Castlevania: Darkness Never Dies
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Part 1: Curse of Blood
Landmap | Character List | Prologue
Intro 1 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
Intro 2 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9
Intro 3 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | The End
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Part 2: Legacy of Sorrow
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Castlevania Darkness Never Dies24
Disclaimer: I do not own any part in Castlevania, neither characters nor games. These are trademark of Konami and Nintendo.
Part 1: Curse of Blood.
“Let justice rain down upon us. Let justice be as an everlasting flood.”
Amos: 5. 24.
Chapter 7: Monster dance.
St. Maria’s church, town of Jova. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The priest granted an absolution. “Your sins are forgiven.” Noriko folded her hands. The womenfolk knelt. Noriko then hid behind her messy black hair. The hunter opened his eyes. “By the Lord’s holy mother.” Father Jeremiah exclaimed. He made the sign of the cross. “Amen.” Christian crossed himself. She rejoiced. He was unchanged. Noriko carried him from the lighthouse to the church. He touched the neck. A shadow crossed his face. “What happened?” He asked. Noriko told him about it. He inhaled. Christian reached for the crucifix. “The Lord is great and merciful.” He proclaimed. Terra closed the prayer. She returned with the pot-roust. Christian gratefully ate it. The nun gave him to drink. Christian regained his strength. The Shaman wasn’t hungry. “What do we do now?” She asked. Iori was waiting downstairs. He insisted that someone should stay guard. “We have to cross the foggy lake.” Christian explained. He picked the lamp from where she put it. “The lord shall be our guide.” He said. “The map and compass might become useful.” Terra gave them to him. Christian had a closer look. “It is like I thought.” He said. “There is a passage to the lake.” He then put the items into his backpack. Noriko had to inhale. The quest would continue. She would be ready.
The priest made the sign of the cross. Father Jeremiah got impressed by their conviction. Fewpeople revealed such faith. “Before you leave.” He told. “I will grant you a gift.” The priest reached the alter. “This is the body of Christ.” He made the sign of the cross. “I wish you would let Him go with you.” Christian bowed. “I will.” He said. “Though He is always with me, in my heart.” He smiled. “Then may the Lord bless and keep you.” Father Jeremiah gave him the Host. The boy replaced the Wafer into an envelope. “Thank you father.” He put the body into his pocket. “You hunt the night.” Terra and Jeremiah kept watch while they left.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th.Of December 2098 A.D.
The cave was lit by a few torches. Casandra fed the monsters. She noticed their burning eyes and lustful stare when moving abroad. Casandra had no mind. They would not dare to touch her. Though, her loose garments didn’t conceal much. She gained the Master’s price. Casandra was not a vampire. Her remaining eye shone yellow, like that of a tiger. She was what they called a seer. Casandra might foretell about the future. The lower road became a hideout for the servants. She was their keeper. Not that it ment much. The orcs took her to be their slave. Casandra found a way to dominate. She finished her task. Casandra returned to sleep on velvet pillows. They would burn preciousincense to please her as sacrifice. She almost span with delight. Casandra lifted her head. She threw back the curtain of dark blonde hair. The sense was somehow like seeing and hearing and smelling combined. This then, was the footsteps of doom. Casandra was certain he would return. There was only one Dark Lord. Only one who could wield that power at a time. Casandra would be ready to worship his name by the moment he emerged from the grave. And he would be pleased by her service. That was something she could do. Cassandra burst into giggles. What a rare gift. The seer felt excited.
The shaman shrieked. The skeletons reached for her. They were furious toward the hunters. Noriko picked together. The undead got resurrected through evil magic. She caused the fires to rise. Such were her powers. Iori was concealed within his strength. She saw it like a shroud. The skeletons got burned. Christian kept striking the monsters. She became pulled away. The troll was huge. “Now I got you.” He muttered. The beast pressed her against the chest. His tunic was made of ruff fabric. Noriko winched. He would squeeze her to death. She fired the green beam. The Bugbear soul left a molten hole through his body. The troll was dead before even hitting the floor. Noriko was sick. She was taken down. Noriko managed to shake free from the corpse before it turned to stone. She claimed the soul. Her strength got multiplied. Noriko picked a rock and hurled it at the skeleton. The gang of bones got away. She snarled. The bats circled about. Noriko threw the fireballs. The gargoyle soul became useful. The monsters got burned. The skeleton punched her. Where were they? He confronted the monsters. Noriko shook her head. The skeleton threw bones. She screamed. Noriko felt like sharp nails pierced her body. She gasped in pain. Noriko bit together. She would crushthem.
The quest continued. Christian accepted. He was there. Noriko got the knife. The bats flapped about. Trevor brandished with the whip. They absorbed the souls. The excitement was obvious. The lamp hung from his backpack. “This way.” Noriko told. “We should not return to the lighthouse.” Trevor inspected the map. “I do not know the way.” He revealed. “We have to look further down.” Noriko gotconcerned. “If that is what you wish.” Iori hid his emotions. “So be it.” Christian crossed himself. He gotone last look on the map before he began walking. Iori told about the abyss. Trevorleaped. Hekept looking for the side-passage. Christian passed a few before turning north. He at least hoped so. Trevorbeheld the compass. “This is the way.” He tried to sound confident. “You hope.” Noriko said. Hefelt sad. She hit the mark. “I do.” He confessed. “Your Kami will lead you.” She said. Christianthought her eyesburned. That made him nervous. “Let it be.” Trevor made the sign of the cross. The boy was ahead. “Idon’t careabout yourreligion.” He remarked. Noriko smile exposed her teeth. “His rosary has broken.” Christian touched the whip. He entered the tunnel. Iori was there. He told about the merchant’s fate. They showed him nothing. Trevor crossed himself. That was so cold. “Beware.” Iori spoke. “You must be careful.” That was a spike trap. “They are a reoccurring threat.” Christian acknowledged. There was another hook. He managed to swing above. Trevor came face-to-face with the skeleton. The undead made a back-flip to throw bones. The bats hung from the ceiling. They went for blood. Christian struck with the whip. He presented the crucifix. The monsters spread about. Noriko threw the fireballs. The bone-man got shot to pieces. Trevor hit the candles. The gems restored him. They arrived. “Look out!” Christian forgot about the spiders. They might poison his friends. He got disturbed. Trevor brandished with the whip. He thought about the Soul wind, though there were no time. The skeletons made an ambush. Christian retreated. They hid among the shadows. The chronicles told that Simon Belmont searched the caves in 1692. He felt the curse of Darkness. The presence was powerful. “Stronger we are!” Trevor got beneath the punch. “In the name of the Lord!” The undead made a back-flip to throw bones. Trevor managed to glide. He cracked with the whip. The skeleton fell apart. Someone moaned. Noriko got excited. There was a certain aura about her. Christian reached for the crucifix. He felt no comfort. Neither of them could vanquish the Dark Lord. He got weary. Thomas wasn’t here. His blood might unlock the final ritual. Noriko released the feathers. She saved his life. Trevor picked the gems. He made the sign of the cross. “Come here.” The boy went through the passage. How did he know the place? Christian put it aside. Dominance might have some weird effects. He left the candles. They might handle the bats. The undead rushed through the tunnel. Trevor struck with the whip. The spiders climbed on the web. He was hurt. “Oni.” Noriko trusted the knife between the ribs. The skeleton hit her. Christian smashed a vial. The Arachni got burned to ashes. The ceiling was a mace of cobweb. Noriko collapsed. Trevor made a glide the bone-men escaped. They were much more intelligent. He threw himself under. Christian presented the crucifix. The boy hurled the fireball. His warg tore them to pieces. Noriko told the truth. The lamp revealed that his rosary was broken. Trevor felt pity for him. “Preserve us from the wicked One.” They didn’t know each other. Noriko got up to fire the green beam. The net burned. The shaman exultated with power. Christian found the way. He wouldn’t return to the well. Trevor stopped before the abyss. The platform went up and down. The conveyor looked solid. Christian shuddered. He didn’t trust it. Iori got on top. The elevator tumbled into the pit. The boy got above. The platform returned. Trevor crossed himself, though he had to continue. The lamp revealed the spiked ceiling. Christian barely escaped in time. The girl went like a bomb to destroy the stalagmites. That was clever, though he didn’t enjoy. Noriko exhaled. She survived. Trevor made the sign of the cross. “Look out!” He hurled triple daggers. The bats attacked. They threw fireballs. The monsters burned. Noriko spun the web. She took the souls. Christian beheld the cave. This was a labyrinth. He would find the way. The tunnel climbed up to the marble arch. “There is something alive in here.” Iori breathed. He felt it too. Trevor cracked with the whip. “I smell man’s blood.” The troll licked the air. “Are you sure?” His brother teased. “Forget the insults.” The orc snarled. “That can wait.” The ogre smirked. “Attack!” The monsters muttered. The darkside put an end to the argument. The band of skeletons stormed forward. Christian countered with a trio of crosses. The storm raged within. Trevor flailed with the fireball whip. The orc fired. Christian was unstoppable. He went through the archway to strike. The monsters left the post. Trevor chased after the lot. He got to conquer. The others were in danger. Christian would save them from the night. “Die you human scum.” The troll smashed the boulder. Trevor made a glide. “Stronger we are!” He got beneath. “In the name of the Lord!” Christian brandished with the chain-whip. “Bloody bastard!” The club hit the wall. Trevor felt chills down his spine. The splinters might kill him. Christian hurled the axe forward. The troll fell with a cracked skull. Trevor bit his lip. The body got turned to stone. “It is time to die.” The orcs and ogres were ready for the challenge. Christian made the sign of the cross. He fought an uphill battle. The orcs opened fire. Trevor crushed the vial. He summoned the light. The holy flame blazed to become a shield. That burned the projectiles. He then ran to hurl other vials. The monsters screamed. They spread about the corridor. Christian got to chase after them. The bats swept for blood. They slowed the assault. Trevor struck with the fireball whip. He inhaled. The others got left behind.
The boyreleased the warg. The battle-mage felt the power. He got a sudden desire. The spiral stained the tunic. The man struck with the scimitar. The warg dodged. His spell exploded. The mage withdrew. He threwthe bones. The chieftain castanelectric fireball. His bones exploded. The warg tore his side. The wolf and mage staggered behind. He shot an arrow toward the pendant. The shamancast the spell. The boltmade him to scream. How dared he?! The boy hurled other bones. The chieftainpointed his scimitar. The impact was extraordinary.The magician fell burning upon the ground. The blue orbs made lightning strike. He threw tripled fireballs. The scimitar was blazing. The battle-magewas able to repel the onslaught. He withdrew from the attack. The blade offered some protection. He released other fireballs. The manused his magic to deflect the onslaught. He got the dryad soul. The fumes granted an edge. The battle-mage fell to his knees. “You cannot defeat us.” He hissed. “You are alone.” The magelaughed. “Darkness.” The boy cursed. “Anger, Hate and Agony. Dracula’s curse.” He arrived. “Stones of Grief and Sorrow.” The boy gathered his strength. He hurledeight dark diamonds.The manreally disliked that approach. The projectiles got a homing propensity.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The seer fell back upon her heels. Casandrainhaled. The trance was broken. She observed them through the smoke. The lady opened her eye. He had broken her focus. That was another turn of events. The boy brandished with a whip.Then what could she do about him? There were plentiful possibilities. Casandra got up. She was tired. The seer lay on her pillows for quite a while. They were only children. The Dark Lord told he got no use for such people. Casandra would obey her master. Though she was not that sure. The young possessedcertain ability. Their innocence protectedagainst the Shadow. Only the most corrupt or careless might dare to touch them. Their feelings were strong. “Darkness within.” Casandra sighed. The wicked smile appeared on her features. She was an expert in such matters. The seer knew every art. Though that was not significant. Not in this case. Casandra got her ownability. She would usethem to get even with the orcs. They fared her power. Though it would cost her much energy. She would be weakened. The monsters might take her. Casandra laughed. Let them try. Casandra was amused. She would make them to suffer for the rest of eternity. Casandra lusted. She lusted for the climax. “I want them.” The seer licked her lips.
The boy struck the battle-mage. Flames burned. Iori shrieked in pain. The magician was strong. Noriko bit together. The battle-mage repelled the assault. He held his grounds. The magewasforced to kneel. The strike was terrible. He released the bats and bones. The servant refused to surrender. Then heburned. Iori triumphed. The symbol got struck by feathers. The magician roared. He withdrew from the attack. Noriko felt chills down her spine. The boy bombarded with bones. The evil man made lightning strike. The counterforce was horrible. Iori used his power to release tripled fireballs. The magician created a magnetic orb. Noriko swallowed. That absorbed the attack. The warg went for the neck. He stabbed. The wolf howled. Iori fired an arrow. “Good.” That pierced his heart. “Good.”Noriko cheered. The mage was bleeding. Iori fired. She laughed. The archer soul might be of use. He even struck the pendant. That was the source of his magic. Noriko screamed. The lightning hurled him about the cave. “You may be the one.” The mage approached. Iori smouldered with rage. “Leave me alone.” He gathered more power. “Watch out!” Noriko told. The boy struck with the orc scimitar. He pierced the body. Noriko felt thirsty. She lusted for blood-shed.
The hunter made the sign of the cross. Christian brandished with the Vampire Killer whip. This archway continued to lead slightly upward. The ogre attacked. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” The monster got to close. Trevor made a back-flip. The goat man flailed with the club. Christian burned with the Soul flame. The beast staggered. The skeletons threw bones into the air. That didn’t feel good. Trevor answered with a sudden dagger. The silver knife pierced through the onslaught. The bone-men collapsed. They remained to close to ignore the impact. Christian burned the ogre before he might crush him. He picked the gems. The crystals replenished his energy. Trevor brandished with the whip. The bats never stopped, not even when they got burned. Gems fell on the floor. The orcs fired with their short bows. Christian summoned the circle of silver crosses. The arrows burned. Trevorthen made a glide. He threw a vial of holy water while dashing. Christian attacked their numbers. The line soon broke together. Trevor remained firm. The ring-leader approached. The executioner was huge. Christian recognised the ogre. Leon Belmont described him in his journal. The beast man struckwith the great battle-axe. Trevor managedtoroll. He hooked onto the ring to swing above the spike-bed. The executioner roared with frustration. Christian whipped the candles. He ate the food. The bats attacked. They came from set positions. Trevor brandished with the chain-whip. That was what he could do. The monsters burned. They left some crystals. Christian kept on running. “Preserve us.” The archway ended beforethe rounded chamber. The hunter had to stop. Several smaller tunnels met behind the huge statue. The candlelight barely illuminated the great stone figure. Something cracked. That was the sound of a bow. Trevorthrew himself down. The arrow went past. The orc came running forward. Christianimpaled him uponthe three daggers. The bats circled about. Trevorbrandished with the whip. He got to defeat them. The other orcs approached. They hid behind the columns. Trevor threw the axe. The skull got crashed. Christianwas hit by an arrow. He pulled it away. Trevorthen used the laurels to heal himself. The orcs where armed with clubs or scimitars. Christian hurled the crystal. The explosion made them to scatter. Trevor knew they would regroup. He also got the executioner to worry about. Trevor knew the ogre would get above. He gathered. Christian kept hitting candles. The lamp gave enough light for him to see. “The Lord is great and merciful.” Trevor pressed the crucifix against his heart. He then picked the morning-star. The chain-whip got extended. Christianreceived the morning-star whip. He made a glide. Trevor cracked with the weapon. The orc dropped his scimitar. He then pulled a long-bladedmean-looking knife. Christian sidestepped the trust. Before the orc might gather after the failed attempt, he stamped with the crucifix. The orc roared in agony, though he didn’t burn. Trevorgot away. The bats landed on his body. The orc was a living being. He was untouched by the curse of blood. Christian burned the mammals. The vampire had summoned. The orcs shot arrows at him. Trevor managed to whip them aside. Then the executioner landed behind. Christian threw tripled crosses. The wind was in his blood. He cut their throats with homing boomerangs. The executioner dashed forward. The huge axe struck the ground. The sparksflew about. Trevor licked his lips. He withdrew further and further backward. The giant stone figure was right behind. The executioner struck. Christian threw himself sideways. The heavy fist struck the floor. The impact made the place to shake. Trevor made the sign of the cross. The giant rock fighter delivered an uppercut which made rocks to fall down. He was meaner then the golem. Christian had no idea how to defeat him. The giant figure released three huge fireballs. The ogre escaped. The executioner withdrew. Trevor wasn’t happy. The giant rock fighter continued to hammer the ground. Christian managed to get away. He had to figure out a strategy before he got killed. That might be easier said then done. The fireballs went home. Trevor then made a back-flip. The giant rock fighter kept him busy. The executioner returned. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” Christian made the sign of the cross. The image forced him to retreat. Trevor exhaled. This couldn’t continue. He would hunt the night. Christian brandished with the morning-star whip. The bats swooped to bite him. They squeaked with blood thirst. Trevor felt chills down his spine. He doused them with holy water. They left quite a pile. Christian collected the gems. They would replenish his energy. He summoned the light. The holy flame obscured the figure. Trevor sighed. He knew that was not the end. Never the less, Christian was grateful. He gained a breather. Then Trevor frowned. There came that cracking sound again. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” The skeletons went through the north-eastern-most tunnel. The bats flapped above. They went like a swarm. “The legions of the dead.” Christian crossed himself. The Soul wind slowed their attack. That wasn’t enough. The giant rock fighter hit the ground. Trevor got the storm inside. The homing boomerangs crashed into the dead. Christian exhaled. He caught the cross. The rock fighter roared. “Preserve us.” Trevor went beneath the impact. The three massive fireballs caused explosions on impact. “In the name of Jesus of Nazareth!” The skeletons tried to choke him. Christian threw the daggers about. The bone-men collapsed. Trevor relaxed. “For great is the Lord.” Simon Belmont was right. “Our Father in Heaven.” The silver knife really got some strength. The bats settled upon his body. Christian doused himself with holy water. The monsters burned to ashes. Trevor bit together. He absorbed the gems on contact. The force went to his head. That was some boost. “Save us!” The giant rock fighter struck with both fists. The ground shook. Trevor got away. That was quite an impact.
