Castlevania: Darkness Never Dies
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Part 1: Curse of Blood
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Part 2: Legacy of Sorrow
Landmap | Character List | Prologue
Intro 2
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Castlevania Darkness Never Dies23B
Disclaimer: I do not own any part in Castlevania, neither characters nor games. These are trademark of Konami and Nintendo.
”For love is the fulfilment of the Law.”
Romans: 13. 8.-10.
Intro 2: Echoes of Darkness.
Wizardry lab, castle Ondol. The 5th. Of January 2099 A.D.
The sun set. The room lay in shadow. Soon it would be nightfall. This was the last day in the celebration of Christmas. The trio which sat around the table could almost feel it. The turning of the tide. Though this time they where prepared. Strange. Neither of them did trust the other. The priestess acknowledged this turn of event. He had been summoned. Though another took his place. Such it should be. Such was the way of their Master. She reached for her symbol. A torch lit the crystal. Blue flame flickered, illuminating their features. She smiled. “So it begins.” One of the men said. The other was quiet. “Again.” She made no answer. He was right. This was full circle. Though nothing where ever the same. The wheel turn. The Dark Lord would rise anew. He would cover the land in a second great Darkness. Soon, very soon, that should happen. Beyond the torch, it was complete silence. She left her seat. They gazed upon her. She pulled back the hood. Blue light reflected her blonde hair. They awaited her decision. Her grey eyes gleamed like polished steel. All was as it should be. She knew what to expect. “Count Dracula is reborn.” She stated. They did not answer.
Village of Ondol, warakiya. The 6th. of January 2099 A.D.
Snow coated the street. Christian Belmont huddled behind the corner of a nearby building. He thought of the man who was Dracula. “ Ever since the solar eclipse of 2035, my life has never been the same. It was then that I realized that I, Soma Cruz, am the rebirth of Dracula. It was in his castle that I learned the truth. That I possessed the power to seize the souls of my enemies. That evil power almost engulfed me, but my friends pulled me from the brink .” He sighed. “About a year has passed since then, and I thought my troubles where over.” All seemed quiet. He was careful when retreating. Trevor didn’t released the whip before reaching the backyard. The others whispered together. She restrained a laugh. “Are you serious?” The cousin nodded. “Yes.” He told. “And that’s when Hammer decided too… “ Christian cut them short. “We may continue.” He said. The chest-plate felt like forged by frost. It almost bit through his jacket. Koji smirked. He, and Maria Hakuba, where still with him. They purchased other clothing when the Holiday was over. Something really strange happened back then. Maria ran away from the sawmill. She still used the name of Luna Sarranow. She’d called him names. Maria said it straight into his face. That she would tell about him. “Wait Belmont, I know the answer.” He shuddered. “Yes, of course, Maria. You know what is wrong .” She had made a grimace. “It has been a year since it began.” That was true. “You can use that power.” Trevor couldn’t deny. He did remember. Christian got a terrible feeling inside. Although he hadn’t used it since before the holiday. Her words still sent echoes of darkness through his heart and soul. Then again, she had come back, just a few minutes later. Maria changed her attitude. She admitted to be a Hakuba clanswoman. “Let’s go.” Koji said. He was the oldest member of the group. Trevor went out into the street. He still thought of that locket. The Hakuba sisters. Mina had believed she was an only child. She wasn’t. Christian dismissed the matter. The group splintered after Christmas. While he and Koji went to search for his cousin, the others disappeared. Trevor worried about the matter. It hadn’t been snowing since that day. Reading the tracks, it seemed like there had been a squabble. Snow cracked beneath their feet. The village of Ondol was abandoned. “Why should they come here?” Maria asked. She still let her main of black hair reach down the back. Christian wished she could conceal it. His army jacket made him less noticeable. Though his red hair, reaching his shoulders, might make things difficult. “I don’t know!” Koji said. “But either way, the tracks led here.” As a dragon relative, he might be able to track those gifted with magic powers. Bogh Genya Arikado and Noriko Cruz possessed the power of dominance. Zue also inherited a mystic force. Trevor wondered about that. She never really told that much about it. Then Hammer was a problem. He