1943 The Battle of Midway -Contributed by NPI
3001 O'Connors Fight -Contributed by NPI - (New)
3D World Boxing -Contributed by NPI
3D World Soccer -Contributed by NPI
4 Get It -Contributed by NPI
9 Lives -Contributed by NPI
Aaargh! -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Action Fighter -Contributed by NPI
Addams Family -Contributed by NPI
Adrenalynn -Contributed by NPI
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of The Lance -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Pool of Radiance - A Forgotten Realms Fantasy Role-Playing Epic, Vol 1 -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Adventures of Quik & Silva -Contributed by NPI
After Burner: F-14 Aerial Arcade Ace -Contributed by NPI
After Burner II -Contributed by NPI
After The War: Part 1 -Contributed by NPI
Agony -Contributed by NPI
Airball -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Akira -Contributed by NPI
Aladdin's Magic Lamp -Contributed by NPI
Alcatraz -Contributed by Hall of Light
Alert X -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Alfred Chicken -Contributed by NPI
Alien Breed -Contributed by NPI
Alien Breed II The Horror Continues -Contributed by NPI
Alien Breed: Special Edition 1992 -Contributed by NPI
Alien Breed: Tower Assault -Contributed by NPI
Alienstorm -Contributed by NPI
Alien Target -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Alien World -Contributed by NPI
Alien Syndrome -Contributed by NPI - (New)
'Allo 'Allo! Cartoon Fun. -Contributed by NPI
Altered Beast -Contributed by Hall of Light
Amazing Spider-Man -Contributed by NPI
Amber -Contributed by Hall of Light
A.M.C. Astro Marine Corps -Contributed by NPI
American Gladiators -Contributed by NPI
Amnios -Contributed by NPI
Anarchy -Contributed by NPI
Anatomic Man -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Antago -Contributed by Hall of Light - (New)
Apache Flight -Contributed by NPI
Apano Sin: The Ultimate In Action -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Apidya -Contributed by NPI
Apocalypse -Contributed by NPI
Apprentice -Contributed by NPI
A Prehistoric Tale -Contributed by NPI
Aquanaut (Addictive Games) -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Aquanaut (F1 Licenceware) -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Aquatic Games: Starring James Pond And The Aquabats -Contributed by NPI
Aquaventura -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Arabian Nights -Contributed by NPI
Arazok's Tomb -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Arena -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Arkanoid -Contributed by NPI
Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh -Contributed by NPI
Armalyte: The Final Run -Contributed by Hall of Light
Army Moves -Contributed by NPI
Arnie -Contributed by NPI
Arya Vaiv -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Assassin -Contributed by NPI
Atomix -Contributed by NPI - (New)
ATR: All Terrain Racing -Contributed by NPI
Aunt Artic Adventure -Contributed by NPI
Aventures De Moktar Vol 1: La Zoubida -Contributed by NPI
Baal -Contributed by NPI
Baby Jo In "Going Home" -Contributed by NPI
Back To The Future Part II -Contributed by NPI
Back To The Future Part III -Contributed by NPI
Bad Dudes -Contributed by Hall of Light
Badlands Pete -Contributed by NPI
Ball Raider -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Bangboo -Contributed by NPI
Banzai -Contributed by NPI
Batman -Contributed by NPI
Batman Returns -Contributed by CoF
Battle Isle: Air-Land-Sea Strategy -Contributed by NPI
Battle Isle '93 The Moon of Chromos -Contributed by NPI
Battle Isle: Scenario Disk Volume 1 Air-Land-Sea Strategy -Contributed by NPI
Battle Squadron: The Destruction of The Barrax Empire! -Contributed by Hall of Light
Battle Trucks -Contributed by NPI
Battle Valley -Contributed by NPI
Beach Volley -Contributed by NPI
Beast Busters -Contributed by NPI
Beavers -Contributed by NPI
Behind The Iron Gates -Contributed by NPI
Belial -Contributed by Hall of Light
Beneath A Steel Sky -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Beverly Hills Cop -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Beyond The Ice Palace -Contributed by Hall of Light
Big Nose The Caveman -Contributed by NPI
Big Run -Contributed by NPI
Bill's Tomato -Contributed by NPI
Bio Challenge -Contributed by NPI
Bionic Commando -Contributed by NPI
Black Crypt -Contributed by Hall of Light - (New)
Black Magic -Contributed by NPI
Black Tiger -Contributed by NPI