The boyscreamed. She was afraid. He absorbed the chaotic soul. That she could not accept. That was beside the point. The magic was too strong. He got to survive. Noriko Cruz might get lost without him. She looked so desperate. The shaman didn’t know what to do. The boy closed her out. She was not important right now. Noriko then shrieked in frustration. Let it be. He wouldn’t let it end here. Not like this. “I can’t take it!” The boy bellowed from between his teeth. “I hate you!” The body twitched. Noriko’s eyes grew wide open. “I can.” She closed her mouth. “Of course.” She should know. The force was bitter. He might control the Chaos. Noriko shuddered. She might rule through Dominance. “How can I help you?” That was amusing. Though he huddled together. “Channel through the seals.” He pleaded. “You might handle it.” She was unsure. Her grandfather emerged. Then he got Yoko Belnades to aid him. “Release the souls.” She advised. “There are some which are to dangerous to hold.” What was that to the dark side? For a moment he felt disappointed. The boy let go. She would become eventually. He shrieked. The Chaos ripped the flesh. The Darkness had him. Noriko severed the connection. He fell. Noriko loomed. She got obscured by fire. The force was glorious.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The seer clapped her hands together in a threefold. The rite was over. Casandra summoned those she wanted. The gate got closed. She rejoiced with the accomplishment. Although that was not enough. She still got more work to do. Casandra acknowledged. She got time to spend. Casandra left the cave. They watched her departure. Casandra cared not. She felttheir desire. That were of no significance to her. Casandra would not allow it. There was someone else here too. She went through the hidden passages. Casandra knew her way about the location. She eventually reached her destination. She found the crypt was located at the depth of the lower road. Simon Belmont never went this far. The seer knew the truth. The cave was inhabited. The shrine was built for a great nobleman. The concubines also lay entombed. “Jason.” She spoke. “Do you hear me?” She knew he could. He always got interested when a new bride presented herself. “Arise. In the name of count Dracula.” Casandra would have none of his embrace. “Hear me.” The lid of the sarcophagus got moved aside. JasonBernhardthad died in the year of 1596. Theconcubineswere raised from the dead. Casandra gloated. She smiled.It might at last begin. Her eye shone yellow. This was the hour.
The boy sent the bloody sword through the ribs of the skeleton. Noriko released the feathers to might shield against the arrows. Iori made the swords to twirl about. The trolls smashed with their heavy weapons. The bone-man collapsed. He absorbed the soul. Noriko then fired a green beam. The orc was dead. She got his soul. The boy fired arrows through the air. Noriko ran to might get away. The rocks hit the floor. She used the troll soul to counter the assault. The ogre got behind. The girlpresentedher crucifix. The executioner withdrew. Noriko leaped to spit tripled fireballs. The ogre dodged the objective. He struck the axe into the ground. The shock made them to stagger. The brute threw his own daggers. Noriko went sideways while conjuring bats. The one burst through the chest. The heavy armour offered some protection. Noriko threw bones. The ogre snarled when hit. She dashed forward while striking the floor. Iorithrew the boulder. The soul gave enough strength. The air got struck from his lungs. Thatcrushing sound told he reached the mark. The monster pulled together. He hit the ground. They might be destroyed. Norikowas furious. Shegot to impalethe body. Iori fired. He reached to take them. The monsters withdrew from the onslaught.
The hunter made the sign of the cross. Christian dodged the fist. He saw beyond the obvious. This wasn’t a Titan. Though the same principals got used in the creation. The giant rock fighter released tripled fireballs. Christian couldn’t whip them. He ran away. The rock fighter giant rock fighter struck the ground. “Let be Your will!” Trevor shouted before utilizing with the Soul wind. The monster got stopped in time. Christian used the opportunity to climb up its arm. He sawthe five glowing runes. This wouldn’t be easy. Although he figured a strategy, it would not be easy. Trevor would have to see beyond and to fight at the same time. The giant rock fighter turned to spit fireballs. Christian blocked with holy water. The fire froze and shattered. That gave no comfort. Trevor had to find the runes. He quickly changed perspective. There was one, upon its chest. The Titans never concealed their markings. Christian stamped with the crucifix. The monster made an uppercut. Trevor somehow managed to hold on. He dropped the crystal. The mystic item exploded. For a moment, he felt like Leon Belmont. The crystal returned. Christian knew where to find the rune. He held the morning-star whip to might block against the fireballs. The tripled shot collided against the weapon. Christian lost hold. He fell back down. Trevor knew how to handle. He rolled. That saved his life. The giant rock fighter struck with the fist. Christian jumped. The wind was in his blood. Trevor consolidated his force to gethigh enough to throw the dagger. He saw beyond the obvious. The chest rune got pierced. The daggers went home. The rock figure struck about. Christian retrieved the weapon before running. The uppercut made things even more difficult. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” Trevor threw the axe in a high arch. The rune burned. Christian crossed himself. The fight wasn’t over. The monster spat tripled fireballs. Trevor dodged and struck. He changed focus. There where two more runes, one upon each knee. Christian made it to rain with holy water. The giant rock fighter struck the ground like a maniac. Trevor hid behind the crosses. He managed to glide beneath the attack. Christian made another leap while hurling the boomerang. He hit the knee. Trevorcaught it uponhereturns. The tripled fireballs hit the ground. Trevor got between the legs. The spiders thrived upon the wall. They climbedfrom the web. Christian whipped them away. The tiny creatures left some crystals behind. Trevor took the gems. The uppercut forced him to retreat. He struck the left most knee. The fist hit behind him. Christian threw the axe. That repelled the fireball. He whipped the others aside. Trevor jumped. He got high enough to throw holy water. The right knee got soaked. The giant rock fighter struck with both fists. “Glory to the Father, the Son and to the Holy Ghost!” Christian proclaimed his faith. He remained calm. Frost blossomed within his blood. Trevor threw three freezing crosses. The rune burst. Christian made the sign of the cross. The frost continued to gainin strength. He jumped. Trevor flailed with the frost whip. The repeated attack destroyed the third insignia. The rune blossomed into flame. Christian was humble. He knew there were others who granted his victory. That conquest may still become a defeat. The giant rock fighter kept hitting the floor. The monster threw fireballs. Trevordodged the impact. There had to be other runes. Christian got to discover their location. The swarm of bats gave no time to consider. Though the Soul flame burned their numbers. Trevor vanquished the bats. The crystals gave more energy. They even left some coins behind. Christian wasn’t that much interested in the gold. He fought to see beyond the obvious. The runes marked its shoulders. Trevor crossed himself. He never would reach that high. Not even the Soul Saintmight grant such power. Christian got no choice. He must climb upon the idol. He made it before. Trevor disliked it. Hehit the bats. The giant rock fighter struck the ground. Christian made a glide. Hewent to climb the fist. The monster tried to shake him. Trevor held on. He got to reach the shoulder. Christian used holy water to block the fireballs. They froze. Trevor continued. He couldn’t be sure. Christianwished the Lord would guide him. Trevor hurl another a vial. He soaked the left shoulder. The rune burned. The fighter struck above the chest. Christian jumped. He threw the knife. The figure got struck. Trevor pierced the right rune. The monster made an uppercut. He lost hold with one hand. Christian burned with the Soul flame. The fire consumedthe body. He noticed the glow. The symbols where not evil. The problem was thepower. Trevor climbed on the front. The figuretried to get rid of him. Christian summoned the wind. He threw the spinning axe. Flames burned on impact. Christian got slammed flat against the surface. He threw a vial of holy water. The bottle got crushed. The liquid burned the creature. The rune burst. The flames spread about. Trevor climbed upon the shoulder. He threw the crystaloverhead. The shoulder got struck. The monster shook. Christian repelled the fireballs. He leapt before the idol might continue. Trevor sprinkled with holy water. The symbol exploded. Then the entire rock fighter crumbled into pieces. The counterforce sent him flying. Then the ceiling caved in. Christian felt thedeep impact. That struck the air from his lungs. The wall collapsed. He got carried away. Trevor almost became buried. He felt like the entire cave fell apart. There was nothing he could do about it. The Lord would decide about his destiny. Never mind about that now. The slide came like a tide. Christian inhaled. This was far too much. “Save me!” He called. “I do perish!” The boulders then went tumbling about the tunnel. “Let it be!” Trevor threw himself beneath. He lost breath. Christian made it to rain with holy water. That didn’t work. A faint cracking sound came from the arm which tried to break through the rubble. Trevor tightened the grip upon the morning-star whip.
The girlmade it to burnfor protection. The shamanthen channelled electricity. The wind lord threw the ice shards. At least he created no whirlwinds. The thunder lord wasn’t much better. The boy got away. The battle-mage made the lightning strike. They desired the soul. That would grant more power. The monsters attacked. Hekeptbehind. “Dracul!” The boy made the wargs and mammals to chase the soldiers. The orcs fired. The skeletons hurled bones. Noriko spread the feathers about. She trapped the bone-men within the net. She jumped while spitting fireballs. The thunder lord channeled electricity. He repelled the spell. Noriko got to conquer the battle-mage. She landed in front of the monster. The shaman was clad in a full suit of armour. The talismans glowed. He struck with the club. Noriko got behind. The bolt struck the ground. Then the hair stood on end. He didn’t mind. The boy jabbed him. The troll soul gave enough strength. The talismans where not crafted with Dominance in mind. The boy jumped to cuthis throat. The orc gurgled. Then he fell upon the floor. He claimed the soul. The wind lord cast the ice spell. Noriko releasedthe fireballs to counter the assault. She would kill him. The impactbroke her focus. Noriko shrieked. She would tear them to pieces.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The boyar hated to bend his will. Casandra was not of his kind. The seer got no right! The power of count Dracula could not be undone. Vlad Tepes had become the Devil’s purchase. They worshipped the Master in his name. Jasonretrieved his weapon. The thirst for blood gnaws upon his soul. He snarled. Jason would dine upon the Belmont’s blood. That name struck fear into the hearts of the undead. To think that he would be the one to kill them.That would earn great honour. The only question was if he should hand the boy over to the brides. Jason smirked. They mightteach him some lessons. They worshipped the goddess of Lillith. Though they were different. The concubines were Lamia. Jason would deal with that if the chanceever presented itself. For now, though, he had to serve the Dark Lord. Jason dismissed about the matter. Neither was his business. “Thou arth to kill the Belmont clan.” That was the last command. “Yes,my lord.” The boyar had to obey. “It shall be done.” Jason crawled upon the floor. He bowed before the prince of Darkness. The boyar sniffed the air. “Man’s blood.” He smelled their presence. Jason licked his fangs. He lusted for prey. That was in order. Casandra made him to raise from the dead. She got no excitement. Jason would conquer.
The shaman was kept dizzy. Noriko managed to get up. Most of the enemies fled. Those who still could. The wind lord got crushed by a huge boulder. The thunder rider was the sole villain kept alive. The hobgoblin sat upon the huge warg. The fur was grey like a stone wall. He raised the sceptre. The bolts of lightning then blasted the place. Noriko managed to dodge. She threwthe fireballs. The monster laughed. The warg growled. Iori appeared from the dust. “This is for me.” The hate smouldered like frost. Noriko pulled away. Those weirdpointed diamonds nailed the opponent. For a moment, she thought his shadow altered into some huge winged demon. The wolf charged. The hobgoblinfired a second blast. Iori got thrown above the area. “Iori!” Noriko screamed his name. The monster had returned. He got the sceptre. Noriko then conjured the thunder lord soul. She managed to resist the force. That wasn’t easy. The wolf charged. Noriko then dropped herself. She released her anger. The heavy fire burned the beast to ashes. He never felt the pain. She felt relievedabout that. The hobgoblingot protected by the talismans. He was ready. Noriko bit her lips. “Dracul.” She cursed. “Thou shall burn.” Noriko then gathered her cruelty, her malice and will to dominate all life.
The hunter opened his eyes. Christian awoke to pain. He was alone. Trevor made the sign of the cross. He fought to get up. “Let it be.” Christian cracked with the Vampire Killer. “Into Your hands I commit my spirit.” Trevor knew the truth. He closed the prayer.The Lord would never abandon or leave behind. Christian then had a look around. He reached into the bag to retrieve the short-sword. “In the name of the Father, the Son and of the holy Ghost.” Trevor felt chills down his spine. That wasn’t really a poison icicle. “Save me.” The hunter breathed. “I perish.” Christian figured about his imagination. He dismissed about the matter. There were other things more important. The hunter looked about the cave. He sighed. Trevor had a feeling he was being watched. That may be.Christian shook his head. The bats kept chasing him. They managed to draw blood. The Soul ice healed him. Noriko was in danger. The hunter crossed himself. He would find her first. Trevor cracked with the Vampire Killer. The bats shrieked with blood thirst. Christian brandished with his weapon. The swarm got hit by the morning-star whip. “In the name of Jesus of Nazareth!” Trevor shouted. He summoned the name of the Lord. The holy water broke the blue bricks. Christian revealed a hidden door. He stepped inside. “Belmont.” The hunter made a back-flip. He must escape the axe. The bat morphed into the vampire. Trevor felt the shudder. He really was an undead. “My name is Jason Bernhardt.” He bowed like a boyar. Though Christian recognised his Austrian accent. Never mind that, Jason went to retrieve his weapon. The hunter approached. He got black hair. Trevor saw beyond. The aura was dark crimson. Jason was a mass-killer,no questions asked. The undead spread his black cloak. The hunter whipped the fireball. Jason went like the bat. He reached forthe neck. Christian stamped with the crucifix. The undead snarled. He clutchedthe front of the cape. Jasonstruck with the axe. He made a back-flip. They beheld each other. Jason withdrew before leaping at the wall. He blinked. The knightmight walk upside-down. The hunter inhaled. Jason kept hurling daggers at him. “Do not try to act like Nasty Grant!” Trevor exclaimed. He must dodge the assault. Jason then broke into a swarm of smaller bats. The bat dash almost got home. Christian struck to release the Soul flame. That saved his life. Jason roared. His purple tunic was on fire. The icicles might have some healing properties. The hunter knew the Soul ice got such power. There was no time. Jason hurled single icicles. Trevor whipped them aside. He doused the undead with holy water. The force-field blocked the attack. A wicked smile appeared upon his face. Christian noticed in time. The green orb burst like a bomb. Christian threw the silver knife. The undead hurled his other fireball. Trevor jumped above to strike with the whip. The morning-star tied the enemy. Christian was grateful the fire got no homing propensity. Jason caught him off guard. He executedwith the bat dash. Trevorgot repelled by the impact. The monsters circled above his body. They came. The Soul wind slowed their progress. Although he didn’t possess the strength of Sonia, it had to be enough. Christian got up to brandish with the Vampire Killer. Most of the mammals got defeated. Jason swung with the axe. His face appeared like a blue-greyish mask above the skull. Trevor rolled aside. He worshipped the Lord when the lamp didn’t break. Christian got other problems. Jason walked upon the ceiling. He hurled daggers at him. Trevor threw the axe. Jason got hit in the shoulder. His blood dripped on the floor. Christian was sure not to drink it. The vampiredropped. Trevor got hit. The high kick caught him completely by surprise. The black boot sent him sprawling. Christian felt like being hit repeatedly. The boot was only made of leather, he got the strength of 20 men. Trevor knew his ribs were broken. Thebreathing difficulty told the lungs got damaged. The Soul ice healed him just as Jason bent down. He tore through his jacket. “Prepare to be terminated.” He gloated. The short-cut black beard framed his mouthful of fangs. Then Jason tore the leather chest-plate. “Lord!” Christian hit him in the head. The demon staggered away. Jason opened the cloak while releasing his five fireballs. The hunter threw three vials. Trevortrustedhis silver knife. The force-field blocked the attack. Jason let go to throw icicles. He got struck. The frost was bitter and cold. Christian shuddered. The lamplight shone and got reflected by the gold on his buckle. Jason carried more gold around his neck. The hunter stabbed. Jason broke off the attack. The gauntlets blocked the assault. Trevor struck with the whip. The bat-dash then tore into his neck. Jason smirked by the taste. He threw five fireballs. The boomerang made them to explode. Christian hurled the axe. The demon got struck. He got no armour. The undead status healed his wounds. Christian retrived his items. He crossed himself. The heart and head where the vampire’s weak spot. The green orb caused another explosion. Thatwas impressive.Though not like when the rock fighter blew.The stones fell from the ceiling. Trevorrepelled the fireballs. The vampire twirled with the axe. Christian made a back-flip. He threw a vial. Themonster burned. Jason broke into another bat dash. The huntercreated the Soul Saint. That got home. Jason reformed. He was afire. Trevor withdrew. He didn’t have to. Jason was dead. The vampire burned into ashes. A look of relief went across his features before the last decay. “Amen.” Christian made the sign of the cross. He was glad to have saved his soul. A breeze then spread the ashes. Christian bent in prayer. “Rest in peace.” He declared. “The Lord is with you.” Trevor exhaled. He beheld the tunnel. The explosion shook the caves. The slide blocked the way to the village. He couldn’t return. Christianbit his lip. He checked themap and compass. The hunter sighed. At least he went in the right direction. Then again, he might be flexible. The bats squeaked before approaching.