didn’t have any magic. They could only hope he was safe. “We got to find her.” Christian stated. Koji made no comment. Though he looked unsure. Maria returned the gaze with her own dark pools. They where so deep. He sometimes felt like drowning. Now though, she was serious. “You’re sure?” She asked. “She started a fight.” Trevor knew. He touched the crucifix. “Even so.” He stated. “We have to find her.” Noriko was the granddaughter of Soma Cruz. They got to find her before something terrible happened. Noriko didn’t have Soma’s resolve. So he’d seen. Koji told him about what happened in the volcano. “I’m not sure of any of this.” Koji said. His breath turned to smoke. It wasn’t because he was a dragon. But because of the cold. “I doubt we might do anything.” Christian made the sign of the cross. “We must have faith.” Koji still looked doubtful. “Don’t forget they stole your arsenal.” Trevor made a grimace. He should’ve known better then to leave it behind. Germain came that morning. He brought the heirlooms. The saint said that Julius wanted it this way. “I think that Genya type took them.” Maria stated. “Remember, he didn’t want you to get involved.” Christian agreed. Genya Arikado had stated that they split. That he and Maria should head for the castle Dracula. “The creature of Chaos will only grow stronger as it stay in this world.” He pointed out. “ Although no master sit upon the throne, the spirit of the Dark Lord might awake.” The argument had given Maria the chance she waited for. He and Koji went after her. Perhaps they shouldn’t. Though she brought important information. Trevor would have to think further about it later. Genya would have to know. “Don’t worry about that.” Maria touched his cheek. Christian became as red like his hair. “The Belmonts always seem to regain their arsenal when they have to fight.” Trevor smiled. That was true. Both Leon and Sonia had found what they needed. ”Excuse me.” Koji cleared his throat. Maria stepped away. Christian felt both hot and cold. She wasn’t like that other Maria. The little girl who played with him while in the Vatican. Maria Hakuba was an elf, Half-blood at least, and an experienced sorceress. Luna claimed to have been the bride of Damien. How was that possible? Maria was only 13 years old. “Either way.” Maria said, trying to change the subject. “I think I know why Noriko left.” Trevor was grateful for the effort. “Of course.” Koji stated. “She went to search for Iori Najima.” The 16 year old shook his head, shaking the mess of brown hair. “I was an idiot who supported her decision.” Christian spread his arms. “It wasn’t your fault.” It really wasn’t. “Most of us voted to go with her.” Although that was the nightmare before Christmas. Koji shrugged. “It doesn’t mean I’m without guilt. I gave her my dragonheart, remember?” Maria crossed her arms. “You take to much blame.” She said. “We are your friends.” Trevor said. “We stand together.” For a time, they all held hands. The moment passed. They let go. Koji smirked. “Keep it in mind.” He said with more then a little glee. “It’s because of a dream.” Christian sighed. He kept the Vampire Killer. The Holiday had made it become the leather whip. No matter anyway. It still had the propensity of legend. Julius once thought it’d lost its power. But that had been a mistake. The Vampire Killer only changed because of the castle’s imprisonment. Maria sent Koji a look. “Did the dragons really speak with you in a dream?” The boy shrugged. “They may do what they want.” He admitted. “But this was different.” Trevor knew that Koji had received the golden glow. A rare sign of valour among his species. “They made you appear, you know.” He stated. “They told me to trust my friends.” He made that special grin. “They even told me to trust that cold hearted son of a devil, Genya Arikado.” Maria looked away. She still felt a little uncomfortable about all this. “It’s alright.” Christian said. They would need all the allies he might gather. The warlock lord mounted a black dragon. His ancestors met the undead kind. “I guess.” This time it was Maria shrugging. Trevor figured. This all began such a long time ago. He turned his attention back to where it belonged. Christian scoured the street. There where nobody there. Some monsters attacked in the forest. They managed to fend them off. Since then, nothing happened. “Though I still wonder.” Koji said. “What is Genya’s real goal?” Trevor had no idea. Though he didn’t say so. Genya Arikado always had been hard to figure. They crossed another lane. Everything was quiet. Pine trees stood to the side of the road. “Dragon’s nose.” Koji seemed to sniff the air. For a moment, he looked like the man-beast. Christian didn’t care. Koji’s features returned to normal. “This