Recently Added
I've updated the Haunted
Castle game page to include
information for Haunted Castle Revisited. I added a "Remake
Differences" box to its General Info. section, and I added a
bunch of screenshots
to its Media section (specifically to a dedicated screenshots page).
At some point I'll give the game its own exclusive page.
Otherwise, I've added more menu screenshots
to the Castlevania
Dominus Collection
page (the majority of them are now mine). And I've updated Rondo
of Blood's code page to include
all of the breakable-brick treasures that were previously missing.
I think I've got all of them now.
I've added a page for the recently
released Castlevania
Dominus Collection. At the moment, it's mostly a skeleton
page, but when I find some motivation, I'll start updating it with
screenshots and other material (though, all related game pages have
been updated accordingly). And eventually, I hope, I'll get around
to updating the cameos section to include Dead Cells, Dead
by Daylight, and all of the other games in which Castlevania
characters have been appearing.
Well, it sure has been a while.
I just thought I'd check in and point out some of the recent site
contributions. There are a couple of them: Casey S. has sent in some
magazine shots of the Super Castlevania
IV prototype. Amar Youkai
shares a Bloodlines
"Fun Fact" and thus reveals how the game's 9-lives code
activates an unknown quick-save feature. VGMuseum overlord ReyVGM
tells us about a Simon's Quest
secret message that displays when you finish the game on a certain
day. Termie Gen shares information for two additional Bloodlines
prototypes: Version 0.85 and Version
0.9. And Sr. Lan Belmont returns with two
new arrangements--two Epic Renditions of Opposing Bloodlines
(these, he says, were done in celebration of the new Castlevania
Netflix Series).
I've got a couple of items
to share: Contributor Cellextyn has provided us the missing Bloodlines
music tracks and, more interestingly, some tracks for the Version
0.1 Bloodlines prototype! All of them can be found on Bloodlines'
MP3 page.
And another of KYA's recommended games has
added to the homebrew section. This time it's Castlevania:
Spectral Interlude--an original work created for the ZX Spectrum.
It borrows Simon's Quest's look but takes the gameplay in a
whole new direction!
So I went ahead and looked
into Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls, and ever since then, I've
been filling its page with
information. Listed on its page are general information, re-release
information, a synopsis, an overview, version differences, and character
lists. Character lists site-wide (the Main Lesser
Enemy listing and the Main Boss list)
have been updated to include information on the game's enemies; there's
a new Recurring Enemy page for the Wyvern;
and the Other Recurrences page
has been updated to include Eligor. I'll be adding more Grimoire
content as I learn more about the game.
Also, I've added a page for the recently
released Castlevania
Advance Collection. I'll be adding more content to that page,
too, over time.
Otherwise, Sr. Lan Belmont has returned
to provide us a new special Castlevania 35th Anniversary musical
arrangement--a rendition of Moon Fight from Akumajou Dracula
(X68000); it can be found on his MP3
page. And, once again at the recommendation of contributor KYA,
I've added another fan game to the homebrew section; this time it's
Castlevania II: Seal of the
Curse--a fan-made sequel to Castlevania II: Simon's Quest.
So something pretty exciting
happened: The 0.5 beta version of Castlevania: Bloodlines finally
leaked! And in celebration of this event, I went ahead and made significant
updates to the Bloodlines beta page--or, I should say, pages,
since overcrowding forced me to break it up into three. So now there's
a standalone Beta Version 0.5 page, and
it's been updated to include an exhaustive amount of information.
Mainly, it has informational bits and screenshots galore!
Also, thanks to some recommendations made
by contributor KYA, I added three more fan games to the homebrew section:
Dracula's Curse 2020,
which is an enhanced remake of Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse.
Simon's Quest Revamped,
which is a similarly enhanced remake of Castlevania II: Simon's
Quest. And the uniquely crafted Silver
Night's Crusaders, which is best described as a high-octane
arcade-style Castlevania slaughter-a-thon.
Oh, and as soon as I figure out what's going
on with Grimoire of Souls, I'll start adding information to
its page.
Eithereor returns with a specially-themed
set of MP3s. They represent a complete remake of Castlevania's
16-tune soundtrack done with--get this--actual Super Castlevania
IV instruments! You can listen to these hot tunes right
Newest contributor Phil comes
to the party with guns blazing. He brings us a large mix of interesting
items: Water-mark-free screenshots of Bloodlines'
0.5 beta. Screenshots of an assumed alpha-build
version of Bloodlines, taken from game magazines. Unused
objects for Castlevania 64. A couple of fun facts for Castlevania
64's newly added Glitches
and Fun Facts page. And unused Frankenstein sprites for Bloodlines'
newly added Unused Elements page.