That boy was worthless. This was much more important. “Thee shall nay break the queen.” The warlock lord rasped while breathing. He chased the hunter. They must remain apart. Only then she might realize her importance. The water dripped from the ceiling to land in ponds. “One will to rule them all.” The Grimoire of souls might reveal several mystical secrets. The grim reaper permitted them the time to study those pages. The pale king found out about his heart’s desire. Then Salamone Belmont invaded the lair. Lord Dracula’s tome had vanished into the mists of time. His book reappeared in the hands of Barlove. The order of Eclesia thought it might be the key to vanquish the Dark Lord. They gathered before the final ritual in the year of 1999. The prince of Darkness would become revealed in all his devious splendour. That was a wasted opportunity. The Belmont clan sealed the castle within the solar eclipse. They could not understand. The vampire hunters underestimated the power of the dark side. “Thou arth to kill the Belmont clan.” The demon king would always be with him. In the end, they would pay for their lack of vision. “Yes, my lord.” The warlock felt the shadow rising. “It shall be done.” He would become incarnate. The family would meet certain doom.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The seer ended the vision with one irritated gesture. No compassion!? No compassion indeed! Casandra felt the rage blossom within. The vampire dared to accuse her! She would show him the truth. She would reveal for everyone about her feelings. Casandra had become the slave to the orcs. The Dark Lord bestowed upon her with power. How glorious. The seer reached out to those with the potential. The Belmont would be surprised by that effort. She mingled memory with foresight. “Come over here.” She beckoned. The guards got a pale expression. Casandra smirked. They learned to fear the twinkle of her yellow eye. The other beast men beheld with jealous want. “Come to me.” She licked her lips. Casandra was not a vampire, though she found ecstasy in the pleasure of the flesh. That was a discovery. The seer hated their lot. Casandra turned the table in her favour. “Show me your fantasy.” She cooed. “Show me your dreams.” This was entertaining. “Show me… “Casandra paused. “Your deepest darkest fear.” Casandra laughed. The seer might dominate. She got them in hand. They bent toundress, chase and cherish her body. That was amazing. She might take them. Casandra got pushed up against the wall. She moaned as their ruff hands spread her legs apart.
The shaman revealed her teeth. Noriko trusted her knife. The earthquake gave an upper hand. So, let it be. “Get behind!” She carried her grandfather’s crucifix. “Burn in Hell!” Noriko had no use for magic. Not at this range. He let her too close. The thunder lord broke together. She cut his throat. Noriko screamed in triumph. The soul felt like pure agony. That was fantastic. The probe pierced her mind. Noriko gasped. She caught the images of their moving bodies. The dark blonde woman stood pressed against the wall. Her eye was yellow with delight. Noriko touched her forehead. The high-heeled leathersandalsput her on high. The shaman licked her lips. “Oni.” Noriko inhaled. They were her only article. The woman met her gaze. She obviously enjoyed with great compassion. The ogre was taking her from behind. Noriko whimpered. The goat gave no mercy. She never requested it anyway. The woman kept moving in turn. She met him by each impact. Her eye-lid almost concealed the apple. That blazed like a tiger. Noriko had to vomit. Shemanaged to close her inner eye. The shaman was breathing hard. She was too young for this. Was this how she looked while workouts? Noriko sighed. That was enough. They had to leave. She might carry Iori upon her back.
Then the drop hit his forehead. Christian touched the crucifix. That may be as it will. He got to find Noriko before the monsters arrived. Thepillar of bones cut short his speculations. They stood on the other side of the spike trap. Trevor then whipped the fireballs into oblivion. Hehit the candles. The gems replenished his energy. Christian repelled a second round of fireballsin timeto get off. He reached the moving platform before it might leave. The bats wentlike a swarm. Trevor brandished with the whip. He got to be quick about it. The platform was already going back. Christian leaped. He landed before the pillar. They breathed flames. The hunter threw himself flat on the floor. The lowermost skull was spitting fireballs in a rapid pace. Trevor got to defend himself. He flailed with the Vampire Killer whip. Christian might block the barrage. The skull exploded. The second head was on the offence. Their kindnever fooled about. Trevor dodged the flames. He hurled three enflamed daggers. The pillar of bones got defeated. Thefinal skull kept breathing flame. The bat swarm left from set positions. They gathered into a huge monster. Christian crossed himself. He threw a wave of holy water. The big bat got burned. That made them to scatter about. Trevor hurled the axe. The head shattered. The big bat had gathered. The monster came at a difficult angle. “Save us from the wicked One!” Those piercing eyes were fixed upon him. Christian touched the crucifix. The Soul wind made it to slow the assault. The claws were meant forthe heart. Trevor whipped them aside. The swarm flapped about. Christian hurled the axe. The bats weredefeated. The big bat scratched him. Trevor winched in pain. The monsterhad returned. He leaped to throw the silver knife. The big bat got scattered about. Christian got an idea. “Bless me.” The hunter felt the storm within. The three homing crosses ended their misery. Trevor collected the gems. He retrived his items. There was another abyss. The slide seemed to have ended in front. Christian hooked onto the ring. He swung across. Trevor threw the dagger at the approaching bat. The knife landed upon the floor. Christian retrived it before he went forward. He knew that sound. Trevorgot behind. The sound of cracking bones greweven closer. The band of skeletons came fromanother tunnel. Christianbrandished with the Vampire Killer whip. The bone-men spread out to throw bones into the air. Trevor screamed. The hunter got the laurels. He then approached. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” The dead manused the bone like a club. Christianflailed. The skeleton croutched. The undead used the bone like a shield. That broke on impact. Trevor got hit by the fragment. He bit his teeth together. The skeleton seemed to laugh at him. Christian threw the axe. The bone-man shattered. Trevor screamed when the bones went home. The bats attacked. He made it to rain with holy water. The swarm burned. The skeletons withdrew. Christian was on the offensive. He chased the bones. The bats made things more difficult. The bone-men kept hurling. Trevor presented the crucifix. The flame burned within his heart and soul. “Darkness is patient, and it always wins. Though in the heart lay the weakness.” Christian made the sign of the cross. “The smallest lamp might enlighten it.” The hunter relaxed. “My Lord! My Lord! Why has you forsaken me!?” Trevor was lifted into the air. The crucifix appeared above. Then it burst into flame. “Glory be You, our Father in Heaven!” Christian cried out in joy. The monsters got defeated. Trevor was grateful. He went to pick the crystals. Christian would need them. The bats still flapped about. Trevor had a look through the opening from which the undead arrived. The spiders climbeddown their web. Some even leaped into space. Christian created the Soul flame. The spiders left enough crystals to replenish his energy. The hunterdismissed. He touched the crucifix. Trevor pulled out the map and compass. He had to leave this tunnel. Though not through this opening. Christian got to get further down before heading east. He put the items away. Trevor got work to do. His jacket wasn’t all that ragged. Though the leather chest-plate got ruined. Christian removed the remains. This was a problem. There was no way he might continue without protection. The huntercouldnotchange that now. Trevor kept to the main passage. There where no shaft or spike-trap in place. Christian whipped at the bats. They might suck his blood. Trevor made the sign of the cross. He hit the candles. They contained much money. Christian got his purse full. He left it behind. Trevorfound some crystals. There was another spike bed. Christian managed to jump across. The bats gathered into big bats. The pillar of bones spat fireballs at him. Trevor flailed with the whip. He bent beneath the inferno. Christianhad to repel the big bats. He struck the white pillar. Trevorthen hit another candle. “Amen!” Christian exclaimed before taking the rosary. The big bats shrieked when they burst into holy flame. The bone pillar collapsed. Trevor crossed himself. He picked the gems which the monsters left. Then Christian kept down the tunnel. The lower road looked the same. Trevor wondered how he could be so sure. The map and compass might have some mystic influence. Christian stopped. The dreadful stench came from somewhere ahead. That grew stronger by each step. Trevor crossed himself. This wouldn’t be nice. The monsters were careless. So, let it be. The spiders threw themselves away from the web. Christian felt so cold. The Arachni might feed upon his flesh. The hunter could see beyond. The monsters would eat him alive. They got venomous pinchers. This bite will not be fatal. The spiders would only sting him. Christian released the Soul wind. That sent them crushing against the wall. Trevor drew sweat of his forehead. “The wall.” He felt rather shaky. Christian knew that was a lyric from the previous century. He dismissed. The hunter caught his breath. That rotting smell almost made him to vomit.
The boy awoke. He felt a strong urge. He suppressed it. Noriko carried him upon her back. She lookedso frail. The vampire and troll souls granted her strength far beyond appearance. Noriko Cruz must have felt him moving. She stopped. He slowly went down. This was a part of the road which he did not recognized. “What happened?” He asked. Noriko told while he got on foot. “I killed the thunder rider.” She explained. He acknowledged. Her power was growing strong. “The way got blocked by the explosion.” He got to sit down for a while. “You picked another opening.” He made it no question. The girl merely sighed. “That was my only choice.” She focused. A fireball appeared above her palm. That, and the candles, were their solesource of light. They attracted the bats. She made the bolts of lightning strike. The boy was ready. The mammals got pierced by the feathers. They absorbed the souls. Noriko went ahead. He passed by the three openings. “Permit me as your guide to the lake.” He requested. Noriko then turned to look upon him. “My orientation is greater then yours.” The girl made no answer, though she accepted his leadership. He felt warmth within. Noriko would obey. She unsheathed her knife. So predictable. The boy dismissed. He got no time.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The oracle felt his demise. She had foreseen it. Jason Bernhardt couldn’t hope to defeat the vampire hunter. The dark-blondnever expected he would. She got no use for him. The brides were interesting. They could prove her plot to be fruitful. Those she summoned would make it possible. A pity she got no ability to behold the events unfold. Though she got glimpses of insights, it was not enough. Casandra wished it all. She listened to the monsters talking. They disliked her because they couldn’tfeast on her. Those fools never realized she paid attention. It was old news. Their friends had met their defeat. Casandra laid back on her pillows. She would sleep. The seer could walk her dreams. She might learn something of importance. Casandra wasn’t afraid to fall asleep. Though they might be tempted. She smiled. Casandra almost wished some would try. She wielded a terrible threat. Casandra would make them to become her slaves. Just like she once was. She was cursed by the memory. Although it was a long time ago. Casandra used her skills to ease the mind. She would sleep and dream of the future. The Dark Lord might have use for such knowledge. He was coming. She knew he was. The Master’s purchase could not be undone. He would live on again, forever and ever.
The shaman was unsure if this was the right way. The lower road twisted this way and that. Noriko long lost every angle upon direction. She hoped Iori knew where he was heading. The big bat attacked. They were not the only source oftrouble. The spike bed was ahead. She grabbed Iori by thecloak. He nearly fell onto the spikes. Noriko shivered. “Thanks.” He said. Noriko sighed. The bats settled upon her. Noriko stamped them out. The crucifix made them to burn. Noriko got the souls. She got knocked on the head. The skeletons came from behind. Iori saved her. The bone-archer soul made him to fire with the bow-and-arrow. The skeleton that hit her, got shattered upon the floor. Noriko threw other bones. The still standing bone-men made back-flips to avoid the impact. They didn’t waste time. Noriko gotabove the trap. Iori threw a fireball. Then he came. Noriko stopped to take care of the monsters. She turned the corner. The bone pillar turned her way. Noriko threw herself beneath the fireballs. The other skull breathed heavy flames. She used the scimitar’s shield to block off the attack. Noriko fired a green beam. The skull melted. The bats picked the head apart. Iorireappeared. As did thegang of bones. Noriko picked together. She conjured the captured souls.
Many tunnels met. The ash lay thick on the floor. Christian tripped on hidden items. The pillar, a sort of monument, reached for the ceiling. Christian crossed himself. The chambers got carved from stone. He didn’t heed. The stench was terrible. Trevor cracked with the Vampire Killer. He carried no armour. Black blood stained the ground. Christian folded his hands in prayer. He then hit the candles. Trevor crossed himself. The hunter picked the gems. The stalagmites fell from the ceiling. That was a surprise. He got hurt. The Soul ice restored some health. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord.” The trolls got turned to stone. His friends were here. Christian inhaled. That was enough. “Let it be.” Trevor made the sign of the cross. The batssqueaked. Christian shuddered. They thirsted for blood. The Soul wind slowed the approach. He threw the vial. They burned. The swarmgot defeated. Trevorknelt. He felt so weary. Christian got up. He collected the crystals. The monstersleft some items. The money was of no interest. The bottle made him to relax. Trevor put it in the bag. He hit the candles. A sheet of paper fell out. Christian bent to pick it. He touched the crucifix. Trevor was sure he kept a contract. He untied the lamp while searching the backpack. There was nothing in there. Christian sighed. Strange things happened in the shadow of the demon castle. He unfolded the contract. “How may I be of service?” Renon appeared. The salesman tipped his hat. Trevor knew what to ask for. “I need another chest-plate.” Renon opened his briefcase. “Yes sir.” He said. “The iron plates.” Renonpresented. “I think it might suit you.” Christian had to ask. “How much does it cost me?” The salesman bowed. “I will have no less then 30 gold pieces for this article.” Trevor reached into his purse. The hunter might carry 200 coins. Christian gave him the money. The merchant helped to close it. Trevor stamped with the crucifix. That was alright. There was no curse. Renon withdrew. “Then is there anything else I can do for you?”Heasked. Christian would like to fill the bottle. “I need a medicine.” He told. Trevor produced his flask. Renon bowed. “I hope the high potion might satisfy you.” He poured the elixir into the bottle. Christian had no trust. The salesman returned the flask. Trevor put it away. “I must ask for the sum of 100 coins.” Christian counted the money. “Thank you.” Renon placed them inhis briefcase. He tipped the hat. “Call me whenever I may be of service.” Renon vanished. The hunterreplaced both the bottle and contract. He replacedthe gold. Trevor was ready for battle. Though there where no one left to fight. He had a look around. Christian noticed there were three openings. Groups of monsters used them to escape. Trevor might see beyond. He would check the map. The hunter felt so cold. The bats were gone. “Good Lord in Heaven.” The ashes stirred. Christian made the sign of the cross. He held the whip in hand. The skeleton might belong to a giant. The horned helmet reached above. Trevor had no mind. The bone-trooper carried a heavy ball-and-chain. Christian dodged the spikes. The giant was not alone. The troopers left the floor. Trevor crossed himself. They got armed with some rusty pieces. He felt disgusted. That was the stench of corruption and malice. They brandished their weapons. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” The trooper struck with the mace. Christian ran. The swordsman dashed. Trevor threw the axes. That made him to stagger. He fell on the knee. The axeman struck the floor. Christian barely escaped. He cracked with the whip. The pendant blazed with power. Trevor summoned the light. He threw the dagger. It split in five. The silver knives impaled the skeleton. The swordsman trusted his weapon. Christian threw himself down. He struck with the whip. That didn’t seemto bother. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” He released the Soul flame. The trooper was consumed. Trevor got no time. The plate-skeleton kept striking. Christian ran in circles. There was a storm inside. He threw three crosses. That gave a breather. The axeman advanced. He struck with the weapon. Trevor escaped. The trooper collided. Christian flailed with the whip. The repeated onslaught made him to stagger. Trevor stamped with the crucifix. The trooper collapsed into a heap. That stanched. What should he do? The swordsman approached. Christian put the vial in place. He ran away. The pile exploded. The bones got burned to ashes. That left plenty of big gems. That might wait. The swordsman had arrived. Trevor kept running. The trooper chased him. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” Christian struck. The Soul bat got a hard impact. The fireball whip brought an end to his misery. “Rest in peace.” Trevor put a vial in front. The skeleton went sky high. Christian picked the gems. He felt much better. The plate made the dust to scatter. Trevor threw three daggers. The trooper was not impressed. The iron ball rebounded against the floor. Christian dusted off. He hurled the axe. The undead had no mind. He tried to crush him. The axe froze on impact. The trooper got trapped in place. That didn’t last. The bone trooper crushed the ice. Trevor recoiled. The Soul bat put him to rest. The giant broke apart. He put the crystal in front. The blast really was the end. The gems restored him. Christian crossed himself. Hemight need some rest. That was not anoption. Trevor had to find the lake. He reached for the map. Christian heard the music. Someone was singing.Trevor looked around. He was alone. What was going on? A stream of gold fell fromthe pillar. The music got stronger. Trevor tightened the grip. A golden girl slowly approachedfrom the monument. Christian blinked. The stream was her hair. She used it like a rope. Trevorwithdrew. There was something about her. Christiangotafraid. She reached the floor. The golden mane was rolled up. Christian frowned. How could it be? Her hair reached below the shoulders. He crossed himself. There was time to hunt. She smiled. Trevor shuddered. This felt so wrong.