way.” He said. Trevor cracked the whip. He went in front. Koji and Maria chose him as the leader. Strange, when they where more powerful then him. At least for the moment. Then again, power wasn’t everything. He was a Belmont. Christian suddenly made them to stop. “Look!” He pointed. The woman stood on the street. There was nothing strange about that. The weird thing, was that she hadn’t been there before. Christian crossed himself. Koji and Maria Hakuba spread out behind him. “You! You are Christian Belmont, are you not?” Trevor moved into a defensive posture. “Yes.” He licked his lips. “Who are you?” The woman smiled. “Be careful.” Maria almost hissed. At first he didn’t figure. Then he noticed. Although the sun was low in the sky, she cast no shadow. The woman was clad like a priestess. Though the blue garb looked somehow mouldy. Trevor reached for the crucifix. Although this woman didn’t look like a monster, he had to be cautious. The blonde lady seemed strangely familiar. “It is you.” Grey eyes met grey eyes. “I knew about you.” That sent chills down his spine. “Who are you?” This time it was Koji who asked. A slight growl entered his voice. “Do you not recognize me?” She smiled. Although grownups might find her attractive, Christian felt suddenly uneasy. It was almost like this happened before. The woman’s eyes suddenly lit with fire. “Vampire!” Maria shouted. Trevor saw the fangs exposed. “You might still call me Celia.” She pointed a finger at him. “But not for long.” Christian tightened the grip on the Vampire Killer. “That’s not possible.” He said. “Dimitri Blinov killed you, before he himself got destroyed.” The woman made a dismissing gesture. “The abyss was somehow connected to the castle.” The shadow priestess folded her arms. “Although not a member of the circle of blood, I was afforded new life upon the castle’s rebirth.” Trevor approached. “Then I’ll redeem your soul.” Celia lifted a hand. “Not yet.” A great shadow seemed to settle on the village street. “I have to do this.” She said. “I have to rise the spirit of Dracula.” Christian felt like a trap was closing in around him. “Come forth, my servants!” The foul aura grew even darker. “What?!” Trevor reared. The bats came like a swarm. The crucifix made them scatter. This was all wrong. He knew the story told about his great grandfather, Julius Belmont, and his struggle in 2036. That didn’t matter. The earth shook. The skeletons raised. Christian was struck to the ground. “Christian!” Koji and Maria came running forward. “Maria, get back!” The skeletons threw bones into the air. Maria backed off. “Dragon’s tail!” Koji answered by striking the ground. The bats got smashed. “Save us from evil!” That wasn’t enough. There where more of them. Maria challenged the spear guard. Where had they all come from? No matter. Trevor got back up. The girl dodged the attack. Then she delivered a ground kick. The armoured guard staggered back. “Yeah!” Maria hurled three successive fireballs. Christian got other things to worry about. The golem hammered the ground. Trevor struck the thing as hard he could. The golem raised both arms to protect its head. The bats came in. Why didn’t they help? Koji had disappeared. Maria still fought the spear guard and skeletons. They countered her magic. Christian held the crucifix high in defiance. That was the last of the mystic sub-weapons. Legends told that Richter Belmont separated the original crucifix from the cross. He wasn’t interested. A skeleton came from behind. The bone-man tried to strangle him. It really was strong. The bony fingers tore at the rosary. The crucifix fell on the ground. Trevor twirled with the whip. The skeleton collapsed. He even defeated the bats. They would drink his blood. That might infect with the vampire curse. A scream resounded throughout the area. Maria staggered. Blood ran from a deep gash above the chest. “Enough.” Christian knew that voice. “Belmont. You back off, too.” A man clad in a black trench coat came walking down the street. “There are only two sides.” He flipped the coin. “And the ruby it is.” The flame blast burst from his open hand. The golem was burned. “And then, it is the amethyst.” Lightning struck. “Arikado!” Maria had recognised. “Genya Arikado. The guardian.” Celia looked thoughtful. “You shall not interfere.” Could she do that? Although aged, Genya Arikado still was a man of stature. The monsters which surrounded Maria, approached him. The spear guard twirled its weapon. “The amethyst it is.” The handsome features never changed. Trevor was glad he returned. Genya flipped the coin of fortune. “The ruby.” His voice was cold. Though the flame blast wasn’t. Christian renewed his efforts. The whip became a tool of ice. The figure got frozen. “Kill