Castlevania Enemy Origins

"As a former keeper of our master's 'enemy list,' as you scamps refer to it, I have enough inside information to myself become a topflight monster-vanquishing hero! Really! Bam, BOOM! Ech ... if only these old bones would agree. But I'll tell you this: The ever-studious Kev could probably give me a run for my money; it's he who brings to you a feature that reveals the origins of the legions of monsters and demons that populate the many games of this storied series. The feature, 'Castlevaina Enemy Origins,' looks at both individual and grouped-together baddies and supplies related information, descriptions and accompanying images. At this rate, Kev may even put me out of business!"

Enemy Origin Sub-Features

Enemy Name: Abaddon
Games In: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Description: "Also known as 'The Destroyer' or 'Appolyon' in Greek, Abaddon is the Demonic Ruler of the Abyss who commands an army of locusts. At some point, he ruled over both Egypt and Sodom. At the end of time, he will be given the key to the Abyss and release the demons trapped within."

Enemy Name: Adramelech
Games In: Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Description: "An Assyrian name that appears two times in the Old Testament. Later, Adramelech (which means 'king of fire') became known as a high chancellor of Hell and president of the High Council of Devils; he was also the chancellor of the Order of the Fly, founded by Beezelbub. He is said to appear in the form of a mule or a peacock. (See also Beezelbub.)"

Enemy Name: Aguni
Games In: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Description: "Agni is a fire god in three religions: Hinduism, Zoroastrianism and Indo-Thibetan Buddhism. As an Hindu deity, Agni is the supreme director of religious ceremonies and duties; the sacrifices made to him are directed to the gods, since Agni is the messenger to and for other gods. He has the power to influence the fate of each man. He is representative of the power that digests the food in every person's stomach. He is sometimes said to have two parents: It represents the two sticks that create fire when rubbed together; since the fire is re-lit every day, he is ever young and immortal. He is represented as red and two-faced--this suggests both his beneficent and destructive qualities, what with his black eyes and hair, three legs and seven arms. Seven rays of light emanate from his body. Aguni's series' look is borrowed from the character Balrog from the film Lord of the Rings."

Enemy Name: Alastor
Games In: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Description: "Evil spirits were called by ancients 'alastores.' Alastor is also a demon known as 'the executioner.' "

Enemy Name: Aliorumnas
Games In: Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Description: "Aliorumnases were Gothic völvas driven into exile by King Filimer when the Goths had settled in the Ukraine. They were condemned to seek refuge far away and engendered the Huns. Their name is probably a corruption of the Gothic Halju-runnos, which means 'hell-runners' or 'runners to the realm of the dead.'. A völva is in Norse mythology a female priestess. Aliorumnases were called 'Salem Witches' in the Occidental versions of Symphony of the Night. (See also Salem Witch.)"

Enemy Name: Altair
Games In: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Description: "As the twelfth brightest star in the sky and the Alpha star of Aquila (the Eagle), it is together with Vega and Deneb the southern anchor of the Summer Triangle. Altair means in Arabian 'the Flying Eagle.' "
References: initast/cherche.html

Enemy Name: Amalaric Sniper (also known as "Sniper of Goth")
Games In: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Description: "Amalaric was the king of the Wisigoths. His wife, Clotilde, was the daughter of the Franc king Clovis. In 531, the brothers of Clotilde, Childebert and Clotaire, led an army to attack the Wisigoth kingdom because they learned that their sister was ill-used. Amalaric tried to escape, but he was killed by a Franc soldier."

Enemy Name: Amduscias (also known as "Hellfire Beast")
Games In: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Castlevania: Curse of Darkness and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Description: "Amduscias is a Great Duke; it at first appears in Unicorn form but can take a human shape at the request of an exorcist. Trumpets and many musical instruments can be heard during its appearance. Otherwise, it can cause trees to bend. Amduscias commands twenty-nine legions. (See also Unicorn.)"