Thefires burned high. His hate was focused, making it stronger. The warg went for the throat. He conjured the bats to drain their blood. Noriko made lightning strike. The orcs were dead. She absorbed the souls. The girl bit the ogre. She drank the blood before spitting into his face. Norikotore his neck. He was impressed. She snarled when spinning to block the skeletons. He made a strong wind blow to confuse the trolls. They were not stupid like some mythstold them to be. She caused chain lightning. A sort of ecstasy was in her gaze. Her eyes were burning red,like the fires of Hell. He knew that feeling. Her anger. Noriko absorbed the souls of those she slaughtered. The monsters fled. Or tried to do. Noriko was on them. She fired her green beam. Feathers and fireballs caused confusion and fear among them. Only the trolls and skeletons stood tall against her onslaught. He came to stand by her side. The bone-man grasped him by the throat. He could not breathe. She stabbed him down. The bones blazed with flame. He got free. Noriko danced among them. She seemed unstoppable. They became destroyed. “Good work.” He famed her for the victory. “Do you feel your power?” He smiled. “I feel your anger.” She turned away and ran. So be it. He would find her.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The lady observedthe hunt. She sawhow he fought and defeatedboth the living and undead. She smiled by the struggle. Even though he slew her groom, she was delighted. Though he was still so young, the vampire hunterpossessed both strength and stamina. Such were the traits she enjoyed and encouraged. That made the dish so much more exciting. Now, it must be finished. The lady chose to appear before him. He would no longer be the vampire hunter. She licked her lips and fangs. The song made him mesmerize. That was as it should be. So, it happened the first time. The golden girl began to descend. She reached a hand to hold him. The boy looked confused. The female vampire encouraged the approach. She lusted for blood. He would give it to her. That would satisfy her thirst. The blood would make her stronger. The Dark Lord would be grateful for the sacrifice. The infection of the Belmont clan would earn a great reward. That was fitting. The lady drooled. The lust would always be with her, to gnaw upon her soul. Thus, she would have to rest within the wooden coffin beneath the castle. The female vampire hated that status. She desired eternal youth. That may be. At least they would rest together forever and ever. The young boy approached. She felt ablaze with lust.
The girlran down the passage. The power of dominance was dangerous. Both parents warned before they disappeared. When the power surfaced in a person, it would be inherited. Noriko slaughtered their numbers. She shuddered. Noriko was growing afraid of herself. Now she knew what Soma felt. The shaman wouldn’t turn to Darkness. She promised herself. Noriko might have no choice. That was what frightened her the most. So she ran. She tried to run away from herself. From what she did. From what she had become. Iori went with her. He couldn’t give her any comfort. Noriko only wished to get away. She felt like turning crazy. The girl got to get out under the open sky. She felt like a trap was closing in around her. Noriko turned the corner. She almost ran into Christian Belmont. He held the Vampire Killer. His conviction was like a fire in the winter. Noriko lept into his arms. She wept while telling him of the events. Christian first looked terrified. Then he held her tight. “It is nevertoo late.” He said. “You are yourself.” He cradled her like a child. Iori turned his face away. She held onto him for quite a while. She blushed as he finally released her. Then she noticed his face. “What happened?” Christian looked both grim and weary. She had to know. Christian sighed.
The hunterthen licked his lips. They felt so dry. “Who are you?” Christian asked. She smiled. “My adoptive mother namedmeRapunzel.” Trevor’s eyes grew wide when he realized. “Yes.” The golden girl declared. “That is a fairy tale.” Christian breathed. The smile withered. “Human scum.” She snarled. “You mixed up. The legend tells that Charlotte was an evil witch who took me from my parents.” She brushed her hair. “She was a medicine woman.” Rapunzel mused. “Charlotte knew my mother got touched by the pestilence.” She sighed. “She saves them,though I could not be helped.” Trevor touched the crucifix. “So that was why she kept you in the tower.” Her blue eyes lit with ugly green flame. “Charlotte prevented me!” She exclaimed. “I sold my soul to Satan for revenge.” A wicked smile appearedon her face. Christian shuddered. Her fangs were exposed. “Knight Jason Bernhardt listened to my song.” She became excited by that memory. “He then spent the night with me.” Trevor hid his face. “I killed her when she noticed.” Rapunzel reached for him. He felt no attraction. “Then I flew from the tower.” Christian felt only pity and remorse. “No man shall love you.” He made the sign of the cross. Rapunzel licked her lips. “You think that?” She giggled. The crisp sound was that of the water glasses played by a cunning hand. Trevor was chosen to wield the whip. “In the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Ghost!” He declared. “I call you forth into the light to cast you back into Hell.” He presented the crucifix. “Let itbe destroyed by fire!” Rapunzel snarled. Her eyes were burning. Then the smile returned. “You shall love me!” She screamed. “In despair!” The bow appeared between her hands. Lillith was a fallen angel. “Whore of Lucifer.” He dodged the arrow. That was unnatural. She was an unusual bride. Rapunzel was singing. The tune stabbed like needles. Christian felt the probe. She then swept like the bats. Trevor released the Soul wind. “I shall restore your soul.” He twirled with the fireball whip. “Rest in peace!” He threw the vial. Her bats got burned. Rapunzel then released one more arrow. Christian made a back-flip. He threw the silver knives. Trevor impaled her. The green, red and white dress got stained. Rapunzel went quiet. “Save me.” Christian leaped. The arrows almost went home. “Watch me.” She cooed. “Adore me.” Rapunzel tore the dress. “Desire me.” She was naked like the day she was born. Trevor felt chills down his spine. He threw the dagger. The storm was coming. She got stabbed. The golden girl gasped when hurt. She then came for him like a swarm. Christian couldn’t rest. He doused them with holy water. “Curse you human!” Rapunzel climbed upon her hair. “To death and darkness!” Trevor stamped with the crucifix. The girl shrieked with frustration. Christian threw the cross. The enflamed boomerangs caught her off guard. The bats burned to ashes. “Adore me.” Rapunzel returned to embrace him. Trevor shuddered. The Soul flame was more then she might handle. Christian made the sign of the cross. The female vampire fired with the bow. “Father!” He called. “Forgive them! They don’t know what they do!” The Soul Saint exploded. The blast hit her in the face. “Be damned!” Rapunzel got burned. The golden hair went up in a blaze. “Belmont bastard!” She snarled like an animal. Trevor felt chills down his spine. He trusted the silver knife. The female vampire slashed. Christian made a back-flip. He then doused her with holy water. “I am not the one.” She collapsed into a heap. Rapunzel left a pile of dust. “Rest in peace.” Trevor proclaimed. “The Lord is with you.” He sighed. Her soul was free.Christian retrieved his items. He looked about. Several tunnels left the cave. He checked the compass. That told where to go. Trevor was unsure. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!”Christian cracked with the whip. The hunter wentfor the northern passage. He crossed himself. Trevor had to find his friends. He tightened the grip upon the weapon. Christian left the chamber. The bats squeaked. Trevor flailed with the whip. He knocked the candles. The huntertook the gems. Christian put the money into his purse. The lamplight got reflected upon the walls. Trevor stopped. The bats circled about. Christian brandished with the Vampire Killer. He got the heart of fire. Trevor created the flame whip. That made them to scatter. Christianmade the sign of the cross. The monsters kept their distance. Trevor pulled through his red hair. The vampires did something to them. He supported himself against the wall. They carried the pestilence. Christian might become like them. He would resist. Trevor was no toy.Christian would hunt the night. The swarm of bats kept whirling about. They morphed into the big bat. Trevor struck. The beast then scattered. He doused them with holy water. The swarm retained their morphed form. Christopher Belmont fought these monsters in 1591. The hunter wouldn’t let him down. The villain spread its claws. Christiandodged the assault. He threw the axe. The big bat got shattered. Trevor knew what to do. He jumped to hurlthe three crosses at them. The monster got diminished. He struck with the morning-star whip before they might gather. The bats shrieked while burning. The big bat swept for blood. Christian got ripped,or so it felt. The Soul ice healed him in time for the next attack. Trevor threw the crystal in a high arch. The monster shrieked before it broke into pieces. Christian retrieved his items. The bats flapped about. Then he doused the swarm with holy water. The bats froze on impact. They shattered against the floor. Trevor drew sweatof his brow. He claimed the crystals. Christian crossed himself. Someone was there. He cracked with the Vampire Killer whip. Trevor was ready. He wouldn’t be deterred. Noriko turned the corner. Before he knew, she threw herself into his arms. Christian was relieved. He worshipped the Lord.She was alive. Noriko was herself. She hadn’t been broken. The tears where precious to him. Trevor would support her. No matter what.Christian made an oath to hunt the night.
The boy reflected upon himself. He became silent. They didn’t hurt her. The bond was strong. “He is here.” Christian Belmont closed his prayers with the sign of the cross. The shrouded figure approached. He was there, at the end of the corridor. “Run.” He said. “That is the witch-king of Merica.” He had no doubt. They didn’t dare to use the power of dominance against this foe. There was no trap in front. Christian Belmont got the map and compass. He hoped this was the right way. The black rider soon disappeared from sight. “Wait.” Christian touched the wall. The explosion made the rocks to fall down.That closed the passage. “This won’t stop him for long.” He knew. The black men would continue their search. “They first revealed themselves during the demon castle war in 1999.” The vampire hunter’s voice was a whisper in the dark. “Only Nathan Graves, and perhaps Alucard, ever challenged them before that time.” He had no interest in such matters. The lamp cast enough light for him to see. Christian led them forward. They eventually came upon a great cave. He beheld the place. The chamber was stained by war. The vampire hunter went through another opening. Noriko followed him through. He did not stay. Danger lay ahead. He was certain it was waiting.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The warlock then inhaled. “I smell it too.” He inhaled the smell like opium. “The dish is back on the menu boys.” The gang laugh together. Their voicesgot filled with expectation. “They are to pay.” Someone dared to invade the hideout. “This is going to be like in the old days.” The beast man was eager. They laughed together. He would hunt for pray. He would reap the award. There was a certain scent which made him excited. “That is a girl.” The others might smell it too. They would be picking the cherry. “Let us take hertogether.” They muttered about it. He brandished with the weapon. That forced them to get back in line. “You shall each have a taste.” Their patriarch passed down with a certain quality. Even beyond the taste forman’s flesh, his species desired for their women. “Alright everyone.” The cent made him to lust. “Listen up. Dinner is about to be serves.” The warlock told his brothers as they pulled into the labyrinth. “Though remember, I shall kill anyone who don’t do as I say.” The gang muttered about that. The warlock knew they hated him. They would hate him for this. He didn’t care. They were afraid. She was I charge. Neither would argue. Not with this much as stake. The warlock dreuled before the encounter. There had been such a long time.
The Shaman gathered her forces. The lamp didn’t give much light. The bats circled about. Noriko would rather have killed them.“I picked the right tunnel.” Christian relaxed. “This path should lead us to the lake.” Noriko hoped he was right. The passage went steeply downward. The monster settled on Iori’s shoulder. He smashed it. “I hate them.” Iori said. The girl got angry. Why wouldn’t they listen? “Anger and hate won’t aid you.” Christian said. “Why are you furious? Let go of your hate.” Noriko lowered her face. She felt ashamed. “To be nice, to the good, is easy. Then to be nice to the hypocrites. That is real kindness.” Iori didn’t change his expression. “I saw you fight the undead.” He said. Christian looked sad. “That was not an act of anger.” He whipped at the bats. They burned on impact. “Itry to forgive my enemy.” Christian picked the gems. The girl then stopped. There was another spike trap. Christian hooked onto the ring. He used the whip to swing above. Noriko barely managed to follow. That boy was ahead. He released the wolf upon the skeletons. The undead threw bones. The wolf howled. Then he vanished. Noriko then blocked with the scimitar soul. Christian flailed. She exhaled. He was ready. “Watch out!” Noriko cried. They left the ceiling.
The hunter struck with the whip. The bats gathered. Christian made them to burn. That wasn’t the real problem. Trevor was no longer sure if they went in the right direction. The path got split by the abyss. He wondered how far it reached. Better not to know. Christian lept above. The passage went in curves. They reached the crossroad. The skeleton threw bones at them. Iori released the bats. The girl crushed with the bones. Trevor watchedas sheabsorbed the soul. He crossed himself. The spiders climbed from the net. “Kill them!” Iori looked crazed while conjuring the bloody swords. He made them to stab the monsters. Christian went through the leftmost opening. The candles shone with a steady light. The spiders spread out. Trevor hurled holy water. The vial shattered. They burned. That left the crystals. Christian picked the price. The boythrewthe fireballs. He countered the pillar. Trevor made a glide. He hit the skulls. His daggers went forward. The pillar crumbled. Noriko pulled him away. The lower headwas breathing flame. Iori froze it in place. The hunter struck it to pieces. The passage turned and went upward. Then it curved. There were two new openings. The bats attacked. Iori answered with his own swarm. They got tore apart. “Do you know the way to grandmother’s house?” The country girl, wearing a bright red hood above her brown braids, arrived at the tunnel. “The wolf told me to head in this direction.” She smiled. “He told were the wild roses grow.” She was cute. “Let me show you.” Little Red Riding Hood reached into her basket. Trevor caught the smell of cakes and wine. He looked for his friends. They chased the bats. Little red riding hood got a nice bundle. Christian recognised the moss and ivy wine. They grew upon the wall. “Do you want to spend some time with me?” The girl sat on a stone. She couldn’t be much older then him. “I don’t think so.” Trevor shuddered. “Forgive me.” He must continue. Little red riding hood put the basket beside her. “There isa plenty in my basket of goodies.” She laid the flowers into her lap. Little red riding hood produced his favourite things. Some of which Christian hadn’t seen for years. He’d endured a strict ascetic training. “I cannot accept this gift.” Trevor excused. “Why not?” The girl giggled. “Maria Renard ate the cakes while she was a sweet teen.” Christian blinked. The people didn’t know that. The Belmont clan enjoyed several dishes. “I am not her.” He kindly remarked. Rinaldo Gandolfi was famous for his food. Not that it mattered. Little red riding hood looked so sad. “There has been such a long time.” She said. “I am alone.” Trevor touched her cheek. “You don’t have to.” The girl sighed. “You are not alone.” She gasped. “The Lord is with you.” Christian crossed himself. She fought to get up. The flowers fell from her lap. She smiled. He smelled the sweetness of the forest in summer. Little red riding hood was adorable. Trevor felt dazed. “I have something to show you.” She giggled. Little red riding hood then pulled up her skirts. Christian noticed she got no underwear. He staggered. Trevor blushed like dusk. That matched his hair. No girl ever acted like this. Christian managed to look aside. His peers were holy men. Though they didn’t tell him how to live. Her smile was… inviting. He got no other wordsfor it. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord! Trevor got the whip. Little Red Riding Hood then hid her face. “Away from me!” Christian made the sign of the cross. “You whore of Lucifer!” He summoned the light. Christian was shocked by her behaviour. The bats went like a wave. Trevor cracked with the holy whip. He managed to resist the assault. She was a vampire. He threw the axe. The undead got hurt. Her blood stained the ground. Christian hurled the silver knife. She got impaled. The green dress got painted in crimson. He struck with the whip. Little Red Riding Hood vanished like mist. Trevor dodged the bats. The hunter doused them with holy water. They burned. The girl tried to nail him. The chest-plate saved him. Christian stamped with the crucifix. The vampire shrieked. His image burned her flesh. Trevor felt sorry for her. He threw the cross. The bats swooped for blood. He must retreat. Little Red Riding Hood went crawling along the floor. She came to scratch him. Christian created the fireball whip. The vampire was hit. The silver knife pierced her heart. The girl was screaming. Though she managed to restore herself. “What time we had.” Trevor beheld her mobility. He was not prepared when she kicked him. The brown shoe struck against his ribs. Christian fell to his knees. “Naughty boy.” She removed her skirts. “Come and lick on me.” Little Red Riding Hood forced his head between her legs. “Eat me.” She reached for the cake. “Be a man.” She giggled. Trevor began to dislike that sound. Little Red Riding Hood picked a flower. “Rest in peace!” Christian doused her with holy water. She burned like oiled paper. “What is your name?” He asked. “Your real name?”The girl shrieked. “Michelle.” A look of peace went across her face before the final decay. Trevor exhaled. He picked the gems. Christian felt better. She got released from Dracula’s curse. The lamp was intact. He made the sign of the cross. Trevor hit the candles. He retrieved the items. “For great is the Lord.” Christian got his reward. He put the stopwatch upon his wrist. Trevor inhaled. He would hunt the night. First though, Christian had to find the others. He went through the tunnel. Trevor heard the approach. The bats shrieked while whirling about. Christian threw the axe. The enflamed weapon exploded. He got Simon’s heart of fire. Trevor brandished with the flame whip. The monsters got burned. Trevor collected the gems. He leaped above the shaft. Christian got ambushed by the skeletons. He used the stopwatch. The dead got frozen in time. The hunterthrew the cross. The boomerang split in three. The bone-men became beheaded. He got nailed. Trevor didn’t crush the lot. He picked together. The bats came for blood. Christian hurled another vial. They got him. The undead were cold as the grave.