him!” Celia demanded. The bats swooped. Trevor pushed forward. He struck the mechanism. He sidestepped the rocks. The whip struck home. The golem towered above. Christian felt insignificant with comparison. He whipped repeatedly. The monster raised its arms overhead. Trevor retrieved the crucifix. The idol made an uppercut. Christian got behind. He struck with the whip until it reached up. Then he stamped the mechanism. The priestess smiled. Trevor didn’t expect her to do that. “You really are quite resourceful.” She said. Genya made the knight to retreat. Some other monsters still moved about. “But that is not enough to save you.” Celia raised a hand. She made lightning strike. Christian gasped. It was a barrier! He was separated from his other friends. Celia gloated. “There is nobody to save you now.” Her voice got the sound of water glasses played on by a cunning hand. “Black magic.” Genya smouldered with ice cold wrath. Then he reached into his pocket. “Be quick, Belmont.” He said. “It is complete.” Then Genya sent him a white envelope. Celia glared. Trevor wasted no time. He knew what to do. “In the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Ghost!” He knelt to place the Host upon the ground. “Not Him!” Celia shrieked. “No!” But it was to late. The holy Wafer exploded into a shining pyre. The skeleton, the spear guard and golem, they all got vaporized. Only Celia remained. She acknowledged. “So it is.” The shadow priestess didn’t seem all that frightened, or even disappointed. “This is only the beginning.” Then she met his eyes. But you.” She inhaled. “Christian Belmont, I shall see your demise. That is certain. I will use whatever means.” Then she was gone. “Wait!” He shouted. This was getting out of hand. “Save your strength.” Genya remarked. “You won’t catch her now.” Christian sighed. “I guess.” He said. Arikado then touched his forehead. “Are you alright?” He asked. “Yes, I’m fine.” He touched the crucifix. “But that woman, she had returned.” Trevor tightened his grip. “Shadow rising. Genya, what is going on?” Arikado withdrew. “”Darkness has not “returned”. It is always with us. Now, there is someone who might inherit. Since he fled the castle. And that sat free all the souls that he had gained Dominance over.” Christian paled by the possibility. “But that’s… That’s horrible!” He exclaimed. “Are you telling me they couldn’t rise the force because they got the wrong candidate?” Arikado didn’t answer. Trevor felt so tired. “Celia knows about you.” That was no question. “Celia Fortner was the priestess of a new and rapidly growing cult. I suspected she was up to something. So I have been keeping tabs on her.” He shook his head. Christian still didn’t understand. Although he had a hunch. “But why would someone like her come after me?” Genya inspected the situation. “They wish to resurrect the Dark Lord.” Trevor forced a smile. “I guess they don’t like the fact that Soma Cruz didn’t fell to Chaos.” The agent didn’t react. “Not only that.” He told. “To rise a Dark Lord, they have to kill you.” Christian looked up at him. “Kill me?” He almost felt relieved. This was something he could handle. Trevor was a vampire hunter. He would do that. He would hunt the night. But not yet. Not when somebody else got in trouble. Christian went to check on Maria. She was still unconscious. “Let it be, Belmont.” Genya Arikado stated. “You don’t need to get any more involved with this. Let me handle it.” Trevor didn’t liked the state of his friend’s condition. “She will live.” The agent told. He tended to the wound with some potion and tied with clean bandage. “Here.” Genya said, handing him a sample. “Give this to her. Three times a day. Then she will survive.” He raised. “You don’t have to get involved with this.” Christian shook his head. He had no choice. This was his destiny. “The dreams of Dracula came to me.” St. Germain had faith in him. He was the poltergeist king of the family. “I will hunt the night.” Arikado didn’t seem to notice. He made no remark. “It is time.” He then said. Arikado turned to leave. Trevor wished to go after him. Instead, he remained at her side. Celia wouldn’t see his demise. Christian had a human heart. He would tend to her. No matter what. Trevor would have to lift her. Maria was heavier then he thought. The grey, green and brown clothing didn’t reflect her colours. “Christian!” The call almost made him to let go. “So, the base is here. Genya’s info wasn’t that fishy after all. Why should I doubt his word?” Christian looked about. “Is she okay?” He still held Maria in his arms. Her hair tickled his cheek. Hammer appeared from behind the trees. Trevor felt relaxed by the mere sight. Owen was a trustworthy companion. “What are you doing here?” He asked. Hammer