Enemy Name: Anaconda
Games In: Akumajou Dracula X68000 and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Description: "Anacondas are giant snakes living in South America; they are not venomous-- instead they suffocate their prey by coiling around it and squeezing. This is the most massive snake, with a weight of about 200kg and a diameter of thirty centimeters. Adults can grow up to nine meters, which would make the Anaconda the second longest snake in the world after the Python Reticulatus; however, there are (unconfirmed) tales of specimens reaching up to twelve meters. These snakes are tied very closely to water, and they are excellent swimmers and divers. The first picture shows the Green Anaconda (Eunectes Murinus), and the second one shows its smaller (up to four meters long) cousin the Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes Notaeus)."

References: Reptile%20&%20Amphibian

Enemy Name: Ape Skeleton
Games In: Dracula X: Rondo of Blood, Castlevania: Dracula X, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Description: "This enemy is a reference to one of the best known video game series: Donkey Kong, which features a barrel-throwing ape."

Enemy Name: Arachne
Games In: Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness, Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Description: "In Greek mythology, Arachne was a talented weaver whose works were said to be greater-skilled than those of Athena. One day, the two had a contest; at the end, the goddess admitted that Arachne's work was flawless, but she was so outraged that she destroyed Arachne's tapestry and struck her on the head. Arachne realized her folly and hanged herself. Though, Athena took pity on Arachne and resurrected her as a spider. Arachne means 'spider' in Greek; today's spiders are classified as 'Arachnida.' "

Enemy Name: Assassin Zombie, Evil Stabber and Mad Diver
Games In: Castlevania: Lament of Innocence and Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
Description: "The look of these minor evils, especially their big claws, remind one of the Tyrant-like monsters found in the Resident Evil games."

Enemy Name: Astral Skeleton
Games In: Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
Description: "According to occult philosophy, the astral world (also called astral plane) is situated between the elemental and mental realm. It has seven dimensions corresponding to the seven divisions of matter: Solid, liquid, gaseous, etheric, super-etheric, subatomic and atomic. There are many ways to enter the astral world, the easiest of which is by dying; however, living humans can also enter it by sleeping or by using drugs. It is believed that disembodied people are not the only inhabitants of the astral world--other creatures (non-human-like spirits and demons) live in it. This world is also said to contain both heaven and hell. Once the astral body enters into this realm, it has to leave behind all desires and self-interest, an act that will allow it to enter the heaven and later the Mental Plane. Hence, it can be said that most of the astral world is a purgatorial. This idea of the astral realm has existed since the Antiquity. It was the Greek philosopher Platon who once said, 'The body is mortal but the soul is immortal.' The best in-game representation of the astral world (that I know) is that shown in some Legacy of Kain titles--mainly Soul Reaver and Defiance.


Enemy Name: Azaghal
Games In: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Description: "The Dwarf lord of Belegost in The Silmarillion, he and his people came to the aid of Maedhros during the Battle of Sudden Flame. Azaghal was killed during the Battle of Unnumbered Tears; however, before dying, he was able to wound Glaurung and make the dragon and its force flee, which saved the Noldors from being completely destroyed."

Enemy Name: Bael
Games In: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Description: "The first king of hell with estates in the East, he has three heads: A toad, a man and a cat. Bael commands sixty-six legions, wherein he teaches the art of invisibility. He may be the equivalent of Baal."

Enemy Name: Balore
Games In: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Description: "Balor of the Evil Eye was the king of the Fomorians in the Irish mythology. One of his eyes, alone, could kill anyone it looked upon, but it was opened only on the battlefield. Balor was killed by his grandson, Lugh, during the second Battle of Magh Tuiredh."

Enemy Name: Banshee
Games In: Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Description: "Banshees are fairies or ghosts of Irish origin who wail around a house if someone in that house is about to die. Their piercing cry creates cold sweats and a great sense of fear that person. They chiefly appear in one of three guises: A young woman, a matron, or an old hag. It represents the triple aspects of the Celtic goddess of war and death. Banshees were women who died in childbirth and didn't receive a proper Catholic burial. Their name comes from the Irish words 'bean' (woman) and 'sidhe' (fairy)."

Enemy Name: Barbariccia
Games In: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Description: "Barbariccia is a demon in The Divine Comedy. His name means 'curly-beard.' (See also Cagnazzo, Draghinazzo, Lubicant, Malacoda and Skull Millione.)"

