19 Part One: Boot Camp -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
2112 AD -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
3D Maze of Gold -Contributed by Mike Myers
A Day In The Life -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Aaargh! -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Action Biker -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Action Fighter -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Addams Family -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Adventureland -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
After Shock -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
After The War -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Agent X: The Braindrain Caper -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Agent X II The Mad Prof's Back! -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Airwolf -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Airwolf 2 -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Alcatraz Harry -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Alchemist -Contributed by Mike Myers
Alien Highway: Encounter 2 -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Amaurote -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Ant Attack -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Arkanoid -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Arkanoid: Revenge of DOH -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Arkos -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Army Moves -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Artura -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Atic Atac -Contributed by Mike Myers
Atom Ant -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Auf Wierdersehen Monty -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Aural Quest -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Automania (Manic Mechanic) -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Avenger: The Way of The Tiger II -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Barbarian -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Barbarian-II The Dungeon of Drax -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Bat Man -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Batman -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Batman: The Caped Crusader -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
BC's Quest For Tires -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Beach-Head -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Bedlam - [Go!] -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Benny Hill's Madcap Chase! -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Beyond The Ice Palace -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Big Ben Strikes Again -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Big Nose's American Adventure -Contributed by Jamie Lee - (New)
Bionic Commando -Contributed by Jamie Lee - (New)
Bionic Ninja -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Black Magic -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Black Tiger -Contributed by Jamie Lee - (New)
Blood 'n' Guts -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
BMX Ninja -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Bobby Bearing -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Bomber Bob In Pentagon Capers -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Bounder -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Bram Stoker's Dracula -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
BraveStarr -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Breakthru: The Arcade Game -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Brian Bloodaxe -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Bruce Lee -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Bug-Eyes -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Buggy Boy -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Butch - Hard Guy -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
C5 Clive -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Cabal -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Canyon Warrior -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Captain Kelly -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Captain Planet And The Planeteers -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Carrier Command -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Caverns of Kontonia -Contributed by Jamie Lee - (New)
Cauldron I & II -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Cavelon -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Cavemania -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Cerius -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Chaos: Magic & Death On The Plane of Limbo -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Chase H.Q. -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Chase H.Q. II Special Criminal Investigation -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Chicago 30's -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Chronicles of The Land of Fairlight 1. A Prelude: The Light Revealed -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Chronicles of The Land of Fairlight 2. Trail of Darkness -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Chronos -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Chubby Gristle -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Codename Mat -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Colditz Story -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Combat School -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Continental Circus -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Corsarios -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Count Duckula In No Sax Please - We're Egyptian -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Critical Mass -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Curse of Sherwood -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Cyberbig -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Cylu -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Cyrox -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Daley Thompson's Decathlon -Contributed by Mike Myers
Daley Thompson's Super-Test -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Dan Dare: Pilot of The Future -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Dan Dare II Mekon's Revenge -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Dan Dare III The Escape -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Danger Mouse In Double Trouble -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Danger Mouse In The Black Forest Chateau -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Dark Side -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Darkman -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Deactivators -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Deadly Evil -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Death Star Interceptor -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Deep -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Defenders of The Earth -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Deflektor -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Desolator -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Deviants -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Dick Tracy -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Donkey Kong -Contributed by Mike Myers
Doomdark's Revenge -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Double Dare -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Double Dragon -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Double Dragon II The Revenge -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Double Dragon 3 The Rosetta Stone -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Double Take -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Draconus -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Dragon Spirit -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Dragon's Lair -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Dragon's Lair Part II Escape from Singe's Castle -Contributed by Jamie Lee - (New)
Dragonia -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Dragontork of Avalon -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Dustin -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Dynamite Dan -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
E-SWAT (Elite Special Weapons And Tactics) -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Elven Warrior -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Engineer Humpty -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Enigma Force -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Equinox -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Escape From The Planet of The Robot Monsters -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Espionage: The Computer Game -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
"Everyone's A Wally" (A Day In The Life of Wally) -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI, Mike Myers
Extreme -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
F1 Tornado Simulator -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Factory Breakout -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Fahrenheit 3000 -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Fall Guy -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Fantastic Voyage -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Feud -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o' Fun -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Fighting Warrior -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Final Matrix -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Finders Keepers -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Firelord -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Fist II The Legend Continues -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Flintstones -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Flunky -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Flying Train -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Football Frenzy -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Fourth Protocol: The Game -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Frank The Flea -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Frankie Goes To Hollywood: The Computer Game -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Frankenstein 2000 -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Fred -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Friday the 13th The Computer Game -Contributed by Mike Myers