Black Viper -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Blades of Steel -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Blastar -Contributed by NPI
Blazing Thunder -Contributed by NPI
Blinkys Scary School -Contributed by NPI
Blob -Contributed by NPI
Blockhead -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Blockhead II -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Blood Money -Contributed by Hall of Light
Bloody Afternoon -Contributed by NPI
Blue Angel 69 -Contributed by NPI
Blue Boy -Contributed by NPI
Blues Brothers -Contributed by NPI
BMX Simulator -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Bob's Bad Day -Contributed by NPI
Bob Whitehead's 4th & Inches -Contributed by NPI
Body Blows: Have The Fight of Your Life! -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Bomb Busters -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Bomb Fusion -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Bomb Mania -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Bonanza Bros. -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Bone Cruncher -Contributed by Hall of Light
Borobodur: The Planet of Doom -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Bouncing Bill -Contributed by NPI
Brainball -Contributed by Hall of Light
Brain Man -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Bram Stoker's Dracula -Contributed by NPI
Brian The Lion -Contributed by NPI
Bubba 'n' Stix -Contributed by NPI
Bubble + -Contributed by NPI
Bubble And Squeak -Contributed by NPI
Bubble Dizzy -Contributed by NPI
Bubble Ghost -Contributed by NPI
Bubble Gun -Contributed by NPI
Budokan: The Martial Spirit -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Bug Bash -Contributed by NPI
Bug-Bash 2 Doodle Bug -Contributed by NPI
Bug Bomber -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Bump 'n' Burn -Contributed by NPI
Bunny Bricks -Contributed by NPI
Burning Rubber -Contributed by NPI
Cabal -Contributed by NPI
Cadaver -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Cannon Fodder 2 -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Cap 'n' Carnage -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Captain Dynamo -Contributed by NPI
Captain Planet And The Planeteers -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Carcharodon: White Sharks -Contributed by NPI
Carlos -Contributed by NPI
Cartoons -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Carvup -Contributed by NPI
Castle Kingdoms -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Castlevania -Contributed by MrPerfectn
Catch 'em -Contributed by NPI
Cattivik: The Videogame -Contributed by NPI
Cave Mania -Contributed by NPI
Cedric And The Lost Sceptre -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Celtic Legends -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Chambers of Shaolin -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Chaos Engine -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Chaos Engine 2 -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Champion of The Raj -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Charlie Chimp -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Charlie Chimp II Monkey Mayhem -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Charly -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Chase H.Q. -Contributed by NPI
Chase H.Q. II Special Criminal Investigation -Contributed by NPI
Chip's Challenge -Contributed by NPI
Chuck Rock -Contributed by NPI
Chuck Rock 2 Son of Chuck -Contributed by NPI
CJ's Elephant Antics -Contributed by NPI
CJ In The USA -Contributed by NPI
Cliffhanger -Contributed by NPI
Clockwiser: Time Is Running Out... -Contributed by Hall of Light
Cloud Kingdoms -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Cobra -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Cool World -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
Commando -Contributed by NPI
Continental Circus -Contributed by Hall of Light
Corsarios -Contributed by NPI
Corx -Contributed by NPI
Cosmic Relief: Prof. Renegade To The Rescue -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Cosmic Spacehead -Contributed by NPI
Count Duckula In: -No Sax Please - We're Eygptian - -Contributed by NPI
Count Duckula 2 Featuring Tremendous Terence -Contributed by NPI
Crash Landing -Contributed by NPI
Crazy Cars -Contributed by NPI
Crazy Cars 3 -Contributed by NPI
Crazy Sue -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Creatures: To The Rescue! -Contributed by NPI
Creepy -Contributed by NPI
Crime Wave -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Cruise For A Corpse -Contributed by NPI