Enemy Name: Basilik
Games In: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
Description: "This name comes from the Greek 'basileus,' which means 'king.' The basilisk was a monster known from the Antiquity; it is the king of the snakes and the most poisonous creature on earth. During the first century, a new king of basilisk, with instead the heads of a cock and reptile, appeared; it was called Cockatrice. There are many who believe that this kind of monster had arisen from the tails of the Egyptian cobra. The name 'basilisk' is now applied to a small lizard living in South America (as seen below in the right picture). (See also Cockatrice.)"

Enemy Name: Beezelbub
Games In: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Description: "This name is derived from the Canaanite 'Baal,' which means 'lord.' It translates into 'Lord of Flies.' Beezelbub is the most important demon in line after Satan. He is often represented by the figure of a fly, and he's known to rid whole harvests of the flies that inhabit them. (See also Devil)."

Enemy Name: Behemoth
Games In: Dracula X: Rondo of Blood, Castlevania: Dracula X, Castlevania 64,Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Description: "A behemoth is a monstrous animal that rules over the domain of gluttony. There are disagreements about its true appearance; though, it often appears as an elephant. It is said that God killed all of the females of this species so that they could never reproduce."

Enemy Name: Bifron
Games In: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Description: "Also called 'Bifrous or Bifrovs,' this demon teaches astrology, geometry and other arts and sciences. He commands six legions of spirits and is said to light candles upon the graves of the dead. Below is a headshot and his seal."

Enemy Name: Black Panther (also known as "Leopard")
Games In: Vampire Killer, Castlevania, Akumajou Dracula X68000, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Description: "This is a black (melanistic) color variant of several species of larger cats--the most common being the jaguar (Panthera onca) and the leopard (Panthera pardus)."

Enemy Name: Bone Halberd
Games In: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Description: "Also called 'halbard' and 'halbert,' the halberd is probably the most famous and recognizable weapon of the polearm group; it was used most extensively in the 15th and 16th centuries. It is today still used as a decorative weapon by the Swiss guards at the Vatican and by the guardians of the Tower of London."

Enemy Name: Brachyura
Games In: Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Description: "Brachyura is an infraorder grouping all crabs species. Crabs are decapods crustaceans found in all oceans; some species live in freshwater or are terrestrial. The first picture shows a Cancer crab; its name comes from the constellation of the same name. The second one is a fiddler, or calling crab. The last picture shows the elite species of crab (Macrocheira kaempferi); it can reach a leg-span of up to four meters and is found at great depths around Japan."


Enemy Name: Buer
Games In: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Description: "Buer is the president of Hell and a demon of the second order who commands fifty legions. His appearance is that of a five-branched star, and he moves by rolling along using his five limbs. He teaches philosophy, logic and herbal medicine."

Enemy Name: Cagnazzo
Games In: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Description: "This was a demon in Dante's Divine Comedy and also a boss character in Final Fantasy IV (Final Fantasy II in the west). (See also Lubicant and Skull Millione.)"

Enemy Name: Carmilla
Games In: Dracula X: Rondo of Blood, Castlevania: Circle of the Moon and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Description: "Carmilla is a lesbian vampire in the like-named 1871 novel, which was written by the Irish author Sheridan Le Fanu."

Enemy Name: Catoblepas
Games In: Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Description: "Catoblepas in Greek means 'that which looks downward.' The eyes and the breath of this creature cast immediate death. It is said to subsist upon poisonous plants. Catoblepases were called 'gorgons' during the middle ages because of their ability to kill with direct sight. Some people compare this creature to the gnu, since it, too, is a creature that often holds its head near the ground. (See also Gorgon.)"

Enemy Name: Cave Troll
Games In: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Description: "The word 'troll' is derived from an old norse word meaning 'magic.' It refers to a humanoid race from Scandinavian folklore. Trolls are the most frequent creatures in Scandinavian fairy tales. Trolls come in any size: As huge as giants or as small as dwarves. They are described as having poor intellect, great strength, big noses, and long arms; they are also very hairy and not what we'd call beautiful. Thus, trolls live in forests and in mountains. In the novel The Hobbit, a character trait is that they can be petrified if they are hit by direct sunlight."

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