Frost Byte -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Future Knight -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Garfield: "Big, Fat, Hairy Deal" -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Ghosts'n Goblins -Contributed by Jamie Lee - (New)
Gift From The Gods -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Gladiator -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Glider Rider -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Go To Hell -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Golden Axe -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Gothik -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Grange Hill -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Great Escape -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Great Gurianos -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Green Beret -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Gremlins: The Adventure -Contributed by Mike Myers
Grumpy Gumphrey: Supersleuth -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Gryzor -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Guerrilla War: Hail The Heroes -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Halls of The Things -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Hampstead -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Happiest Days of Your Life -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Hard Drivin' -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Havoc - [Players Premier] -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Head Over Heels -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Heartbroken -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Heavy On The Magick -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Herbert's Dummy Run -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI, Mike Myers
Hero Quest - [Gremlin Graphics] -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Highway Encounter -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Hobbit -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Hobgoblin -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Hong Kong Phooey: No1 Super Guy -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
How To Be A Complete Bastard -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Howard The Duck: Adventure On Volcano Island -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Hudson Hawk -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Hulk -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Humpty Dumpty Meets The Fuzzy Wuzzies -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Humpty Dumpty In The Garden -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Hunchback -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Hunchback II Quasimodo's Revenge -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Hunt For The Red October: Based On The Movie -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Huxley Pig -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Hydrofool -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Hysteria -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
I, Ball -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
I, Ball II -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Ikari Warriors -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Impossamole -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Incredible Shrinking Fireman -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Insector Hecti In The Inter Change -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Inspector Flukeit And Blunders In: The Kidnapping of Proffessor Mundle -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Island of Dr. Destructo -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Italia '90 World Cup Soccer -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Italy 1990 The World Cup Starts Here! -Contributed by Mike Myers
Jackal -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
James Bond 007 License To Kill -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Jet Set Willy -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Jet Set Willy II The Final Frontier -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Jewels of Babylon -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Joe Blade -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Jumping Jack -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Jungle Warfare -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Kendo Warrior -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Kirel -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Knight Force -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Knight Tyme -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Kong Strikes Back -Contributed by Mike Myers
Kosmic Kanga -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
L.A. Drugs Bust -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Last Ninja 2 -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Light Corridor -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Lone Wolf: The Mirror of Death -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Lop Ears -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Mad Martha II -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Mafia Contract -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Mafia Contract II The Sequel -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Marsport -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Mask III Venom Strikes Back -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Master of Magic -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Masters of The Universe: The Arcade Game -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Masters of The Universe: The Movie -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Match Point -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Matt Lucas: Florida Detective -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Max Headroom -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Mayhem -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Mega-Bucks -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Mercenary: Escape From Targ -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Message From Andromeda -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Metabolis -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Metal Army -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Michael Jackson: Moonwalker -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Midnight Resistance -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Mined-Out -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Mission Omega - [Mind Games] -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Molecule Man -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Monty Is Innocent: Great Escape! -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Monty Python's Flying Circus: The Computer Game -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Monty On The Run -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Moon Strike -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Movie -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Moving Target -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Mr. Heli -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Mr Wino -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Munsters -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Mutant Monty -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Mystery of The Nile -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Mystical -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
NARC -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Navy Moves -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Navy SEALs -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Nebulus -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Nemesis: The Final Challenge -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Newzealand Story -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Ninja Hamster -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Ninja Warriors -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Nonterraqueous -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
North Star -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Oh Mummy!! -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
O.K. Yah! -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Olli & Lissa: The Ghost of Shilmoore Castle -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Olli & Lissa II Halloween -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Oriental Games -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Oriental Hero -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Out Run -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Outcast -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Overlander -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Paperboy -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Pawn -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Pole Position -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Popeye 2 -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Popeye 3 Wrestle Crazy -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Potsworth & Co. -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Prince of Persia -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Pyjamarama! -Contributed by Mike Myers
