enflamed discs or conjure other wolves. The werewolf also curl into
a rebounding ball or climb along the walls and ceiling to attack with sliding,
jumping or flying kicks.
Versailles pallace (France).
Music track: Behind the Gaze.
The Versailles pallace is the second portrait found inside the master's
keep. You appear out before that famous fountain. You must defeat the enemies
before you might enter into the building. The sun is rising. You have to
find the way through the extravagant palace. The place is still very elegant.
You must use holy water to might break the bricks. There is a save point
within the royal bedroom. You might retrive the pull cube. Anastasia should
recover the changer spell. Within the silenced chapel you have to defeat
Medusa. After the battle, the captured enemies are released. There is another
destiny stone hidden inside the palace. You must find it before you might
return back to England.
Branches into: The master's keep.
Lesser enemies: Ravens, bone-scimitars, stone roses, swingers, Alura Unes,
bats, blue skeletons, frozen shades, Tanjelly, ghost dancers & sword lords.
Guardian(s): Medusa.
Guardian description: The eternally-suffering snake-woman Medusa charge
forward with a successive serpent strike. She then retreat to release repeated
Medusa heads. She make snakes spin about to might repel your approach. Medusa
conjure larvas or fire a beaming gaze which might inflict a stoned state.
Forest of Doom (Spain).
Music track: The hidden Curse.
The forest of Doom is the third portrait you have to investigate. There
is a thunderstorm going on. You must find the way into the academy building
before struck by lightning. Edward should obtain the dive cube. You have
to open the gate within the entrance tower. Anastasia recover the summon
spell. You have to explore the forest. It's easy to get lost out here. When
you have collected the tome of arms, you might enter the shrine beneath
the marshland. There is another destiny stone hidden somewhere within that
area. You must defeat the mummy man. The battle made the crypt to collapse.
You should leave the portrait behind.
Branches into: The master's keep.
Lesser enemies: Ravens, flying armours, Zacchino, razor bats, club knights,
winged guards, needles, Catobeplaces, bone-troopers & demon heads.
Guardian(s): Mummy man.
Guardian description: The mummy man was brought to life through arcane magic.
The mummy teleport about while releasing wavy shards or shoot accurate projectiles
which might inflict a cursed state. Only through three repeated attacks
you might repel it. The mummy man also throw out rounds of breakable bricks.
Vampire studio (Russia).
Music track: Operation "VK".
The vampire studio is the last portrait you should investigate. The area
has a strange resemblance to Brauner's hideaway. You start within the art
gallery. You have to find the way to the studio. There is another save point
inside the torture lab. The lose wirings channel electricity. You have to
illuminate the area. The power-plant is located beneath the stage. You might
obtain the roll cube. Anastasia should recover the Nightmare spel. It is
snowing outside. You have to cross the garden. Within the cemetery, the
dead starts to come alive. You have to defeat Legion. The final destiny
stone is hidden somewhere within the gallery. With that in hand, you should
leave the studio.
Branches into: The master's keep.
Lesser enemies: Bats, sirens, Laura, wise bee, Copelia, Alastor, ravens,
demon wheels, Nyx, speed demons, razor bats, killer clowns, Aliorunes &
Guardian(s): Legion.
Guardian description: Legion summon a shield of corpses before it starts
rolling forward. The demon release other corpses which might overthrow you.
When the core is exposed, the formation fire multiple flame-rising lasers
toward you. When the shield is gone, Legion must meet the same fate.
Ending 3.
Music track: The Night Flowers.
The battle wages back and forth. Nothing you do seem to stop the prince
of Darkness. Then Thomas and the Hakuba twins appear on the battlefield.
You are able to combine your power. Then Anastasia's spells are granted
ultimate power. Through their combined strength, the dragons are able to
banish Oikawa into the neitherworld. Then Death shows up. He warn you to
get out of here. The castle is about to crumble. In the forest you watch
as the castle collapse into the sea. Finally it's over. Thomas then suddenly
leave you behind. Roger reappears. He promised to bring you to the Vatican.
At last, it's dawn. It might be a beautiful day.
Branches into: England.
Lesser enemies: None.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.
Music track: You Are Not Alone.
Within the Dora wood, Heinrich and his friends have left the village of
Doina. Then St. Germain appears before your group. He congratulate you with
your victory. But even so, the war against Dracula is far from over. Heinrich
Schneider and Patrick Oldrey must return to the Vatican. Torah Fernandez
have to rejoin with Christian Belmont. You worry about the children. St.
Germain promisse that he'll take care of them. The forest is safe. It will
take some time for count Dracula's followers to comprehend with what happened.
The saint teleport you away. Torah bid you farewell. Then you might finally
leave the countryside behind.
Within the forest of Debias, followers of Dracula are preparing for the
battle against the ressistance movement. The ring-leader remind them about
what the lords of shadow instructed. Soon Chrismus is over. Then it will
be time to act. Until then, they withdraw. The demons look forward to what
is about to happen.
At a ruined shrine, the angel of Death is performing a ritual. The rite
is complete. A shadow is risen from his grave. The dark angel is pleased.
The undead is powerful. He tells the dark angel about his plot. Death might
execute his will. This is exelent. Together the angel and the vampire leave
the site behind.
In the Vatican, Rachel Belmont has gone to visit the pope. You discover
that David is a secret member of the order of shadow. He permitted followers
of the Dark Lord to enter the city. Lillith is about to kill Mathew. You
are close to failure when Heinrich and Alicia appear on the sceene. Together
you manage to fend off the demons. The pope is dead. Although you managed
to save his soul, it's no victory. Alicia became wounded during the battle.
Then Zue appears. She and the other members of the Belmont clan will tell
the church about the events. You have no patience. You ask for volunteers.
The order will have to pay for what they did. Isaac and Zue want to come
with you. Together you prepare to venture into the dark night.
Within the walls of the demon castle, the fallen angel of Death watch as
their plot unfold. The servants are returning. All has transpired like he
predicted. Soon it will be time to act. The grim reaper is pleased with
the outcome. There is still much to do. Soon night will fall. Nothing might
stop them this time.
Branches into: Warakiya & the Vatican.
Lesser enemies: Bats, lizard men, harpies, bone-archers, humpbacks, demons,
Lillith & warlocks.
Guardian(s): None.
Guardian description: None.