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy -Contributed by NPI
Curse of Enchantia -Contributed by Hall of Light
Cyber Cop -Contributed by NPI
Cyber Punks -Contributed by Hall of Light
Cybersphere -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Cyberzerk -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Cytron -Contributed by NPI
Dalek Attack -Contributed by NPI
Dan Dare III The Escape -Contributed by NPI
Dangerous Streets -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Darius+ -Contributed by NPI
Dark Fusion -Contributed by NPI
Darkman -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
Death Mask -Contributed by NPI
Death Trap -Contributed by NPI
Deep Core -Contributed by NPI
Defender of The Crown -Contributed by NPI
Deflektor -Contributed by NPI
Demon Blue -Contributed by NPI
Dennis -Contributed by NPI
Desert Strike: Return To The Gulf -Contributed by NPI
Detonator -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Dick Tracy: The Computer Game -Contributed by NPI
Die Hard 2 Die Harder -Contributed by NPI
Dimo's Quest -Contributed by NPI
Dinosaur Detective Agency -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Discovery -Contributed by NPI
Disposable Hero -Contributed by NPI
Dizzy: Prince of The Yolkfolk -Contributed by NPI
Dogs of War -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Dojo Dan -Contributed by NPI
Doman -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Doofus -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Double Dragon -Contributed by NPI
Double Dragon II The Revenge -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Double Dragon III The Rosetta Stone -Contributed by NPI
Double Dribble -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Dragon Breed -Contributed by NPI
Dragon Spirit -Contributed by NPI
Dragonstone -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Drol -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Dr. Plummet's House of Flux -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Duck Tales "The Quest For Gold" -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Dyna Blaster -Contributed by NPI
Dynamite Düx -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Dynasty Wars -Contributed by NPI
Dyter-07 -Contributed by Hall of Light
Eat The Whistle: France 98 -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Eco Phantoms -Contributed by Hall of Light
Edd The Duck! -Contributed by NPI
Edd The Duck 2 Back With A Quack! -Contributed by NPI
Elf -Contributed by NPI
Elfmania -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Emetic Skimmer -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Emlyn Hughes International Soccer -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Emmanuelle -Contributed by NPI
Empire Soccer 94 -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Enchanted Land -Contributed by NPI
Enforcer -Contributed by NPI
England Championship Special -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Entity -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Epic: The Adventure Begins -Contributed by NPI, Cody Jarrett - (Updated)
Erik -Contributed by NPI
Eskimo Games -Contributed by NPI - (New)
ESWAT: Cyber Police -Contributed by NPI - (New)
European Champions: Championship of Europe -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Exodus 3010: The First Chapter -Contributed by Matt Carr - (New)
Exterminator -Contributed by NPI
Extrial -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Eye of Horus: An Action Adventure In Egyptian Mythology -Contributed by Hall of Light
F1 GP Circuits -Contributed by NPI - (New)
F17 Challenge -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Face-Off -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Fallen Angel -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Fantastic Dizzy -Contributed by NPI
Fantasy World Dizzy -Contributed by NPI
Fascination -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Fatman: The Caped Consumer -Contributed by NPI
Fighting Soccer -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Final Blow -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Final Command -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Final Fight -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Fire & Ice: The Daring Adventures of Cool Coyote -Contributed by NPI
Fire & Forget II The Death Convoy -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Fire And Brimstone -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Fireblaster -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Fire Force -Contributed by NPI