The big bat split into a swarm of smaller foes. The boy snarled by the impact. They bit into his neck. “Curse you.” The bats sucked his blood. “To death and Darkness.” He exposed the teeth. The boy felt so angry about the swarm. “Burn in Hell!” The rising fires burned the bats to ashes. “Yes.” He felt the ecstasy. “Give me your souls.” He smiled. “Grant me your strength.” The boy got the power of Dominance. The fact made him excited. “Drop it.” Noriko hit his cheek. “Keep focused.” He would tear her apart. “Iori.” She grasped him by the shoulders. “Take it easy.” He blinked. “Breathe.” The boy closed his eyes. “It is me.” She was right. “That is alright.” The boy exhaled. “Do not be afraid.” What was that about? I hail you Noriko Cruz. He kissed her hand. “Stop doing that.” Noriko tugged at his hair. “I am not the count Dracula.” Of course, she was not. “Beware.” He might feel their bloodthirst. “They are here.” The bats left the ceiling. They squeaked. “Back off you devils.” They gathered in strength. He felt them. “Then come.” The boy challenged. “If you dare.” He forged the fireball. “Taste my power.” He made it to chase and destroy. The bats screamed on impact. They got burned to ashes. The souls gave more power than any mere victory could provide.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
Something disturbed the resting-place. The sleeper might feel their presence. How dared they to breach the tomb? The thing in the crypt was furious. That raged against the lost sunlight. The warmth of human comfort gone forever and ever. Then again, the chill got a strength of its own. Being outcast didn’t mean much by now. The coldness pulsated with the living death. That was amusing to its own accord. There came a giggle. The sound of something sane gone to awry. The giggle was that of self-assured mania. The being cracked the brain. The knowledge didn’t change anything. The force was everywhere. That permeated the caves, to the very core. That lived by itself. Then another blink of inspiration came to mind. The curse of Darkness. “The Lament of Innocence.” There came the giggle. The sound burst from the crimson lips. The hysteria was more touchable this time. “Let the lord of Chaos to rule.”” That was the legend of Dracula. The thing in the crypt knew the truth. That was glorious. “Every one hundred years, the forces of God mysteriously start to weaken.” The being laughed at the One. “Thus, the power of Dracula starts to revive itself.” That was the joke. “His power grows stronger and stronger.” They got to see this. “Every once century.”
The shaman hid her ears. Noriko bit her teeth together. The bats kept screaming. “You belong to me.” Iori closed his hands. The sound was horrific. “Feed me.” He breathed. “I want your souls.” The shroud of dominance thickened about. “You must obey my will.” Noriko felt chills down her spine. “The necromancer got the power to awake even the spirits of the dead.” The evil hand smashed through the ground. “Kamhis.” The sight ripped with fright. “Dark realm.” She trapped the hand in cop webs. The skeleton pulled her forth while climbing through. The splinters flew like dessert sand. The undead crept through every opening. The shaman gathered her strength. She tried to catch them within the net. The bats went in a circle. Noriko created a flurry of fireballs. “Die and burn!” She felt the dominance within. Noriko hurled feathers and bones. “Do not try to poison me.” Iori made the spiders to burn. They created another web. “Excellent.” Noriko might relax. Then the undead fingers closed around her neck. She tried to break free. The skeleton was too strong. Noriko gurgled. Her face turned blue. She closed around his wrist. Black spots appeared dancing before her eyes. The fires demolished the bones. The skeleton collapsed, limb from limb. Noriko absorbed the soul.
The hunter pulled up to brandish with the whip. The undead must be put to rest. The bats then settled upon his body. Christian jumped to might shake them. He stampedwith the crucifix. That made them to scatter. Trevor fought to regain his breath. He picked the crystals. Christian reached above the spike trap. The tunnels led down into the underground. Trevor made the sign of the cross. He looked about. Where had they gone to? The Minotaur waited for such an opportunity. While Christianstill reached for the map, the Greek monster swung with the huge battle-axe. Trevor barely escapes. The impact made the rubble to wave forward. He created a circle of silver crosses. The Minotaur cut with the axe. Christian bent his knees. The hunter kept the lampin front. Trevor then threw the five silver knives high into the air. They got buried in his body. The monster roared. Then he came dashing forward. Christian almost got pined upon the horns. He sidestepped before hurling a wave of holy water. The Minotaur burned. This was terrible to behold. The monster was furious. He struck the ground. The rubble waved forward. Christian felt like being buried alive. He used the stopwatch. Trevor knew it would only last for 5 seconds. So he red in his book. He believed in the lore. Before the Minotaur might move, Christian threw tripled boomerangs. They slashed through his tunic, flesh and bone. That caused much damage. His blood got spilled upon the ground. The Minotaur tried to run him down. Trevor brandished with the morning-star whip. The lashes made him to stumble. Christian was determined. He threw the axe. The skull got cracked open. The Minotaur was dead. Trevor might relax. He turned away. The hunter didn’t want to witness the demise. The creature left severalgems. Christian must retrieve the arsenal. He picked the crystals. They might replenish the force. That made him to feelmuch better. Trevor reached into the backpack. The map gave no clue. Christian didn’t find his friends. The caves where twisted, although the tunnelsmet within another room. Trevor was unsure about that part. He better figure. The others were in danger. Noriko was still a friend. Christian replaced the scroll. He went for the rightmost opening. The hunter leaped above the spike trap. Trevor whipped for the bats. He took the gems. Christian reached above the abyss. He landed before the bone pillar. The stacked dragon skulls breathed flame. Trevor threw himself sideways. He whipped the head while moving. The third slash made the skull head to explode. The lowermost shot fireballs. Christian cleared them away. He doused the undead monster with holy water. The dagger ended its misery. Trevor continued to whip the candles. The lamp really was a gift from God. Christian collected the crystals. He ate the food. Trevor let be the money. He gotbeyond another spike bed. The Minotaur came from theblind side. He broughtthe skeletons into the cave. The bat swarm then shrieked with disgustive delight. “In the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Ghost!” Trevor then summoned the Lord. He reached for the crucifix. Christian got lifted into the air. The frozen cross burst into pieces. They got hurt. The swarmwascut to pieces. That wasnot the end. Christian reached the floor. The hunter got frost within the bloodline. He brandished with the cold whip. The skeletons were frozen in place. Even the Minotaur pulled back. The force left him. The skeletons came while hurling bones. The Greek monster struck the axe into the ground. The rubble waved. Trevor made a back-flip. The skeletons brandished with their bones like clubbing weapons. That made him to roll. Christianstruck. He hit the skeletons. The Minotaur picked him up. The monster hurled him high. He got the axe ready. Trevor made it to rain with holy water. That caused chaos among his minions. The Minotaur was on fire. The skeletons left the area. Christian cracked with the fireball whip. The monster was hurt. The Minotaur attacked like a raging bull. Trevor made a glide. He went between his legs. The Minotaur turned. Christian hurled the cross. The creature struck the ground. The rubble almost buried him alive. Though the boomerang went home. Blood ran from between his lips. Trevor got up before he might continue the assault. He never got a chance to counter the strike. The swarm were abroad. They settled down to might drink his blood. Christian used the stopwatch. He stamped them out with fire. Then the earth shook. Trevor staggered. What was happening? The Minotaur picked him. The beast pressed him againstthe chest. Christian screamed. The monster roared. He would squeeze the life out of him. Desperate, Trevor created the Soul flame. They both screamed in agony. The Minotaur finally let go. He tumbled to the ground. Christian burned him to ashes. The hunter fell to his knees. Trevor felt crushed. The laurels restored him. Though he felt the pain. Christian closed his eyes. He got to continue. The tunnel still shook. He got a bad feeling. Noriko challenged the rock fighter. Trevor made the sign of the cross. He got to find them. Christian only got himself a new set of trouble. The monsters arrived. Trevor cracked with the whip. He would fight to the end. Christian presented the crucifix. That gave a breather. Though it was not enough. The hunter threw the crystal. The impact exploded. He inhaled. The stopwatch gave the upper hand. The undead broke the spell. They gathered around. Trevor felt chills down his spine. The skulls grinned before touching him. Christian brandished with the whip. The bone-men collapsed about. Trevor didn’t get the lot. The undead hand closed upon his throat. The hunter couldn’t breathe. His dagger released him from the grip. Christian licked his lips. There was no time. He used the stopwatch. The monsters withdrew. There were too many of them. Trevor closed the grip. “May the Lord preserve us.” They got stopped in time. That didn’t last for long. “From the wicked One.” Christian then twirled with the morning-star whip. The flame granted even more power.
The girl used the scimitar soul to block off the wild attack. He saw the pain on her face when the shield broke. The Minotaur was without mercy. He was brushed aside. How did it dare!? He threw the thrower’s bone. The grenade exploded on impact. Though the sheer force of the monsterlet him survive. The creature was wounded. He bent low before dashing forward. The horns might pine them. Noriko jumped high while spitting fireballs. He would aid her. The skeletons kept him behind. Their hands were like a grip of steel. That made him to think about the evil claws. The Minotaur struck the ground. The rubble waved. Her body wasn’t strong enough to withstand such onslaughts. Noriko fired a green beam. The Minotaur was dead. She claimed his soul. Though that didn’t seem to amuse her. He broke awayfrom their grasp. “You had no choice.” He told. “It was you, or the Minotaur.” She hid behind her hair. Noriko appeared to lookso lonely. He tried to embrace her. She pulled him aside. He hid his anger. He released the bats. They smashed the remaining skeletons. He picked their souls. The huge cave went silent. Then the giant rock fighter struck the ground with a huge fist. The area shook by the impact. He smiled. The soul might grant him the strength he desired.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The seer awoke from her slumber. Casandra got up upon her knees. She admired her might. An orc tried to fetch her. He died of poison. The corpse mightdiscourage those which plannedforsuch stunts. Casandra laughed. She received no warning or images in her dreams. She saw her memories reflected. Casandra got no liking for it. She should have seen something. She looked into the mirror. Though it was dull and empty. The spiritslay dormant. No one could force the magic mirror. They worked according to their own rules. Casandra dismissed about it. The mirror would tell her eventually. She only had to wait. The seer turned from her medium. There wereother methods to obtain knowledge. Casandra began to chant. The spell made the rat to appear. Though the spirit might know her intention,she caught him by the tail. Casandra held him upbefore cutting the throat. The red liquid stained the ground. She produced the heart and burned it in the pyre. An ugly smoke drifted from the sacrifice. Casandra inhaled it. She kept chanting her magic. The seer saw some images before fading. She was pleased. Casandra burned the carcass. The seer had seen enough.She might plot for the future. The Dark Lord wouldreturn from the grave. Nothing might stop them now.
The shaman sent her bats to search for the runes. He was right. This was no Titan. Noriko didn’t have Christian’s ability. The giant rock fighter kept hitting the ground. The huge fireballs made her to run. Noriko was afraid. The bats left the body. They lusted for blood. Iori released the flames. He obtained the wind lord’s soul. The giant rock fighter almost slammed him flat. Noriko beamed with fury. She got no familiar! Noriko would find them. She made lightning strike. Then she saw something. There was an engraving upon theknee. Noriko smiled. That was a mere grimace. She dodged the fist. Was this like fighting Balore? Her grandfather challenged that spirit in 2035. She put it aside. Noriko jumped high while spitting tripled fireballs. They went home. The symbol got illuminated. Noriko cheered in triumph. She fired a green beam. The gargoyle and Bugbear souls gained her victory. Though that was only the first rune. Iori must have spotted another symbol. He made bloody swords to attack. The giant rock fighter almost crushed him, again. Noriko pulled him behind. The boymet her gaze. The swords kept stabbing the rune. Iori hurled the thrower’s bone. The symbol exploded. Norikocheered by the event. The monster spat fireballs. She dodged the onslaught.
They closed about. Christian wasn’t afraid. He made the sign of the cross. The shaman got burning eyes. The hood concealed the face.The muscles bulged beneath the cloak.Trevor brandished with the Vampire Killer whip. “Brave of you, boy.” The shaman hissed. “Do youthink to challenge me?” He laughed. Christian burst into action. He threw the homing daggers. The fireball whip caused chaos among themonsters. The stopwatch got in handy. Trevor utilized with the Soul Saint. The shamanraised both hands. The red flame forced him away. The monsters attacked. Christian structed the skeletons. He trusted the silver knife. The crucifix restedupon his chest. They shot arrows into the air. Trevorrepelled the onslaught. The Soul bat granted an edge. The shaman used magic to protect them. Christian made a glide to brandish with the thorn whip. The bats swarmedabout. They flew at random.Trevor dosed them with holy water. Nobody deserved that faith. The dead brandished with their bones. Christian threw the homing boomerangs. He slew the orc. The Soul ice healed him. Trevor felt like Nathan Graves when the trolls hurled boulders at him. He brandished with the whip. They burned. He picked the gems. The shamanspew other flames. Christian escaped. The troll got burned through his chest. Trevor made the sign of the cross. They were not the elite. Christian twirled with the fireball whip. That wasn’t the end. They released the arrows. Trevor got hurt. He sidestepped the troll. Christian pulled out the arrow. The skeletons hit him. Trevorreleased the Soul flame. The bats lusted for blood. He used the stopwatch. The holy water made them to burn. He used the Soul ice before fetching the gems. The orc attacked. He screamed. The shaman laughed. “You are alone.” Christian impaled the boar. “Glory be You!” He exclaimed. “Our Father in Heaven.” Trevor presented the crucifix. The shaman released the flames. The skin was red from burning. “Curse of Darkness.” Trevor whipped them to pieces. “Damn you.”The orcishshaman sat on the floor to paint a symbol. Christian created the holy whip.The shaman chanted. Trevor threw the boomerang-cross. He made itto split inthree. The monsters died. The bone-men blocked his way. He made a glide. Christian got beyond. He turned around to throw daggers at them. The shaman fled. He ran through the corridor. Trevortouched the crucifix. He floated in the air. The burning cross put them to rest.Christianwas put down. “Amen.” Hebowed. The Lord was great and merciful. Trevorpicked the gems. He hit the candles. Christianmight need the lot. He was unsure. Then the painting blossomed. Trevor made the sign of the cross. That was an evil star. The ugly blue flame burned upright. Christian knelt in prayer. The hunterreached for the envelope. The body of Christ rested within. “Great is the mystery of faith.” The evil star erupted. Thatugly green demon spread its wings. Trevor almost vomited by the filthy stench. The earth demon screamed. The tail whipped. He was hurling stones. Christian dodged the bolder. Nathan Graves described them. He fought to repel the rock. Thatjust rebounded. Trevor grew pale. This was Chaos. “They shall always be a lamp lit for the house of men.” So, the Bible told. Christian brandished with the holy whip. The rock was broken. The demon shrieked. He hurled other rocks. Trevor made the sign of the cross. The Lord would guide him. Christian got wind in his blood. He hurled the crystal. The rebound stone struck the demon. Trevor screamed. He got hit by the stones. Christian was cursed. Although he knew how to remove it,the hunter got no cure curse. He fell to his knees. Pain surged threw his body. Trevor got the laurels. He channelled light through theitem. Christian gasped when evil left him. The crystal shone like a beacon. Trevor crossed himself. “In the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Ghost!” He summoned the name of the Lord. The earth demon threw rocks. They might inflict acursed state. Christian struck with the holy whip. He got to keep it in motion. The demonflew to grab him. Trevor huddled together. The strong arms reached to take him. Christian stamped with the crucifix. The demon shrieked. Trevor shuddered. He then realized that the earth demon enjoyed his suffering. The stones rebounded. Christian cracked with the Vampire Killer. The demon pressed him against the breasts. The touch was venom. “Jesus!” Trevor cried. He gave him the crystal. The hell’s spawn let go. The green demon got obscured with flame. Christiandidn’t usethe force. The crystal shone. Leon’s itemreacted upon their presence. Trevorused the laurels to remove the poisoned state. He made the sign of the cross. Christian dodged the rocks. They rebounded about. He threw the holy water. The earth demon was furious. Trevor knew it lusted for his soul. He threw the vial. The liquid burned on impact. “Stronger we are!” Christian challenged. “In the name of the Lord!” The demon roared. The hunter cracked with the whip. The rocks rebounded. He hurled the crystal. The wind howled. The rebound stone went crushing home. “Into Your hands I commit my spirit.” The demon got torn to pieces. Trevor exhaled. The fight was over. He picked the gems. Christian looked about. The shaman was alive. He might amplify the monsters. Trevor went into the tunnel. The candles were dim. They squeaked. He struck with the Vampire Killer. The bats got burned to ashes. Christian took the gems. They got shaped like the human heart. How strange. Trevor sighed. He hooked onto the ring. The spikes went beneath. The pillar shot fireballs while breathing flames. Christian dodged the impact. The dragon skulls turned along. He hit the bullets. They exploded. The bats went for blood. Trevor got the stopwatch. They fell on the floor. Christian made the sign of the cross. He threw the axe. Time was up. He twirled with the whip. The bats were defeated. The bone pillar got broken apart. He picked the gems. Trevor hit the candles. He let be the money. They had no interest.
The boy felt a surge within. He gasped as the souls melted and forged together. Although the collection combined, the boy might still use the different members. He tried to shake it away. The boy was not the count. “Curse of Darkness!” He released the flames. The forces collided. That felt horrible. He made a grimace upon the counter force. That nearly tore him to pieces. “Watch out!” Noriko tried to warn him. The giant rock fighter then struck his fists against the floor. “Dracul!” That was too much. The bats swept from the reanimated figure. “Destruction and Death to the monsters!” The boy conjured the bloody sword soul. The blades spread out for his defiance. That was beautiful. “Thou shall burn!” He got the strength. “Then you shall behold my power!” The flames roared to surround him. The swarm got consumed. The boy claimed the souls. He gasped when absorbing. “To stand in the shadow of the demon castle.” They couldn’t conquer him. The boy had become invincible. “The power of Dominance.” Noriko stood to the side. She got the same power. The boy was proud. The shaman was searching for the runes. The bats left her care. She leaped to release the fireballs. “Beware!” The fist came crushing down. Noriko trusted the knife. She threw the web. The boy laughed.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The cave was quiet. He stirred among the shadows. A scraping sound disturbed his focus. “The legion of a thousand chicks.” The warlock lord then hissed. They were a pack of local Lycen which fought for the count in 1996. The demon castle war lasted for almost three years. They exchanged glances before retreating into the dark. “Yes.” The warlock lord had no use for them. “Be gone.” Although these specie men survived the conflict, they meant nothing to him. The wraith kept looking for the lady. She was the one that were important. The girl might make the Dark Lord to live again. He beheld the protectory. The witch king felt attracted by the power. He would find her, and lead her to his castle. The shroud was growing thin. The barrier between the worlds would collapse. He had seen it, felt it. The forsaken order got released with this purpose in mind. To hunt the Belmont clan of legend until they got extinct from this reality. That would be executed. It was his last command. “Come to me.” He beckoned. “Thee belongs within the castle.” The warlock lord walked into the silence. He noticed that he was observed by some body within the cave. “Behold me.” The wraith rasped. “Reveal thyself.” He knew. Against the power of the count, there could be no victory.
