The undead mindlessly march forward from either direction, looking to make contact

Initially at rest overhead, bats swoop down upon their prey then quickly exit

These armored foes patrol certain areas, at timed intverals stopping to toss their lances

Spirits of the undead endlessly leap about, merely serving as obstacles

The Monster otherwise calmy walks about but angrily charges at the site of Dracula

Eagles fly through the air in a wavy pattern hoping to knock you to your death

Witches simply fly straight overhead but drop eggs when you walk directly beneath one

Mad Turtle
Turtles either fly straight toward you or clog up your path when you're riding a lift

Lightning Lord
These gods of thunder circle you and toss bolts of lightning at your current position

Wind Lord
Wind Lords also circle the prone Dracula but instead blow gusts of wind at him

Mines explode when struck, their four needles thrown in the direction in which they point

Fiery fiends that circle underwater platforms and work to make your landings difficult

Laid-back miscreants that backstroke across the screen, kicking off walls for a boost

Your ordinary flounder. One or more join together to swim forward and cause traffic

Tiny vessels that stalk the seas, dropping down their missiles on those who travel below

Snow Thrower
A garbed icy habitant that leaps up before arcing two popsicle-shaped projectiles

The melancholy snowman merely leaps about, looking to plant itself on your head

The seal bounces a bomb on its nose then tosses it on sight of the young Dark Lord

A frostbitten bird-like creature that leaps towards you then slides across the icy ground

These athletic girls angrily skate forward before taking to the air with a twirl attack

An unidentified flying object that flies erratically about the area and drops down aliens

Dropped from UFOs, aliens simply stride forward and attempt to block your path

Spider Man
A humanoid arachnid that climbs buildings and acrobatically leaps toward our hero

A large gorilla that holds its ground and fends off Drac by tossing small airplanes

A street punk that hangs out atop trains and slices at the hero with its bladed hair

Axe Murderer
A masked killer who stalks train-riders from afar before moving in for the kill

A spiky foe that sprouts from the sand and fires a three-pronged needle projectile

Its pincers at the ready, the scarab dives out from sandpits and nips at those above

An angry bird that waves through the air and swoops down upon the ill-prepared hero

This bony creature tosses its skull in your direction then quickly gives chase to it

Skull Head
A detached cranium that suddenly flies in as Drac crosses a collasping bridge

A stack of tin whose sole job is to walk along narrow platforms and disrupt Drac's jumps

When the action gets hectic, ordnance fires up from below, exploding on contact

A walking cannon that can fire cannonballs forward and diagonally upward

The scythe-wielding Reapers fly high overhead and swoop down when you pass beneath

Missile Bot
These robots patrol the ship's deck and fire three homing missiles at intruders

An undead foe that blocks attacks with a shield and charges through the air with its lance

Maintenance Bot
The ship's workers lurk about the vessel's innards, marching forward at all times

It charges toward Kid Dracula, then leaps into the air, dropping down flames

Bubble Crab
A mechanical crab that clogs narrow passageways and fires bubbles from its claws

Construction Bot
These hard-hat-wearing robots serve only to distract as spiked ceilings lower

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