Flashback -Contributed by NPI
Flimbo's Quest -Contributed by NPI
Flip-It & Magnose: Water Carriers From Mars -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
Flood -Contributed by NPI
Fly Harder -Contributed by Hall of Light
Football Champ -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Football Glory -Contributed by NPI
Forgotten Worlds -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Foundation's Waste -Contributed by Hall of Light
Frenetic -Contributed by NPI
Frost Byte -Contributed by Hall of Light - (New)
Future Shock -Contributed by NPI
Future Tank -Contributed by NPI
Future Wars: Time Travellers -Contributed by NPI
Fuzzball: The Magic Will Leave You Spellbound -Contributed by Hall of Light
Gainforce -Contributed by NPI
Galaxy Force II -Contributed by NPI
Game of Harmony -Contributed by NPI
Gamma Zone -Contributed by NPI
Gauntlet III The Final Quest -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Gear Works -Contributed by NPI
Gee Bee Air Rally -Contributed by Hall of Light - (New)
Gemini Wings -Contributed by NPI
Gem Stone Legend -Contributed by NPI
Gem'X -Contributed by Hall of Light
Ghost Battle -Contributed by NPI
Ghostbusters II -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Ghosts'n Goblins -Contributed by NPI
Giganoid -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Gladiators -Contributed by NPI
Globdule -Contributed by NPI
Gloom Deluxe -Contributed by NPI
Gloom Special Edition -Contributed by NPI
Gods -Contributed by NPI
Golden Axe -Contributed by NPI
Gotcha -Contributed by NPI
Grail -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Great Giana Sisters -Contributed by NPI
Gremlins 2 The New Batch -Contributed by NPI
Guerilla In Bolivia -Contributed by Hall of Light
Guy Spy And The Crystals of Armageddon -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Hammer Boy -Contributed by NPI
Hammerfist -Contributed by NPI
Harlequin -Contributed by Hall of Light
Harricana: Raid International Motoneige Quebec-Canada 90 -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Hawk Eye -Contributed by NPI
Hired Guns -Contributed by Hall of Light
Hoi -Contributed by NPI
Holiday Lemmings 1993 -Contributed by NPI
Holiday Lemmings 1994 -Contributed by NPI
Hollywood Poker -Contributed by Hall of Light
Hong Kong Phooey: Nº1 Super Guy -Contributed by Hall of Light
Horror Zombies From The Crypt -Contributed by NPI
Hotshot -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Huckleberry Hound In Hollywood Capers -Contributed by NPI
Hudson Hawk -Contributed by NPI
Hunt For The Red October: Based On The Movie -Contributed by NPI
Hunter -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Hybris -Contributed by NPI
Hydra -Contributed by NPI
Hypedome -Contributed by NPI
Hyperforce: There Is No Escape... -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Hyperion -Contributed by NPI - (New)
I Ludicrus -Contributed by Hall of Light - (New)
I Play 3-D Soccer -Contributed by Hall of Light - (New)
Ikari Warriors -Contributed by Hall of Light
Ilyad -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Impossible Mission II -Contributed by Hall of Light - (New)
Impossamole -Contributed by NPI
Incredible Crash Test Dummies -Contributed by Hall of Light
Indiana Jones And The Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade: The Action Game -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Inferior -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Infernal Machine -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Insanity Fight -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Intact -Contributed by NPI
International Soccer Challenge -Contributed by NPI - (New)
International Truck Racing -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Island of Lost Hope -Contributed by NPI - (New)
It Came From The Desert -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
It Came From the Desert II Data Disk: Antheads -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
Italy 1990 -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Ivanhoe -Contributed by NPI
Jaguar XJ220 The Game -Contributed by NPI - (New)
James Bond 007 The Spy Who Loved Me -Contributed by NPI
James Pond: Underwater Agent -Contributed by NPI
James Pond II Codename: Robocod -Contributed by NPI
Jara-Tava: The Isle of Fire -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Jet Set Willy II -Contributed by NPI
Jimmy's Fantastic Journey -Contributed by NPI
Jim Power: In Mutant Planet -Contributed by NPI
Joe & Mac: Caveman Ninja -Contributed by NPI
Judge Dredd -Contributed by NPI