The giant rock fighter hit the ground. Noriko ran to the side. They got to break the company. “Be gone you Oni!” The impact awoke the dead. “Dracul!” Iori cursed on his native language. The flames burned to shield him. The bone-men hurled above the shield. The boy curled together. They had to find the runes. “Burn you beasts!” She got her own souls. Noriko trapped them within the net. That was amazing. The shaman fired the green beam. She released the bats. The skeleton got her in an iron grip. Noriko fought to get free. She revealed her grandfather’s crucifix. The dead released her. His friends put their arms up in defiance. Noriko trusted the knife. She pierced through the ribs. The undead had no heart. “Kamis!” They closed her against the wall. Noriko looked about. Her friend got busy with the bats. Noriko wished that Christian returned. The hunter would find her. She was sure about it. Thys was his ability. The shaman put that aside. This was not the time. “Be gone you demons!” She shrieked. The skeletons came to kill her. Noriko snarled. She would burn the lot. The shaman made lightning strike. The dead got shot to pieces. “Feel the power!” Noriko might triumph. She absorbed the souls. She inhaled the strength. The giant rock fighterreleased the fireballs.
The hunter hookedonto the ring. Christiangot across. The spiders had arrived. He threw the axe. The net was torn. They might inflict a poisoned state. Trevorinhaled. “Dead man walking.”Christianwithdrew. He bit together;Trevorfelt like sharp nails got buried in his body.Christiancracked with the whip. That wasn’t enough. Theykepthurling bones. Trevor repel the lot. He winched. The pain was unbearable. Christian made a glide. Theycaught him. Trevorcreated the Soul flame. They were put to rest. He stamped with the crucifix. The bats swept at his throat. “Save us.” The monsters approached. Christian threw homing daggers. They got defeated. He got hit in the head. Trevor staggered. The bone-man gloated. Christian struck with the whip. The skeleton escaped. His silver knife put an end to the exploits. Christian picked the gems. The cave grew dark. The candlesdimmed. The blue fire erupted. That burned without heat or shadow. Trevor reached for the crucifix. “May you be cast back into the fire and be destroyed.” He whispered. Christian got the whip. The Lord would be with him. “In the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Ghost!” Trevor presented the Host. He would sanctify the earth. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” Christian made the sign of the cross.He threw the Wafer into the symbol. The door was closed. The earth demon shrieked before hurling the rocks. Trevor gothurt. He fell on the floor,both cursed and wounded. Christian wept. He got the laurels. “There shall be a lamp lit for the house of men.” Trevormade it to rain with holy water. The fire would consume hisflesh. The laurels restored him.Christianrepelled the stones. The demon hurled the rocks. He threw the crystal. The rocks exploded. The gem remained. The demon roared. Trevor threw the axe. That got stuck in the shoulder. The demon laughed. The monster enjoyed the misery. He leaped to strike with the whip. The demon burst into fire. Christian retrieved his items. The bats returned. He used the stopwatch. The dead emerged to throw bones or brandish them as weapons. Trevor hurled the cross. The skeleton got defeated. Dracula’s curse might awake the dead. Thedemon threw rocks into the air. Christianmade them to rebound. He summoned the light. The Soul Saint caused another explosion. He burned. Trevor hurled the crystal. The demon got torn to pieces. The bats shrieked. Christian revealed the crucifix. The skeletons hit him. Trevor flailed with the whip. They were put to rest. The daggers assured his victory. The hunter picked the crystal before he leaped. Trevor got above the spikes. He reached the crossroad. There was time to find the way north. That had to wait. The spiders climbed about. Christian burned the web. He got ambushed by the Minotaur. Trevor made the sign of the cross.The ogres fired. Christian repelled the arrows. He threw the axe. The orcs howled while brandishing with their spears and scimitars. He made a back-flip. The Minotaur struck the ground. Trevor hit the bull. The monster roared. He would fight like Sonia Belmont. Christian doused the beast with holy water. The soldiers fired. Trevor threw the spinning axe. That prevented the onslaught. He had to retrieve the item. The Minotaur approached. Christian threw three daggers. The creature was bleeding. The bullstruck the ground. Trevor made a glide. The monsters got ready. He struck with the whip to release the Soul bat. That burned on impact. Christian inhaled. The survivors fled. Trevor let them run. The Minotaur hit the ground to make the rubble wave. He flailed with the flame whip. The beast tried to pine him. Christiandodged when the bull knocked the wall. The horns got stuck. That wasn’t funny. His efforts made the rocks to fall down. The ogres scattered. Trevor doused themwith holy water. The beastescaped. He slashed with the axe. Christianhad to retreat. The creature roared in triumph. The bats swept. He took the gems. The ogres pushed forward. He got enclosed. Trevorconfronted the dead. Theywere shooting. The hunter repelled the arrows. He couldn’t keep up forever. Trevor struck with the whip to create the Soul bat. The arrows got blasted. They spread out.Christianwould show them why Julius was famous. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord.” The holy cross burned above. Trevorwasdown upon his knees. “Glory be You.” He sighed. “Our Father in Heaven.”Christiancouldn’t rest. He collected the gems. Trevor checked the map. He kept the whip. This cave was different. There was no-one in sight. Christian knelt before the alter. The virgin protected the shrine. “Glory to thee.” He bowed. “God’s holy mother.” Trevormade the sign of the cross. “Behold; the lamb of God.” He presented the Host. The caves were for the people. The Dark Lord had no right. “They cannot conquer forever.” The hunt was not in vain. Christian ate the wafer. He would leave in peace. Trevor stopped. There was a spike-trap. Christianclimbed upon the platform. He reached a cross. The dead werealive. Trevor bent. The bones went above. The crucifix made them to scatter. Christianbrandished with the whip. He picked the gems. The chicken leg got spiced. The pentagram lit up. Trevor got away. “Stronger we are!” He held the Host. “In the name of the Lord!” The spiderscreated the web. Christianthrew the vial. He got no choice. The nett was burned. The holy flame purified the cave. The earth demon threw stones. Trevor repelled the onslaught. They rebounded on impact. His diamond went home. The hunter kept the wafer. “Back off you devil!” The demon created an earthquake. Christianthrew a wave of holy water. The demon got burned. Trevorscreamed. The back flash was terrible. He made a glide. The monster threw the stones.Christian landed among the rubble. He lost the Host. Trevor still got the silver knife. The demon howled. Christian summoned the light. He struck with the holy whip. The beast exploded.The bats flapped about. “Belmontscum!” The warlockcursed. Thehood fell behind. Trevor felt so cold. “You are no orc!” He shouted.
The boy was proud of his power. The giant rock fighter lost most of its runes. They would be victorious. He had no doubt about it. The boy tripped upon the itemshiddenwithin the ash. He cursed the misfortune. Though the boy would gain the last laugh. He would show them that he possessed the power. This was the moment. The skeleton trooper was huge and strong. The armoured undead brandished with a ball-and-chain. Other beings raised from the ash. This musthave been an ancient battleground. He felt noconcern. Noriko came to his side. The boy told her to resume the attack upon the rock fighter. The three hugefireballs supported the statement. She looked sad and weary. He could not remain behind. The trooper already showcased his ability. The sword and axe man brandished their arm. She went away. What a waste of opportunities. He released such thoughts. The boy nailed them with fireballs. That was not enough to stop them. He used the wind lord’s soul. They disliked the chilling gust. That made him to smile. There was always a nock in the power. The cracks were to be exploited. It was survival of the fittest. The thought almost caused him to laughed. The boytold the true. He would gain their souls. Then they might celebrate in strength.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The warlock laughed by his perplexity. “Yes.” He taunted. “Come and learn your destiny.” He gloated by his fear. “Your power will twist and corrupt you. Like it did to me.” The boy shook his head. “You lie.” He said. “This isn’t my fate.” The warlock pulled down the hood. Thus, he concealed the boar like features. “Your anger andlust for power already did that.” The vampire hunter held to the talisman. “Dracula offered, and you took without questions.” He folded the bulgingarms above his chest. “I am no wraith.” He told. The boy withdrew. “Not all the servants of the Dark Lord are wraiths.” Enough of this. He would rip his heart out as a sacrifice to Chaos. The warlock was not careless. The followers would kill him anyhow. That whip might actually harm him. The skeletons approached. The warlockgave them swords in hand. They knew how to fight. The warlockgot ready. The demons were worthless. Thenlet it be. He would defeat this intruder. Only those who earned the right through force might walk beneath the shadow of the demon castle. The warlock would gain that might. “
The Lord is with me.” The hunter then proclaimed. “I am not afraid.” The warlock smirked. “You will be.” This he could do. “That is for sure.” The warlock reached his fist.
The girl licked her lips. Together theymanaged to destroy four runes. The giant rock fighter kept striking the floor. Noriko ran. She threw a look over her shoulder. The huge golem monster beheld her through ugly green eyes. Strange, she used to be fond of the emeralds. Then she noticed. The rune was right above the eyes. Though it could have been on the moon. Noriko never could jump that far. She could try to climb on the monster. The fighter threw three large fireballs. Noriko dodged. She released a green beam. The force missed the mark. The rock fighter struck down with both fists. Noriko ran straight between. She got the thunder rider soul. She made lightning strike. Flames burned theforehead. The rock fighter spat other fireballs. Noriko got away. If only the boy could help her. He had becometoo busy. The fistswent down. The impact gave some extra boust. Noriko got the gargoyle soul. That wasn’t really a double or super jump. She envied her grandfather. That wasn’t important. Noriko got high enough to hit the mark with her own fireballs. Thefighter shook its head. Then she conjured another soul. The thunder lord created an electric blast. The rune was finally destroyed. The head got split in two. The explosion sent her flying against the wall.
The warlockcast a spell to wake the swordsmen. Leon Belmont met them in 1094. “You arenot the one.” Christian declared. The warlock fired. The blast might tear him apart. “Your skills are no match to my magic.” Trevor struck with the whip. The hunter thought he almost felt Sara’s pain and sorrow. The boar protectedbehind an energy shield. His swordsmen attacked. Christiantwirled with the whip. They crossed blades. The warlockcasta spell. Trevor made a glide. The lasermelted the living stone. He threw the silver knife. The warlock groaned. The spell exploded. Christian escaped. The warlock conjured the shield. Trevor got surrounded. The axe gave a breather. The orbs got cut to pieces. Christian doused them with holy water. The shield gave no protection. The warlock burned like oiled paper. He survived. Trevor dodged the flurry of fireballs. He must put them to rest. Christian struck with the whip. They might behead him. The hunter threw himself beneath the laser. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” Trevor hurled a wave of holy water. The shield broke. The warlock staggered. He cracked with the whip. The Soul bat burst from the tip. “Let me show you the true nature of the force.” He grasped the whip. He made lightning strike. Christian screamed. The Vampire Killer may only be hurt by balefire. The warlock laughed. Trevor gasped. The warlock cast a spell. He presented the envelope. The Host reflected the spell. “Rest in peace.” The warlock coward. Christian gave him the Wafer. That was the end. The warlock burst from within. Trevor crossed himself. There was a foul wind blowing. The Lord would decide. He sighed. That was the final piece. He recoiled the whip. Christian got to continue.Ivy wine and red moss grew upon the walls or hung from the ceiling. Trevor felt disgusted. The cave was dank. He burned the net. Gabriel Belmont encountered the great spider’ in 1047. The bats swept for his throat. Christian brandished with the whip. He leaped for battle. The hunter landed in cold water. The rats left the potholes. Trevor feared the plague. Abbadon was the embodiment of pestilence. He threw a wave of holy water. They got red eyes. Abraham Van Helsing told about them. The rats attacked the company of gentlemen when they entered Carfax abbey in 1897. Christian had no hound. Lord Godalming called them to hunt. He tore the web. The skeletons made an ambush. Trevor hurled the axe. He was hurt. The iron plate was not enough. Christian kicked the bones. The dead broke apart. He bent beneath the fist. Trevor trapped them in time. He doused the lot. Christian got the gems. He went above the spike trap. The big bat swooped. He threw the cross. The monster scattered into a swarm of smaller bats. Trevor hurled the crystal. The bats reformed. He threw three daggers. The beast got impaled. The big bat went at his face. Christian escaped. He doused them with holy water. They shrieked when burning. The rest swooped for blood. Christian got beneath. The axe exploded. The monsters got cut to pieces. Trevor went high to hurl the cross. That saved his life. The big bat was alive. Christian presented the crucifix. Water dropped from the ceiling. He threw the vials. The monster was dead. The rats gathered about. Trevor used the Soul saint against them. He took the gems. The piper caused an onslaught. He abducted the children of Hamelin. He stopped the show. Christian would stamp them out. They thrived in the shadow of the castle. He reached above the pit. This was another crossroad. Trevor had to head north. The narrow lane continued. He must be careful. Christian got across the spikes. He reached that other cave. That was a green-house. The spiders were here. Trevor made a backflip to might tear the web. The axe cut through that fabric. Christian sighed. He might be poisoned. The bats shrieked. Trevor flailed with the whip. They kept some distance. The cavern shook. Christian staggered. Something happened. He thought of the rock fighter. Noriko had to be alive. He went through the opening. Trevor leapt above the spike-bed. He almost cracked the skull against the ceiling. Christian looked around. The hunter wished he wasn’t alone. Trevor went above another trap.The sound of running water grew closer. Christian reached another cave. The place wasn’t that large. The spring was carved like the horse’s head. The water went from the open mouth, into the pound. This was the end of the slide. The dam was broken. Trevor relaxed. There was no flood. The green-life gave him the shudder. The torchlight got reflected. Christian went behind the sculpture. This should be a nice place. The bats swept. Trevor used the Soul wind. That slowed the approach. He doused the swarm. The gems fell into the stream. He got a problem. “The spawn of leviathan.” The fishes swam among the plant life. Christian looked upon the sleeping beauty. He blushed. The coffin was made of glass. Her dark hair lay in curls around her head. Her clothing’s never got touched by the water. The lady was adorable. Trevor licked his lips. She wore raven tattoos upon her shoulders. Christian might see beyond the obvious. He got horrified. The body crawled with moths and maggots. Trevor vomited. He couldn’t help it. The body stanched. The green light obscured the casket. “Vampire bride.” Christian cursed. “Be gone in the name of Christ.” Trevor made the sign of the cross. She emerged. “Let me tell you a bedtime story.” He resisted the charm. She got a tingling voice, like water glasses played by a cunning hand. Christian thought of those ruby lips. He blushed. “Do you want a kiss?” Trevor hurled the silver knife.He pierced the left eye. The undead shrieked. Blood went down her cheek. She then came for him. The fangs were exposed. The lady wept. “Bloody tears.” They burned. She inhaled huge amounts of oxygen. Trevor got pulled in. He threw the axe. That released him. The mark was like the one left on the count’s brow in 1897. Soma Cruz also got the scar. That was the proof of Dominance. The lady released a swarm of bats. Christian was ready.
That was true. “You are not an arcanist.” The boy acknowledged. “This is Dominance.” Neither of them got the craft of a pyrokinesis. “You shall not conquer.” The duo got attracted by the conflict. “The legion of a thousand chicks.” The boy heard about them through his underworld connections. The Lycanthrope survived the demon castle war. “Enough of this.” He threw the issue aside. “Prepare to be terminated.” He made a grimace. The boy sounded like a cyborg. “You shall regret for ever having defied me.” The redhead and blonde exchanged glances. “Are you that sure?” They pulled the swords they carried above the leather jacket. “From Hell!” The howl hadn’t resounded for a century. “Wolves of the pit!” The boy gathered his strength. “Get behind.” Noriko had gathered from the fall. The boy was impressed. “By the God of Christian.” He went some steps. The girl stood between them with the cross held high. “I command you!” The howls caused the echoes of Darkness. Their shapes cast strange figures upon the wall. “Dracul!” The boy cursed. He recognized the image. He saw it upon the pages of a tome. That was not important. He got other problems. “They are like the She-wolf of 1688!” The boy beholds as they tore their own clothing.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The duo went in a rush. Crystal changed into her true form. “You are going to pay for having killed lord Dracula.” Deborah snarled. They moved like iron shade through the dark. “Forget about the notion.” The girl then trusted her knife. “I am too young to have fought in the demon castle war.” Crystal withdrew. Her eyes burned red. “The tribe of Darkness.” The fangs were exposed. For a moment, she doubted the statement. “From Hell!” Deborah howled. Crystal gathered herself. They survived the battle of Warakiya. Although the tribe nearly got slaughtered to a woman, they ripped a brigade of the U.N., E.U. and NATO soldiers. The boy released a flurry of bat-inhabited fireballs. Deborah dodged the onslaught. “Upstart weakling!” She made a crisscross attack. “Dracul!” He bent beneath the assault. Crystal cherished the moonstone talisman. That was a gift from the dark priest. “I see.” The girl stamped with the cross. “The Dark Lord offered medallions of power.” Crystal struck with both swords. The girl leaped high. “Blinded by greed, you took without questions.” The fireballs struck the proximity. “You have become enslaved.” The Lycan howled in anger. “That is Belmont talking.” She snarled. “He is my friend.” The girl then pierced the heart.