Quick Draw McGraw -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Raid Over Moscow -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rambo: First Blood Part II -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rambo III -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rana Rama -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rapscallion -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rastan -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Renegade III The Final Chapter -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rentakill Rita -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rescue -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rex -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rick Dangerous -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rick Dangerous 2 -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rigel's Revenge -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Road Runner And Wile E. Coyote -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Robo Cop -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Robo Cop 2 -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Robo Cop 3 -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Roboto -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rocky Horror Show -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rod-Land -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rogue Trooper -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Roland's Rat Race -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rolling Thunder -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Ruff And Reddy In The Space Adventure -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Run The Gauntlet -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rupert And The Ice Castle -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Rygar -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Saigon Combat Unit -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Salamander -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Samurai Warrior: The Battles of... Usagi Yojimbo -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
SAS: Operation Thunderflash!! -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Savage -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Sceptre of Bagdad -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Scooby-Doo And Scrappy-Doo -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Scramble Spirits -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Scumball -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Shadow Dancer -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Shadows of Mordor: Game Two of Lord of The Rings -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Shadow Warriors -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Shanghai Karate -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Shanghai Warriors -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Shard of Inovar -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Shinobi -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Shrewsbury Key -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Sidney Affair -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Silkworm -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Simpsons: Bart vs. The Space Mutants -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Sinbad And The Golden Ship -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Sir Fred -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Skate Crazy -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Skatin' USA -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Skull & Crossbones -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Slaine -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Sly Spy: Secret Agent -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Snoopy: The Cool Computer Game -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Soldier of Fortune -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Soldier of Light -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Sooty & Sweep -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Sorcery -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Soul of A Robot -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Soviet -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Space Gun -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Space Harrier II -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Spec-Venture -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Spellbound -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Spider-Man -Contributed by Mike Myers
Spiky Harold (Goes Hibernating) -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Split Personalities -Contributed by Mike Myers
Spooky Castle -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Spy-Trek Adventure -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
St Dragon -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Star Wars -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Starcontrol -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Starion -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Starstrike 3D -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Starquake -Contributed by Mike Myers
Stonkers -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Stop The Express -Contributed by Mike Myers, RZX Archive, NPI
Storm Bringer -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Stormlord II Deliverance -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Streaker -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Street Gang -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Street Hassle -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Strontium Dog: The Killing -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Subway Vigilante -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Super Space Invaders -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Super Trolley -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Supercom -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Sweevo's World -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Sweevo's Whirled! -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Switchblade -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
SWIV -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Sword of The Samurai -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Sword Slayer -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Tai Chi Tortoise -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Tank Command -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Target: Renegade -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Tarzan Goes Ape -Contributed by Jamie Lee - (New)
Techno-Cop -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Coin-Op! -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Terminator 2 Judgment Day -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Terminus: The Prison Planet -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Test Drive II The Duel -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Three Weeks In Paradise -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI, Mike Myers
Throne of Fire -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Thrust II -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Thunderbirds - [Firebird Software] -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Thunderbirds - [Grandslam Entertainments] -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Thundercats "The Lost Eye of Thundera" -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Times of Lore -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Titanic Blinky -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Toobin' -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Top Cat Starring In Beverly Hills Cats -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Total Recall -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Trader Trilogy -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Train: Escape To Normandy -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Trantor: The Last Stormtrooper -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Trap Door -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Trashman -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Tujad -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Turbo-Girl -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Turbo Out Run -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Turbo The Tortoise -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Turrican -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Turrican II The Final Fight -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Typhoon -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Universal Hero -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Untouchables -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Urban Upstart -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Valhalla -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Vendetta -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Vera Cruz -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Victory Road -Contributed by RZX Archive, Rey
Vigilante -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Viz: The Computer Game -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Wacky Races -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Wanted! Monty Mole -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Warlord -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Waxworks -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
WEC Le Mans -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Who Dares Wins II -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Wild Bunch -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Wild Streets -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Winter Wonderland -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Witch's Cauldron -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Wizard's Lair -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Wolfman! -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
World Cup Football -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
WWF Wrestlemania -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Xadom -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Yeti -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Yogi Bear -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Yogi Bear & Friends In The Greed Monster: A Treasure Hunt -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Yogi's Great Escape -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Zombi -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Zombie Zombie -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Zorro -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Zub -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Zybex -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI
Zzzz -Contributed by RZX Archive, NPI