Jungle Jim -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Jungle Strike: The Sequel To Desert Strike -Contributed by NPI
Jurajski Sen -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Kamikaze -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Karate Kid Part II The Computer Game -Contributed by Hall of Light
Karate King -Contributed by Hall of Light
Katakis -Contributed by NPI
Keith Van Eron's Pro Soccer -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Kick Off 3 Out of This World -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Kid Chaos -Contributed by NPI
Kid Gloves -Contributed by NPI
Kid Gloves II The Journey Back -Contributed by NPI
Killing Game Show -Contributed by NPI
Killing Machine -Contributed by NPI
Klax -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Krusty's Fun House -Contributed by NPI
Kwasimodo -Contributed by NPI
Kwik Snax -Contributed by NPI
Lamborghini American Challenge -Contributed by NPI
Last Battle -Contributed by NPI
Last Duel: Inter Planet War 2012 -Contributed by NPI
Leading Lap MPV -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Leander -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Legend of The Lost -Contributed by NPI
Lemmings -Contributed by NPI
Lemmings 2 The Tribes -Contributed by NPI
Les Manley In Search For The King -Contributed by NPI
Lethal Weapon -Contributed by NPI
Lethal Xcess: Wings of Death II -Contributed by NPI
Lethal Zone -Contributed by NPI
Light Corridor -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Lion Heart -Contributed by NPI
Little Puff: In Dragonland -Contributed by NPI
Log!cal -Contributed by Hall of Light - (New)
Loopz -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Lorna -Contributed by NPI
Lost Dutchman Mine -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Lost In Mine -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Lost Patrol -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Lost Vikings -Contributed by NPI
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge -Contributed by NPI
Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 -Contributed by NPI
Lotus III The Ultimate Challenge -Contributed by NPI
Lupo Alberto: The Videogame -Contributed by Hall of Light
Lure of The Temptress -Contributed by NPI
Mafdet And The Book of The Dead -Contributed by NPI
Magic Boy -Contributed by NPI
Magicland Dizzy -Contributed by NPI
Magic Pockets: The Bitmap Brothers -Contributed by NPI
Manic Miner -Contributed by NPI
Marblelous -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Marble Madness -Contributed by Hall of Light
Maupiti Island: A Jerome Lange Adventure -Contributed by NPI
McDonald Land -Contributed by NPI
Mega Motion -Contributed by Hall of Light
Mega Phoenix -Contributed by NPI
Mega Twins -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Mega Typhoon -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Menace -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Mercs -Contributed by NPI
Metal: A Robot Combat Simulation -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Metal Masters -Contributed by NPI
Metal Mutant -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Miami Chase -Contributed by NPI
Mickey Mouse: The Computer Game -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Micro Machines: The Original Scale Miniatures -Contributed by NPI
MIG 29 Soviet Fighter -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Monkey Island 2 LeChuck's Revenge -Contributed by NPI
Monster Business -Contributed by NPI
Moonshine Racers -Contributed by NPI
Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight -Contributed by Hall of Light
Morph -Contributed by NPI
Morton Strikes Back -Contributed by NPI
Mortville Manor: A Case For Jerome Lange -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Motorhead -Contributed by NPI
Mouse Trap -Contributed by Hall of Light - (New)
Mr Blobby -Contributed by NPI
Mr. HELI -Contributed by NPI
Muzzy -Contributed by NPI
Mysterious World -Contributed by Hall of Light
Myth: History In The Making -Contributed by Hall of Light
NARC -Contributed by NPI
Naughty Ones -Contributed by NPI
Navy Moves -Contributed by Bren - (New)
Navy Seals -Contributed by NPI
Nebulus 2 Pogo A Gogo -Contributed by NPI
Necronom -Contributed by NPI
New Zealand -Contributed by NPI
Nicky Boom -Contributed by NPI
Night Breed: The Action Game -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Night Breed: The Interactive Movie -Contributed by NPI - (New)
No Exit -Contributed by NPI - (New)
North & South -Contributed by NPI
Nova 9: Return Of Gir Draxon -Contributed by NPI
