Battlestorm -Contributed by NPI
Case of The "Cautious Condor" -Contributed by NPI
Cubulus / Magic Serpent -Contributed by NPI
Curse of RA -Contributed by NPI
Guy Spy And The Crystals of Armageddon -Contributed by NPI
Lemmings -Contributed by NPI
Logical -Contributed by NPI
Loom -Contributed by NPI
Murder Makes Strange Deadfellows -Contributed by NPI
North Polar Expedition -Contributed by NPI
Prehistorik -Contributed by NPI
Prey: An Alien Encounter -Contributed by NPI
Psycho Killer -Contributed by NPI
Shiftrix / Lettrix -Contributed by NPI
Snoopy In "The Case of The Missing Blanket" -Contributed by NPI
Space Wars -Contributed by NPI
Super Games Pak -Contributed by NPI
Top Banana -Contributed by NPI
Turrican -Contributed by NPI
Turrican II The Final Fight -Contributed by NPI
Wrath of The Demon -Contributed by NPI
Xenon 2 Megablast -Contributed by NPI