The Lycanthrope was dead before touching the floor. Noriko licked her lips. She didn’t absorb the soul. The girl was afraid. Noriko said and did things untypical. “Come to me.” Iori beckoned. “I want the power.” He toyed with the werewolf. “Impotent whelp.” She snarled. Noriko didn’t think he should do that. “Die and be damned!” She threw the blades like cycles. That wasn’t fair. The Lycan wasn’t the grim reaper. She threw that aside. The corpse exploded. The outburst caused the cave to crumble. The debris got thrown every which way. The boy was cut. Iori staggered away. The cloak got stained with crimson. “I am not alone.” She boasted. “We who worship in the name of count Dracula.” Noriko got hit by the stones. The girl still managed to stay awake. “Rest in peace.” She cradled the cross. Noriko then fired a green beam. The Lycanthrope howled in dismay. She then fell upon the ground. “Stop!” Noriko had to prevent the taking. “Do not touch it!” Iori sent her a confused look. “Let it be!” This was wrong. “The soul is infected with Chaos.” Iori beheld it with lusting eyes. “It is?” He bit his lip. Noriko went on top. She had to stop him. “You fool!” Iori kept struggling. “Think about the power.” She didn’t care. The soul exploded. Then everything went black.
Evil lurked in the dark. The bats squeaked. Christian threw a wave of holy water. The lady’s face got coated in ice. Trevor leaped to strike with the whip. The swarm broke apart. “The curse is lifted!” The vampire proclaimed. “I am Aurora!” The glass casket exploded. “Rest in peace.” Christian made the sign of the cross. He summoned the light. The whip was blazing. Aurora screamed. She wouldn’t humble herself, like Mina in 1897. “You fool!” The lady’s eyes were on fire. “You shall pay for what you did to me!” Trevor bent beneath the monsters. He threw five silver daggers. Her blood fed the green life. Christian thought of Rosa. May she pass into the Heavens. The female vampire then inhaled huge amountsof raw oxygen. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” The bats obscured his resistance. Trevor flailed with the whip. Aurora morphed into mist. She returned to throw the fireball. The hunter made a back-flip to throw the axe. The fountain of blood drenched the cave. He stopped the bats. Christian hurled the vials into the air. The swarm got defeated. Moths fluttered about her head while Aurora spread her arms. The maggots crawled while she released the bats. They swept like a wave of blood thirst. Trevor presented the crucifix. The Soul flame put an end to their misery. Aurora shrieked with frustration. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” Christian threw the silver knife. The lady got impaled. He made a glide. Aurora ripped. She licked her nails. The lady enjoyed the taste. “Blood of the hunter.” She bent to kiss him. Trevor stamped her. She snarled. Christian made an imprint. Aurora stabbed at his face. She got stained with blood and ashes. The moths and maggots crawled about her body. He swallowed. Trevor hurled the cross. She stared. Christian inhaled. He knew about the danger. The hunter held his whip in both hands. Aurora spat. The rising flames burned along the floor. Trevor went above to throw holy water. She inhaled more oxygen before conjuring bats. Christian got obscured. Aurora reappeared to kiss him. Christian gave her the crystal. The explosion gave a breather. She tried to gouge up his heart. Aurora got the strength of twenty men. Trevor felt pity with the general who tried to slay Millarca. He doused her with holy water. Aurora got bathed in flames. That was enough. He threw the crystal. Aurora burned. Her face melted like hot wax.“In Manos Toad Domine.” Christian made the sign of the cross. “Forgive me.” The lady wept. “I was never the sleeping beauty.” Then she crumbled into ashes. Trevor felt tired. He didn’t eat or sleep for hours. That was how the Dark Lord might triumph. The count would wait within the castle to might dine upon the blood of a weary hunter. Christian picked the gems. He must restore his energy. Trevor left the cave. The tunnel went into the mountain. He touched the crucifix. Christian went above the spikes. The bats left the ceiling. Trevor brandished with the morning-star whip. They burned to ashes. The rest went circling about. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” The rats went through the holes. They carried the black plague. Christian crossed himself. He released the Soul flame. The rats kept crawling. Trevor made it to rain with holy water. He fetched the gems. Christian purified the plague. He relaxed. Trevor ran down the cave before anything else might happen. He hooked upon the ring. Christian swung above the pit. He reached the frozen area. The ice trolls got blue skin and red eyes. They might be short in built. Though they looked very strong. Trevor became invisible. That was Sonia’s ability. Let it be. The trolls hurled ice blocks about. Christian became visible to counter. The ice cave was their habitat. He managed to repel the onslaught. Trevor presented the crucifix. They disliked His image. They were not turned to stone. That was a myth. Christian hurled the rebounding fireball. That was to his advantage. Christian doused with holy water. They melted. That was disgusting. Trevor made the sign of the cross. He made a glide to might reach the group. They got armed with an assortment of short-bladed knives and daggers. Trevor hurled the axe. He made it to spin in place. That blocked the attack. Even so, that was not the end. The ice trolls spread out. Christian threw the vials to might grant an edge. The monsters shrieked and melted. Trevor made the sign of the cross. This was the worst nightmare. The Lord was Alpha and Omega. He would have to decide. “You are a dish!” The troll picked him and hurled the hunter away. Christian hit the ground. He rolled up into a crouched position. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” Trevor got lifted into the air. The enflamed cross burned behind. “Let it be!” They burned and melted. The hunter was put down. He took the gems. Christian twirled with the whip. The bats squeaked. Trevor leaned against the wall. The trolls ran away. He left the cave. The tunnel went steep. Christian must climb. There were no openings in sight. He felt like keeping on forever. Trevor thought about the marble gallery and eternal walkway. He reached to touch the crucifix. The exit was ahead. Then he noticed that Noriko and Iori were in big trouble. “Preserve us from the wicked One!” Christian ran as fast he could. He got to help them. Trevor got to climb over the pile of stones. He almost slid into the spike trap. The bed got coated with earth. He couldn’t take it for granted. Christian might become impaled. That was the least of his concern. The rats scratched for safety. “The black plague.” Trevor brandished with the whip. If only he got the craft of Jonathan Morris. That was off the table. He doused them with holy water. The outburst shook the cave. Christian managed to leap over. The spikes went up beneath him. Trevor felt chills down his spine. He must continue. The bats went toward his neck. The hunter created a circle of crosses. The swarm swept around. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” Christian summoned the light. The holy whip created another explosion. He picked the gems. The force restored him. Trevor would hunt.
Thedebriefgot thrown aside. He found her. Noriko Cruz was alive. Although she took the brunt of the explosion, that was still amazing. The boy should have expected. The girl must inherit some of Dracula’s power. He let go about the statement. Noriko foiled his intentions for the last time. The devastation crushed the troopers. The boy only got one soul. Then again, she didn’t take the giant rock fighter. The golem figures were sostrong. That was such a wasted opportunity. She stirred. Noriko then opened her eyes. He looked into her dark pools. The boy gave a sigh of relief. “You are alive!” He exclaimed. “For a moment, I was afraid.” She sighed. “Thank you.” She said. “Thanks for looking after me.” He bent before her might. The boy wished to embrace her. Noriko got up. She dusted off her clothing’s. “The skeletons got crushed.” Hemasked his emotions. Noriko nevernoticed. She had a look upon the cave. The floor was littered with crushed stone and garbage. He acknowledged. There was only one way to leave.The girl made the other tunnels to collapse. Though,that was not her fault. The boy knew that things might change. There came a great rumble. The tunnel got forced open. The Wyvern flapped its wings. He almost got thrown off his feet. The boy felt the power.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The black rider went through the passage. Fear followed in his footsteps. He sniffed the air. That was the smell. The pale king lusted for and hated their living blood. He got a mission. The warlock lord becameraised from the dead. He was to stalk the land of the living. “My prince.” He would execute lord Dracula’s last command. The warlock got to find them. He might feel the power. They were using it careless. The dark wanderer could not exploit it. The nature of the caves worked to their advantage. He happened upon the survivors. They crawled in the dust. The wraith despised them. He was not the Dark Lord. They always seemed to get ahead. The order was to kill the Belmont clan. He should be able to conquer. The vampire hunter was a threat even to their vast power. He knew it to be true. That was not important. The warlock lord would find them, and kill those which aided their quest. Then there was someone else that might be watching. That was interesting. He felt a strange set of eyes fixed upon the approach. The witch king would solve the puzzle. He then let go about the mystery. The warlock lord had no concern. All who opposed the prince of Darknessmust die.
The shaman was dumbfounded. She never saw such a beast before. “That is a Wyvern!” Iori cried. She shook her head. “They are related to the dragon!” There was no time for education. Noriko gathered. The Wyvern dashed. The ancient beast spat strange rebounding flames upon the ground. Noriko threw bones to block the assault. “Watch out for the tail!” Iori warned. She bit her lip. Her friend almost got stabbed by the pointed beak. The Wyvern stung its tail. The needle dripped with venom. Noriko created the web. The net wasn’t large enough. The Wyvern was large as a lorry. Noriko shuddered. The monster emitted another orb. The ball rebounded against the floor. Iori released his fireballs. The attack exploded. Noriko released withthe feathers. The Wyvern shrieked. The blast piercedthe scales. Noriko had to escape. The monster might fend off anything they could muster. She fired a green beam. The Wyvern got above. Iori released a chilling blast. The creature shrieked. The sound reminded of a bird in peril. Noriko was disgusted. She was fond of their lot. This was so wrong. The Wyvern tried to stab her. Noriko dodged the needle. She made lightning strike. The Wyvern escaped. The monster dashed. Noriko threw herself down. The Wyvernthen reached to slash her.
The huge monster spat strange rebounding fireballs. Noriko got up. She made zombies to rise from the grave. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” Christian made the sign of the cross. That was necromancy. Trevor inhaled. The Wyvern stabbed with the beak. They fed on man’s flesh. “Bless me.”The ghouls were disgusting. Iori conjured the bloody swords. He impaled the monster. The blood was boiling acid. “Stay back!” Christian called. “You might be poisoned!” The Wyvern snapped its beak. Trevor bit his lip. He got to defeat this monster. Iori fired with the bow. The Wyvern shrieked. The arrow burned on impact. “Glory be You!” The beast collided against the wall. “Our Father in Heaven!” The rocks fell from the ceiling. Christian hurled the holy flame. The impact engulfed the Wyvern. “Hit the neck!” He told. Noriko leaped. The dagger got buried among the scales. “Bless me.” The Wyvern hit the ground. The blood was spilled on the floor. Trevor threw the cross. The Wyvern lost its head. Iori wished to take the soul. “Leave it.” The hunter advised. “Great is the mystery of faith.” The moment passed. “We have no right.” Trevor touched her hand. “I don’t blame you.” He said. Noriko sighed. “Come on!” The boy reached the tunnel. They got to keep up. Noriko cleaned the knife. She was eager. The bats swooped on silent wings. “Beware!” The skeletons broke through the wall. Christian recoiled the whip. He almost got trapped within the web. The spiders saved his life. The spike trap might kill him. Trevor doused them with holy water. The fire ripped the net. He was bitten. The laurels restored him. Christian inhaled. The bone-men ignored him. Noriko trusted the knife. She made dead men walking. They fought each other. Iori released the wolf. He released the arrows. Trevor flailed with the fireball whip. The orcs had arrived. He repelled the onslaught. “Dracul!” Noriko tried to absorb the souls. They carried talismans which might protect against Dominance. They got taken away. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” Christian threw the holy flame. The orcs went howling away. “Preserve me.” Trevor leaped above the spike-bed. He got to find the others. The floor got smashed. The outburst was like a fountain. The Wyvern was huge. Christian made a back-flip. The monster stabbed both beak and tail. Trevor hurled the five silver daggers. They got stuck among the scales. Monster blood stained the floor. The fluid looked like acid. The scent of rotting flesh permitted the air. Christian cracked with the whip. The Wyvern swooped. He got to escape those rebounding fireballs. Trevor released the Soul bat. That gave him a breather. The neck was the weak spot. He threw the cross. Christian made it to split in three. They got buried in the chest. The Wyvern shrieked. Hector challenged the monster in 1499. The hunter threw the axe. He tore the stomach. The blood was boiling. Trevor shuddered by its wroth. Rocks fell from the ceiling. Christian made it to rain with holy water. The monster smoked. Then the stinger went like a battering ramp. Trevor got beneath. The beak almost pined him. He threw the axe. The head got removed. The monster left a pile of gems. Christian picked the lot. He felt much better. The hunter then continued to climb. The bats were about. Trevor swung over the abyss. The corridor went straight for a while. Christian reached another cave. He went inside. Christiantripped. There where items hidden among the ashes. The torches burned low. Trevor had a look around. There were several tunnels. He put down the backpack. Christian searched for the map and compass. The shriek made him to forget. Trevor made the sign of the cross. Herecognised that sound. The green demon bulged with muscles. Christian shuddered. He had a bad feeling about it. This was no wizard’s pet. Thefiend threw three rebounding rocks. Trevor hurled five silver daggers. The bats shrieked. He presented the crucifix. The enflamed cross burst overhead. That cleansed the area. He exhaled. The demon enjoyed the torment. Christian repelled the stones. The demon would take him. Trevor brandished with the whip. He made it to rain with holy water. The monsters got burned. Christian had to use the laurels. They removed the poisoned state. The fiend meant to crush him. “Let it be!” Trevor hurled his rebound stone. The impact tore huge pieces of flesh from the body. That wasn’t nice. Christian swallowed. The fight was over. He took the gems. They restored his energy. Trevor touched the crucifix. He better be gone. The ash got disturbed. The bone-troopers emerged. Christian made a glide. He threw daggers forward. The ball-and-chain giant got hit. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” He made the sign of the cross. The swordsman struck his weapon into the floor. He got to use both hands. Trevor cracked the vial. The holy flame burned in front. The bats got consumed. The ball-and-chain trooper was making havoc of the place. Christian hurled the spinning axe. The hunter inhaled. The swordsman attacked. Trevor had to retreat. The bone-troopers almost got him in a corner. Christian observed thearmoured skeletons. He awaited the next approach. The Wikings had to be at least one thousand years old. He threw it aside. They carried a sort of strange crystal skull talisman. Trevor shuddered. The medallionsstanched. Christian leaped. The ball-and-chain giant twirled the weapon overhead. The impact sent the fragments flying. The hunter turned around. The sword hit the ground. The ashes got spread like a wave. Trevor hurled the cross. The skullcracked. The troopers chased him. Christian cracked the vials. “Preserve us from the wicked One!” He made the sign of the cross. The containers burst on impact. The holy water began to burn. That created a barrier. Trevor got a breather. The troopers reappeared. The bone-fighters pushed through the flames. Christian cleaned sweat of his brow. That was incredible. Trevor recoiled the Vampire Killer whip. There had to be a way.
They got dragged into the cave. He frowned. The boy didn’t recognise this place. “This must bethe stables.” Noriko whispered. She was right. “Where are the beasts?”The boy kept quiet. He didn’t know about their wish. “It must be the Wyvern.” The girl said. That was obvious. She was no fool. The conversation was cut short. They got released. The boy remained in place. They got the talisman. That was a problem. He learned not to underestimate the power of Dracula. The boy had been an idiot. He would not become a toy. “Then so it begins.” Someone was talking. “I am honoured that you would join us.” The boy would not surrender. At least not to her. The woman revealed herself. She leaned back against the multi-coloured cushions. “Very well.” The smile looked unpleasant. “I have waited so long for this meeting.” She was not a vampire. “I might tell your fortune.” The woman inhaled. “Your destiny lies with me.” The boy felt unsure. “The Belmont knows this to be the truth.” She might be a seer. “Never.” Noriko insisted. Then what did she knew? “I am Casandra.” The woman thus introduced herself. “We only have to wait for a little longer.” The smile finally reached her eye. It was yellow, like a tiger. “Until the vampire hunter arrives.” The seer then laughed.
Aljiba lower road, Warakiya. The 15th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The seer triumphed. “When the thousand years have ended.”Casandra recited. “Satan shall be released from His prison.” She would complete the circle. “Someone shall come to the castle to inherit Dracula’s power.” Nostradamus foretold this fate. The seer would exploit in their agony. “I know who you are.” Casandra gloated. That was her first great vision. “The seer might foretell the future.” She licked her lips. “You cannot hide from the truth.” Although she could be mistaken, that would be no setback. “He is waiting.” Casandra would prove the futility right before their eyes. “The queen of shadow.” She might appear. “All who oppose the prince of Darkness must die.” That was the first rule of the blood. The seer beheld the captives. The girl let down her pride. So, she should. That would gain her nothing. “Watch.” She revealed the chronometer. “The hour of the beast is nearly upon us.” The boy spat on the ground. “Yes mistress.” He was bitter, though he had to obey. For a moment. Casandra was pleased. This really was a price to behold. The prophecy would come to pass. She leaned against the pillows to might expose her glory. The children exchanged glances. “There is time for you to join us.” The seer then smiled. “Or you will else perish!”