Nuclear War -Contributed by Opi
Nucleus -Contributed by NPI
N.Y. New York Warriors -Contributed by NPI
Oath -Contributed by NPI
Official Everton FC Intelligensia -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Official Honda NSR-R Simulator -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Official Rangers Football Club Game -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Oh No! More Lemmings -Contributed by NPI
One Step Beyond: Featuring Colin Curly -Contributed by NPI
Onslaught -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
Ooops Up -Contributed by NPI
Operation Stealth -Contributed by NPI
Out of This World -Contributed by NPI
Out Run -Contributed by NPI
Out Run Europa -Contributed by NPI
Overdrive -Contributed by NPI
Overlander -Contributed by NPI
Overlord -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
P-47 Thunderbolt: The Freedom Fighter -Contributed by NPI
Pang -Contributed by NPI
Paramax -Contributed by NPI
Parasol Stars: The Story of Rainbow Islands II -Contributed by NPI
Phantom Fighter -Contributed by NPI
Phoenix Fighters -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Pixie And Dixie: Featuring Mr. Jinks -Contributed by NPI
Platoon: The First Casualty of War is Innocence -Contributed by NPI
Pocoman! -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Popeye 2 -Contributed by NPI
Popeye: WrestleCrazy -Contributed by NPI - (New)
P.O.W. -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Powder -Contributed by NPI
Powermonger -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
Powermonger: World War I Edition -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
P.P. Hammer And His Pneumatic Weapon -Contributed by NPI
Prehistorik -Contributed by NPI
Premiere -Contributed by NPI
Project-X -Contributed by NPI
Project-X: New Revised Edition -Contributed by NPI
Prophet -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Qattro -Contributed by NPI
Quest of Agravain -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Quik The Thunder Rabbit -Contributed by NPI
Rackney's Island -Contributed by NPI
Rainbow Islands -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
Rambo III -Contributed by NPI
Real Ghostbusters -Contributed by NPI
Rebellion -Contributed by NPI
Red Mars -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Renegade -Contributed by NPI
Rick Dangerous -Contributed by NPI
Rick Dangerous II -Contributed by NPI
Rick Davis's World Trophy Soccer -Contributed by NPI
Risky Woods -Contributed by NPI
Road Blasters -Contributed by NPI
Road Raider -Contributed by NPI
Road Rash -Contributed by NPI
Robozone -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Rod-Land -Contributed by NPI
Rolling Ronny: The Errand-Boy -Contributed by NPI
Rome -Contributed by Matt Carr - (New)
R-Type -Contributed by NPI
R-Type II -Contributed by NPI
Rubicon -Contributed by NPI
Ruffian -Contributed by NPI
Ruff 'n' Tumble: In The Fantasy Forest -Contributed by NPI
Running Man -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Saint Dragon -Contributed by NPI
Saint & Greavsie: The Ultimate Soccer Trivia Game -Contributed by NPI
SAS Combat Simulator -Contributed by NPI
Satan -Contributed by NPI
Santa's Xmas Caper -Contributed by NPI
Sarakon -Contributed by NPI
Scooby-Doo And Scrappy-Doo -Contributed by NPI
Scorpion -Contributed by NPI
Scramble Spirits -Contributed by NPI
SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative -Contributed by NPI
Second Samurai -Contributed by NPI
Secret of The Monkey Island -Contributed by NPI
Seek And Destroy -Contributed by NPI
Settlers -Contributed by Hall of Light
Shadow Dancer -Contributed by NPI
Shadow of The Beast -Contributed by Hall of Light
Shadow of The Beast III -Contributed by NPI
Shadow Warriors -Contributed by NPI
Shanghai -Contributed by NPI
Sharkey's Moll -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
Side Arms: Hyper Dyne -Contributed by NPI
Silk Worm -Contributed by NPI
Simon The Sorcerer -Contributed by NPI
Simpsons: Bart vs. The Space Mutants -Contributed by NPI
Simpsons: Bart vs. The World -Contributed by NPI
Sirius 7 -Contributed by NPI
Skweek -Contributed by NPI
Sky High Stuntman -Contributed by NPI
Slam Raid -Contributed by NPI
Sleepwalker -Contributed by NPI
Snare -Contributed by NPI
Soccer Kid -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Soldier of Light (Xain'd Sleena) -Contributed by NPI
Sonic Boom -Contributed by NPI
Sooty & Sweep: The Computer Game -Contributed by NPI
Sophelie -Contributed by NPI
Sorceror's Apprentice -Contributed by Hall of Light