helped him to lift the unconscious girl. What’s your problem? I thought he told you.” Christian groaned. “Not really.” He said. Hammer spat. “I knew he got his mind on doing something wicked.” They managed to carry. “No worry, we’ll stop him, buddy.” Trevor bit his lip. “Genya only do what he thinks is right.” The soldier shrugged. “I’m more worried about the pretty lady.” Owen said. “You haven’t seen Zue about?” Christian shook his head. “I thought she went with you.” Yoko Belnades told Julius Belmont about the interest of this man’s relative. “I haven’t seen her since after Christmas.” Hammer put Maria on his back. He really looked worried. “Well, since I’m here, I better make the best of it.” Hammer smirked. “Looks like I’m back in business, and you are my customer.” Trevor blinked. What was he talking about? “Look, Hammer.” He had to try. “I’m saying this for your own good. You have to leave.” It wasn’t to late. Owen stood his ground. “I could never do that. Everyone can see you’re in trouble.” Hammer tried a shrug. “I won’t just leave you here to get killed.” Christian didn’t knew what to say. “I… I can’t tell how I appreciate that.” He finally managed. The soldier smirked. “Matter of fact, I can help you already.” He touched the pistol. The weapon, and his uniform, had been purchased from that strange wandering demon. “I scoped out the area and found a spot to set up shop. Come, and we’ll settle in.” Trevor did. He hoped Genya was right. That Maria would live. Just now, he was unsure if any of them would ever see the sunrise again. “What’s keeping her up?” Hammer asked himself. Christian was speechless. He got no answers.
Sibella Von Szleklys sat on the rooftop. She had watched the events. The wind was playing with her brown hair. The talismans would focus and concentrate her power. Sibella thought about the event. She claimed to be lord Dracula’s daughter. Her mother was a maid, one of his many brides after he gained control of a supernatural power. Nobody knew about her. She remained in the shadow while the count wasted his power upon the war against the Belmont clan. Sibella did wait. She would become the queen eventually. But then Genya Arikado had set his plot in motion. Soma Cruz was dead. The throne was empty. Then there was that other girl. Noriko Cruz. Sibella Von Szleklys knew about what had transpired. Although her appearance was that of a 30 year old woman, she was nothing of the sort. She knew. She would reach the castle, The real castle. And she would inherit all of Dracula’s powers. Sibella smiled. The prince of Darkness called her by the name of Lillith. She would show her “dear” father how much she loved him. But that would have to wait. To the next circle of the moon. That was more then a weak ahead. Until then, she would rid herself of those who plotted to take the place, which was rightfully hers, by blood.
Hammer’s shop, lost village. The 6th. Of January 2099 A.D.
Owen led the way to a chamber behind the shop. Somehow Christian wasn’t surprised that he had opened this store. He almost was like the incarnation of his grandfather. “I’ll give her the medicine.” Hammer promised. The room was warm, thanks to an oven which seemed like radiating heat. There where two beds within this room. Hammer helped him to take off her clothing. Trevor hoped she wouldn’t awake when that happened. Not that he hadn’t seen her before. Christian blushed. He knew he was still to young. Hammer seemed to notice. He made no comment. Trevor was truly grateful he didn’t. “She’ll be alright.” The soldier assured. Christian nodded. There was nothing else he could do. Hammer knew the rules. Nothing would happen as long as he got paid. They went back into the store. The house consisted of three small rooms. The people seemed to favour this architecture. The thought almost made him to smile. The village wasn’t like the Vatican. He dismissed the matter. Trevor was unsure on what to do now. Genya Arikado would’ve told him to head for the demon castle. The storm was coming. To hunt the night. Christian knew it was true. But that he couldn’t do. Celia Fortner was a threat to him and his friends. She plotted to resurrect the evil count. He couldn’t be allowed to be restored to this world. The Dark Lord would have to rest within his unearthly resting-place until the end of days. Hammer sat behind the counter. He belonged there. The soldier was ready to start his business. Trevor knew that might be a problem. Anyone might enter. They would spot him. Although they would be banished if they ever made aggressive action. There was no point in wasting time. “Do you know anything about this matter?” He asked. Hammer shrugged. “You know that I’m not really into the case.” He smirked. “But I remember