The shaman felt disgusted. That terrible lady looked on her. Noriko saw the lust, the hunger, reflected in her eye. She shuddered. Casandra was no vampire. She looked for something more then her blood. Noriko didn’t want to learn about it. Dominance was the curse in life. Noriko shuddered. They searched for her. She almost forgot. Casandra might know how to conjure the black riders. Noriko beheld the floor. She felt so helpless. Iori kept struggling to break free. The orcs were big ugly brutes who bulged with muscles. They kept him with ease. Theywatched her with hungry intensity.That made her feel dirty. Noriko was not a virgin. She knew what they wanted. The seer winked at her. Noriko blushed. She couldn’t prevent it. The power of Dominance fumed within. “Come on.” The monster barked. The talisman began to burn. “Leave her alone.” Iori demanded. His face became twisted into a grimace of hate. “You shall obey.” The soldier chuckled. Noriko inhaled. “I want you.” She hissed. “I shall kill you.” Noriko was not afraid. She would take his soul. The shaman lusted for slaughter. She almost became obsessed by the blood thirst. Noriko went crimson. She tried to exhale. The crucifix still hung around her neck. “Beware of the Dark.” Noriko got warned.
The ball-and-chain hit the floor. Christian made a glide. He barely escaped. The swordsman got close. Trevor hurled the dagger. The troopersbrandished with their weapons. Christian had to back-flip. The brute got struck by the cross. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” The swordsman dashed. Trevor crushed the vials. The holy flame burned in front. He stamped with the crucifix. The silver flashed. He had to dodge the spiked ball. Christian used the stopwatch. He made the sign of the cross. That had no effect. Trevor got beneath the ball-and-chain. He threw the stone axe. The heavy weapon pierced the chest-plate. The trooper lost his momentum. “Preserve us!” The swordsman slashed. That might cut him in half. The ashes got scattered about. Christian threw five silver knives. The bone-trooper fell into a heap. He put the cross in front. The pile exploded. Trevor got away. He picked the items. The Wiking reached up. He struck the ground. That was close. Christian had become the eye of the storm. He threw the homing daggers. The trooper got impaled. He collapsed. Trevor licked his lips. The skeleton pushed back up. The bats fluttered about. He made it to rain with holy water. The trooper fell into a heap. Trevor put the crystal in front. This had to work. The pile was blasted sky-high. Christian picked the crystals. He worshipped the Lord. He picked the map and compass. Trevor had to find the way out. He couldn’t leave without his friends. The west gate led into the nest. The Wyverns came from down there. Christian felt like being stalked. He replaced the items. Trevor had to find out. He climbed down the passage. Christian must be careful. Must cover the walls. He left the candles. “Dark force raising.” Trevor could see beyond the obvious. Dracula’s curse lay heavy upon this area. He reached the bottom. Christian screamed. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” The undead created an ambush. Trevor hurled the crystal. The band spread out. He was hurt. Christian got the stopwatch. The daggers put them to rest. He inhaled. The bats squeaked when Trevor presented the crucifix. He then whipped them into oblivion. Christian was tired, although the gems replenished his strength. He would prefer something more real. That was out of the question. He went ahead. The tunnel went quiet. He reached the bottom. The lamps got lit by blue fire. Trevor made the sign of the cross. The skeleton tried to take him from behind. He left from the niche. Christian made quick work. The bag of bones got removed. He reached the stables. The boxes where empty. Trevor made a sigh of relief. He found them. The torchlight was reflected by the mirror. The lady lay on her pillows. She looked upon him. Christian felt pierced by the yellow eye. “Welcome.” She pulled through the dark hair. “That is why they call her the cat.”” The flared jacket exposed her body. “Put down your whip.” The outfit was bright green. “that is the only way to save your friends.”” Her hands lay open upon her lap. “”my name is Casandra.” She spread her limbs. “Girls they want to have fun.” Trevor presented the crucifix. “Away from me Satan!” He proclaimed. “I refuse you!” He cracked with the whip. “You failed.” Christian relaxed. “I am a vampire hunter, like my ancestors before me.” Her eye shone like polished jade. “You are doomed.” She blew him a kiss. “Kill him!” The harlot shouted. The orcs brandished their weapons. Trevor made it to rain with holy water. That granted an edge. He flailed with the morning-star whip. Christian had stopped the bats. The orcs got put on fire. “Enough!” Casandra stated. “I shall deal with this Belmont slime myself.” They got left alone. Trevor worried about the others. He got no time. She let down the jacket. “To wake the dead.” Casandra must be responsible. Christian threw the cross. She lay on the pillows. Casandra snapped her fingers. The tiny green serpent went like a living arrow. The snake hid beneath her body. She hissed like boiling water. That was the venom. The holy flame burned out. Casandra leaped. She was quick like the serpent. Casandra held a knife in each hand. They got poisoned. She stabbed. Trevor got behind. The woman delivered a high kick.“Do you like that?” She was ecstatic. “Let me please you.” Christian shuddered. He wasn’t like that. Casandra was not a vampire. She threw a knife. He revealed the crucifix. Trevor brandished with the whip. Casandra blocked with repeated stabs. That wasn’t enough. She got burned. “Master!” The woman crawled in the dust. “Be mercy!” Christian had no choice. He doused her with holy water. Casandra wept. That was a ruse. The stabber got poisoned nails. Trevor stamped with the crucifix. She twirled with the knives. He made a back-flip. Casandra stabbed with both hands. The high kick sent him flying. Christian got up. The laurels saved him. Trevor bit together. The woman hurled both daggers. He threw the crystal. She was hurt. “This is the end.” Christian held the whip. “You think.” She smiled. “How dare you disturb my fire!?” Casandra morphed into the serpent. “Save us!” Trevor screamed. “Oni!” Noriko appeared. She trusted the knife. The serpent hissed like vapor. The teeth dripped with venom. Casandra refused to die. The hunter caught her within the whip. She twirled and twisted to break free. “In the name of Jesus of Nazareth!” The holy flame burned from within. Casandra was dead. “Rest in peace.” She still twisted. Christian embraced the girl. “This is for Dominance.” Iori closed his fist. “Let it be. Trevor was grateful he found them. She kept looking into the mirror. “Dracul.” Noriko licked her teeth. He disliked the gesture. Christian sighed. He turned away to retrieve the Vampire Killer. “Let us be gone.” Noriko inhaled. “As you wish.” Iori bowed. He looked pleased. “I know the way.” Noriko returned the embrace. “Show me.” She got to release him. “I will.” Trevor promised. The boy went ahead. Noriko cleaned the knife. He sighed. They reached theash area. Christian looked on the compass. “This way.” This was the cave. The bats went like a swarm.
The boy followed Christian Belmont. The vampire hunter showed his abilities. He was impressed. The boy could not let that blind him. The tunnel led ahead. They reached some sort of bushy area. The plant life consisted of evergreen. Their roots went deep. To get by would not be easy. The girl and hunter produced their knives. He kept back. The bats became interested. The boy hurled some fireballs. He considered. The fingers blossomed when he went forward. Christian Belmont pulled him back. “Not that way.” He said. “The fire might trap us.” Noriko made no comment. She kept cutting the bushes. The white fingers reached for the throat. She crushed the skeleton. The boy conjured his bloody swords. They attacked the barrier. The bone-men hid among the bushes. The vampire hunter removed the bats. The way wasclear. At least as far he could see. The boy went ahead. The swords flouted about. He was not like Joachim Armster. Though his tactics might be interesting. They got beyond the plant life. “Accursed.” The snow could be likea second barrier. Christianwent to work. He used the holy water to melt away. The hunterreally was resourceful. The skeleton then tugged him. The boy released the flame. He escaped. They went out into the night.
Forest of Aljiba, Warakiya. The 16th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The forest was sleeping in winter. He was abroad. The castle influenced the land of the living. They would not escape. Not this time. The witch king was dreadful in his wroth. He smelled their blood. The Belmont would die. He would slay him with his own hands. The starlight shone down when he drew a bleak blade from the scabbard. It was like if he unsheathed pale moonshine. The power of his craft was upon it. No one could resist. That was a threat to life itself. Though the candidates had to be kept alive. The warlock lord called upon his dragon. Together, they would be unstoppable. That he knew from the past. The lord of the black riders exposed his might at the demon castle war of 1999. The Eclipse kept him asleep in his coffin. That would not happen again. The Belmont clan would perish before they might execute another rite. Though there would be another black sun at the New Year. His steed had answered his call. He was approaching. The wanderer could feel him. He acknowledged. So it would be. He chased them through the lower road. They where near. He might still track them. That could be a boon for their mission. The pale king went forward. He passed by the trees as anevil whisper and a deathly fear. The Dark Lord would live again, to conquer.
The shaman inhaled. The sky was clear. It was cold. Norikofelt much better.Either way, they escapedfrom the underworld. She kept the knife handy. Noriko would defend herself. The forest lay empty beneath the heavens. She glorified the Kami for this peace and quiet. Christian lit their path. He seemed to know where to go. Noriko hoped he did. The boy muttered to himself. Noriko fought through the snow. She felt like the waight of a dead hand upon the heart. Christian got his whip. The shamanstopped. Someone played with the flute. Iori sent her a look. She shook her head. “The clashes of waves.”The hunter breathed. Noriko pulled together. She inhaled. Christian relaxed. He kept walking. “The children of the night.” Iori spoke. The shaman felt even colder. “What music they make.” He was right. The wolves howled in the distance. She disliked his expression. Norikogot frightened. “Keep going.” Christian said. “They are too far away to stop us now.” Noriko wasn’t really that sure. The fog grew even thicker. They held hands. Noriko hoped they wouldn’t get lost. The lamp shone ahead. Christian stopped. They reached a clearing in the wood. Noriko gathered her strength. The flute became quiet. She inhaled. “Evil lurks in the Dark.” Christian uncoiled the whip.
The meadow was coated in white. Christian made the sign of the cross. The blonde lowered her flute. She was a dryad. Trevor might tell. He met them before. “Hello there.” She teased. “Stay back.” Christian told the others. “They are dangerous.” The blonde hid her mouth. She was laughing. “Away from me Satan!” Trevor cried. He touched the crucifix. “Only the Lord you shall worship.” He better be prepared. The dryad was not alone. “Preserve us from the wicked One.” The mist obscured the forest. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” Christian cracked with the whip. The foggy lake was near. They had to reach ahead. This shouldn’t be in vain. “What do you think?” She began to play again. “Do you want a kiss?” The sister spoke to Iori. Trevor stepped forward to douse her with holy water. “Excuse me.” The boy made the swords to stab. “You are not my type.” The redhead shrieked. The birds left the branches. “Look out!” Noriko shouted. “Fire in the hall!” Her gaze was blazing. Christian made the sign of the cross. The shaman threw three large fireballs. “You took the soul.” Iori remarked. The dryad became one with her tree. She reappeared to hurl the seeds. “Get down!” Trevor told. “That is accursed!” They exploded on impact. “Dracul!” Iori then fired with his bow-and-arrow. “Stop doing that!” Noriko stood before the blonde. They struggled about the dryad’s flute. “Leave it alone.” The ravenlock held the shaman’s shoulder. “That doesn’t belong to you.” They kissed. Noriko closed her eyes. She smiled. The moan told of pleasure. The lazed girl leaned against the duo. Christian made the sign of the cross. The brunette got forced behind. “He can’t help you now.” She giggled. “The Dark Lord shall live again.” Trevor shuddered. He knew it was true. What man made could never compete with the Lord. “Leave her you sluts.” Iori was burning. “She is mine.” The redhead kept appearing ahead. She threw the seeds. The explosions caused ripples throughout the snow. Christian hurledthe vial. The black crows tried to dolge out his eyes. “Stronger we are in the name of the Lord!” The hunter must remove the birds. The water burned the sky. The crows then shrieked. Trevor brandished with the whip. He picked the gems. They might replenish his strength. “You are the girl who rock my dreams.” They giggled. “Yes.” The blonde and ravenlock held her in a tight embrace. “Touch me.” They tugged at her cloak. “No! Not Him!” The crucifix shone bright with silver. “Let go!” The ravenlock demanded. “Die you wench.” Noriko then hurled the fireball. The dryad was burned. “I am not your toy.” She fumed. The blonde was caught in the net. “I shall take your souls.” The flute fell on the snow. “No way!” The brunette was about to fire. “Let it be!” Christian hurled the crystal. “Rest in peace.” The gem exploded. The dryad got tore to pieces. “I am sorry.” Her pyre then lit the forest. “You were a child of the atom.” Trevor made the sign of the cross. “You chose the dark.” He sighed. “I swear an oath to hunt the night.” The fight was over. Noriko burned the blonde. “It is complete.” Iori impaled the redhead. “Let us continue.” The hunter leads the way. The others followed behind. The hunter got a nasty feeling about that. He shook his head. They had reached the harbour. The lake rippled against the planks. Mist shrouded everything. The lamp was the source of light. Christian crossed himself. There where no golems this time. He got what he wanted. There stood a single pole. The horn hung down from the chain. Trevor pulled it down. He blew the horn. The sound almost made them jump. Christian tightened his grip. This was not the time for hysteria. Nothing happened. “What do we do now?” Iori asked. He still looked for wargs. Trevor made no answer. “There is a great evil approaching.” The boy whispered. “Why can’t you feel it?” Trevor touched the crucifix. He wasn’t really sure. Though there was something pressing on his heart. “Give me strength and courage.” He prayed. That was what he needed. Christian blew the horn. Why wouldn’t he come? “There is someone out there.” Noriko told. “Someone out on the lake.” Christian gave a sigh of relief. He could hear the ferry approach. Then he appeared. The ferryman was almost invisible. Heonly saw the hood and cloak. Trevor was afraid. Though that wasn’t like the chilling dread which the black riders put upon his heart. “Then so it hasbecome.” He told. “I have come.” The ferryman used the oar. “To take you to a nice spot.” Christian went aboard. “What do you know?” He asked. They boarded the ferry. The ferryman made no answer. “Alright.” Christian gave the coins. His ancestorwas stern about the point. The figure made the pieces of gold to disappear. He began rowing. Christian stood at the front. “This I might tell, young master.” The ferryman finally talked. “A great power issued forth from the castle.” Trevor went pale. “The forest of silence is no legend.” He made the sign of the cross. Christian knew. “The castle might influence upon the countryside.” The ferryman gave a slight nod. He kept rowing. This was what he would say. Trevor sighed. The shrouded being was hard to figure. They went silent. Noriko screamed. “Look!” She pointed toward the shore. The boy fainted. Noriko fell to the bottom of the ferry. Someone stood at the harbour. He was draped in black. Although he threw back thecloak. Christian reached for the whip. He was too far to engage. The hunter noticed his spiked armour. The blade was like a pale beam of moonlight. Trevor shuddered. Upon his helmet sat a crown. The crimson gold looked like stains of blood. They got chased by the warlock lord. He got no doubt about it. Christian touched the crucifix. He exhaled. The pale king soon disappeared from sight. That didn’t matter. He would never stop chasing them. Trevor prayed he would never have to challenge that man. That would be the duel of the great. “Thomas.” He whispered. “Where are you?” He got no answer. Trevor sighed. He made the sign of the cross. Christian would have to continue the hunt.
That was to close. The boy slowly awoke from forgetfulness. Christian was still talking with the ferryman. He made a grimace. The warlock was a threat and a horror. Even to his kind. The power of dominance would be useless. “You are awake!” Noriko leaned down over him. The boy disliked that sight. She was not his overlord. “I was so worried about you.” The girl relaxed. She helped him to get up. “Thanks.” He shook his head. “That figure is dreadful.” Noriko went pale. “I know.” Her voice becamea whisper. “He scares me.” The boy snarled. He then held her hand. “I feel the same.” The boy revealed. Thatgave some comfort. The boyreleased her. He had a look around. The mist obscured everything. Christian’s lamp was not bright enough. The boynoticed the clashes and rippling of water. “This is the UtaLake.” Noriko said. He gave no answer. That was old knowledge. Although they used another name. “The foggy lake.” Christian spoke. “Yes.” The boy acknowledged. The ferryman kept rowing. He beheld him carefully. The boy could not trust him. The shrouded figure made no remark. The ferryman keptup the work. He let it be. The boy would soon learn about his motivation. He still watched the lake. They would never stop hunting them. He got to be ready.
Ghost ship, UtaLake. The 16th. Of December 2098 A.D.
The dark wizard sat within the circle. He made the line. Mist and gloom shrouded the haunted ship. Remises had sacrificed the blood of a cock. Now, his “brother” had stepped aside. Akmodan slowly spoke the words of their little black book. The rite soon reached its climax. The spirits of Chaos had answered his call. They relinquished the soul of despair. “So, thee have called me back to this world.” An angelclads in ashy grey robes appeared before them. The wizards remained in place. Chaos was still very present. His voice was like a cold whisper in their mind. “Thee have learned thylesson well.” The grim reaper lifted his scythe above his head. The naked skull beheld them through empty eye-sockets. At last the wizards moved. “Why have thee summoned me?” Death asked. “To seek your service.” Akmodan told. “To resurrect the Dark Lord from his grave.” Remises said. The angel of Death held up his left hand. “Together we shall release count Dracula from his prison.” They bowed before him. “So it shall be.” They proclaimed. “The Dark Lord shall rise again in power.” The grim reaper lifted above them. Their rite had made him strong. Death would lead them to victory. “Let the lord of Chaos rule.” Remesis and Akmodan then felt the devious splendour.
(A.N: This chapter might be a bit long, though I hope you enjoyed it. I got inspired by the tales collected by the Grimm brothers. You may draw the line yourself. I hope I wasn’t to bold. Have a nice time.)