Space Assault -Contributed by NPI
Space Gun -Contributed by NPI
Space Harrier -Contributed by NPI
Space Harrier II -Contributed by NPI
Space harrier: Return To The Fantasy Zone -Contributed by NPI
Space Rogue -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
Spellfire The Sorceror -Contributed by NPI
Spikie In Transylvania -Contributed by NPI
Star Wars -Contributed by Hall of Light
Steeve McQueen Westphaser -Contributed by NPI
Steg The Slug -Contributed by NPI
Stone Age -Contributed by NPI
Strider -Contributed by NPI
Strider II -Contributed by NPI
Strip Poker: A Sizzling Game of Chance -Contributed by Hall of Light
Sub Rally -Contributed by NPI
Super Cars -Contributed by NPI
Super Cars II -Contributed by NPI
Super Cauldron -Contributed by NPI
Super Methane Bros -Contributed by NPI
Superfrog -Contributed by NPI
Swibble Dibble -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Switchblade -Contributed by NPI
Switchblade II -Contributed by NPI
SWIV -Contributed by NPI
Sword -Contributed by NPI
Sword & The Rose -Contributed by NPI
T-Bird -Contributed by NPI
Take'em Out -Contributed by NPI
Tanglewood -Contributed by Biffo's Dog - (New)
Tearaway Thomas -Contributed by NPI
Technocop -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Coin-op! -Contributed by NPI
Terminator 2 Judgement Day -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
Terry's Big Adventure -Contributed by NPI
Theatre of Death -Contributed by NPI
Thunder Blade -Contributed by NPI
Thunder Jaws -Contributed by NPI
Thunder Strike -Contributed by NPI
Thundercats -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Tiger Road -Contributed by NPI
Timekeepers: The Simplistically Complex Puzzle Game -Contributed by NPI
Time Lock -Contributed by NPI
Titanic Blinky -Contributed by NPI
Titus The Fox: To Marrakech And Back -Contributed by NPI
Toki -Contributed by NPI
Tommy Gun -Contributed by NPI
Tony & Friends In Kellogg's Land -Contributed by NPI
Toobin' -Contributed by NPI
Top Banana -Contributed by NPI
Top Cat -Contributed by NPI
Top Gear 2 -Contributed by NPI
Torvak The Warrior: Game Two -Contributed by NPI
Total Carnage -Contributed by Hall of Light
Total Recall -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
Treasure Island Dizzy -Contributed by NPI
Trex Warrior: 22nd Century Gladiator -Contributed by NPI
Trivial Pursuit: The Amiga Computer Genus Edition -Contributed by Hall of Light
Troddlers -Contributed by NPI
Tubular Worlds -Contributed by NPI
Turbo Trax -Contributed by NPI
Turbo Out Run -Contributed by NPI
Turrican -Contributed by NPI
Turrican II The Final Fight -Contributed by NPI
Turrican 3 -Contributed by NPI
Twin Turbos -Contributed by NPI
Typhoon Thompson In Search For The Sea Child -Contributed by NPI
Ugh! -Contributed by NPI
Ultima VI The False Prophet -Contributed by Cody Jarrett
Under Pressure -Contributed by NPI
Uninvited -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Valhalla: Before The War -Contributed by NPI
Valhalla III & The Fortress of Eve -Contributed by NPI
Vektor Storm -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Venus -Contributed by NPI
Videokid -Contributed by NPI
Vigilante -Contributed by NPI
Vindex -Contributed by NPI
Vindicator -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Violator -Contributed by NPI
Virocop -Contributed by NPI
Viz: The Game -Contributed by NPI
Volfied -Contributed by NPI
Wacky Races -Contributed by NPI
Walker -Contributed by NPI
Warlock: The Avenger -Contributed by NPI
War Zone -Contributed by NPI
Warzone -Contributed by NPI
Whizz -Contributed by NPI
Wild Streets -Contributed by NPI
Wings -Contributed by Cody Jarrett - (New)
Wings of Death -Contributed by NPI
Wizball -Contributed by NPI
Wolfchild -Contributed by NPI
Wonderboy In Monsterland -Contributed by NPI
Wonder Dog -Contributed by NPI
WREX: Waste Recovery Extermination -Contributed by NPI
WWF Wrestle Mania -Contributed by Hall of Light
Xenon 2 Megablast -Contributed by NPI
X-It -Contributed by NPI
X-Out -Contributed by NPI
XP8 -Contributed by NPI
X Ploit -Contributed by NPI
Yogi Bear & Friends In The Greed Monster: A Treasure Hunt -Contributed by NPI
Yogi's Big Clean Up -Contributed by NPI
Yogi's Great Escape -Contributed by NPI
Yo! Joe! -Contributed by NPI
Yolanda: The Ultimate Challenge -Contributed by NPI
Zak McKracken And The Alien Mindbenders -Contributed by NPI
Zee Wolf -Contributed by NPI
Zee Wolf 2 Wild Justice -Contributed by NPI
Ziriax -Contributed by NPI
Zombi -Contributed by NPI - (New)
Zool: Ninja of The "Nth" Dimension -Contributed by NPI
Zool 2 -Contributed by NPI
Z-Out -Contributed by NPI