when you and that dragon went to fetch your girl.” Christian couldn’t help it. His cheeks went red. “Anyhow.” Hammer continued his tale. “Noriko went on having to look for that Iori person.” Trevor nodded. “Zue and I wished to wait for your return.” Hammer shook his head. “But Arikado wanted her to make for this place.” Christian frowned. That didn’t make sense. Or did it? He also felt the shift in nature. “Genya spoke of the castle Ondol.” The salesman told. “When we argued, your little Dracula wannabe made havoc.” Trevor made the sign of the cross. “She and Genya disappeared.” Hammer looked down at the table. “ I went after Zue.” He sighed. “I knew I should’ve stayed. But I just had to find her.” Christian nodded. He knew. He might’ve done the same. “Are you sure that Genya spoke about the castle?” He asked. “Sure enough.” Hammer said while nodding. “He really wanted that girl to come here.” Hammer grew serious. “He spoke about some sort of trial.” Trevor touched the crucifix. “Then I’ll go there to.” He stated. “I knew you would.” Hammer stated. “Don’t worry.” He assured. “I’ll stay here. With the girl and shop and all.” Christian smiled. “You are a good friend.” He said. Hammer just shrugged. “I have to make a living you know. Might as well make it here.” Then he too went serious. “Take care.” He said. “That whip of yours, is our hope.” His voice lowered. “Your blood, is our hope.” Trevor felt proud by the statement. “I am a Belmont.” HE told. “I won’t let you down.” “Good bye then.” Hammer said. “Until you return.” He then added with a little glee. “I’ll give you a nice fair.” Christian laughed. Though his heart sank. This would be dangerous. He didn’t have any of his weapons. Then again. Julius Belmont made it for 36 years without them. His great grandfather relayed upon his mystic power. His trust where in the grace of God. Trevor had swore to hunt the night. He could live up to their legacy. Christian went out the door. He gave Hammer a last farewell. The salesman returned the favour. Then Trevor went off.
Lost village, Warakiya. The 6th. Of January 2099 A.D.
Christian Belmont had returned to the snowy streets of the lost village. This area of town was more ruined then the rest. The quarter consisted of old country houses. Trevor felt slightly alone. He wondered what might happened with Koji. Christian would’ve been grateful to have him by his side. That was no option. The dragon was nowhere to be seen. The sun was about to set. Soon there would be nightfall. Then those followers of the Dark Lord would come out. Trevor was certain. There was something about this place which made him think like that. If only he knew what Noriko was up to. She’d went out alone to find her lost friend. Genya seemed to know the truth. But he wouldn’t tell. Things never was that easy. Christian looked ahead. The last rays of sunlight illuminated the top of the castle Ondol. There was something about that place. Trevor knew it was built upon the ruins of his family’s estate. Both Gabriel and Leon Belmont lived their lives in there. Centuries later, even Sonia and Trevor made residence within the tower of Ondol. Christian put the matter aside. He had to prepare for what was to come. The crisp cold might become a problem.
Koji Hakuba was scouring the cityscape below. He was high up in the sky. He used his ancient power to mask his appearance. Anyone who saw a gold dragon would immediately have come out with their lance and armour. Koji smirked. Not all would do that. It was part of the joke. Dracula’s followers would surely hunt him. He never said so, but he knew part of the test had been for him. Dracula could use his power. That was what frightened him the most. He didn’t want to let them down. That was why he left the group. He’d often encouraged Christian to tell the legends about his family. That have been nice during Christmas. That was why he fled when spotting Celia. He knew she could open the vortex into the darkness. Kochi Hakuba, his brother, had been black. Koji didn’t knew if that was enough to draw him into shadow. He didn’t dare to take the risk. That was why he’d abandoned his friends. Koji felt so ashamed of himself. Something caught his attention. There where someone below him. Koji knew that person. It was Noriko Cruz. He went in for landing. She might tell him what to do.
(A.N: This
is the intro to the second quest of this tale. I hope you liked it. I want
to see if I may make something out of the “Julius mode” of DoS. I hope we’ll
return to the future someday. It’s such an interesting plot. Will Vlad Tepes
Dracula ever be reborn? The character of Lillith is of course based upon
the person of the 1984 Dracula magazine. Though I’ll recreate her as my
own individual. Have a nice time.)