Otherwise, Spectre2300 has contributed an
essay titled From
Richter to Julius: Theories of the Belmont Family Tree From 1797-1999.
It attempts to create a scenario in which Circle of the Moon
is undisputed canon.
Forget about what I said in
yesterday's update. All 11 stages are included in the prototype.
I learned of this while messing around with Action Replay codes (I'm
sure that I'm not the first one to discover any of this). So now the
Super Castlevania IV
prototype page has been expanded to include stages A and B. I
also added an "Extras" section that covers game content
that's deeply hidden in the ROM; as of right now, it shows only the
"Circular Room," which was brought to my attention by the
Cutting Room Floor. More material will likely be added in the future.
Otherwise, Spectre2300, the former Danny
V., has submitted both a super
achievement and a new high
score for Rondo of Blood.
So it turns out that there
was more to the Super Castlevania IV prototype than originally
thought. There are four additional stages, the first or which can
only be accessed via password (one that Eithereor was nice enough
to supply me). Acting on this discovery, I've updated the Super
Castlevania IV prototype page
to include textual and visual information for these four stages. Oh,
and a quick request: I'd be grateful to anyone who could help me get
a hold of the European Bloodlines beta (the rom, specifically).
It's nowhere to be found on my old backup CDs/drives.
Otherwise, the very same Eithereor has updated
his MP3 page with a new work:
an organ version of Order of Shadow's Blood Fugue.
Since lately I've been in the
mood for exploring beta versions of games, I decided that it's time
to go about updating the Castlevania: Bloodlines
beta page. Previously the page was largely unorganized, the writing
was terrible, and there was a lot of misinformation. Well, it has
now been fixed substantially--greatly expanded upon and improved.
The most attention has gone to Beta Version 0.3; this time,
I went over it with a fine-tooth comb and made note of every little
detail. And, of course, I made sure to include many more screenshots!
I'll be adding more screenshots for the European beta version, too,
just as soon as I can find my copy of it.
So I got a hold of that Super
Castlevania IV prototype that I talked about in the previous update.
After playing through it a few times, I put together a list of all
of its differences. You can read about and see images illustrating
said differences on the Super Castlevania
IV prototype page. If
I missed anything, please let me know.
Now for another music-related
update, this time courtesy of two separate parties. First is Eithereor,
whose dedicated MP3 page is
seven tunes richer (they're the orchestrated/8-bit works listed atop
the table); the same composer has also supplied two MIDI works (one
for Akumajou Dracula and
one for Castlevania: Dracula X).
And then there's SindraVania Projects, which brings us some very cool
items: music tracks from the prototype
version of Super Castlvania IV (which was one of the items
included in the recent "Nintendo GigaLeak," as it's called).
If I can get a hold of the prototype, I'll be sure to provide it some
additional coverage.
Got a couple of musical items
this time. Francisco R. has contributed two new rearrangements (Rainbow
Cemetery and Theme of Simon Belmont), which have been added
to his MP3 page, and four
tracks for the demo version of Dracula
X: Rondo of Blood. And newcomer Eithereor brings us six
MIDI creations for random series games (Haunted Castle,
Castlevania: The Adventure, Dracula's Curse and Castlevania:
Dracula X).
I've got a lot of random items
to list, and I'm going to be doing it in the order of submission:
The first one comes to us from Jerkofwonder, whose existing
fan-fiction piece has been transformed into something entirely
new; it's now a screenplay called Castlevania: The Live Series,
and over time it will be updated to include new chapters.
Next up is Francisco R., who has contributed
a bunch of stuff: (1) Complete scans of the Akumajou
Dracula: Kojyo no Shitou
adventure book; though, since there are over 200 images, I chose
to leave the file ZIPed. (2) Credits
lists for the Xbox 360 version of Symphony of the Night,
Castlevania: The Arcade, Harmony of Despair, Lords
of Shadow - Mirror of Fate, Lords of Shadow 2, Lords
of Shadow 2: Revelations, and Castlevania Anniversary Collection.
(3) And numerous musical rearrangements.
Lastly, TheWanderingNight returns with a
collection of MIDI rearrangements, all of which have been added to
his section of the Special MIDI Creations
music page. Ten of them are dedicated to Akumajou Special:
Boku Dracula-kun (Kid Dracula), and the rest are recreations
of tracks from random series titles.
So if you don't know: Castlevania:
Symphony of the Night has been ported to mobile devices. I've
updated its game page
to reflect as much. Also, the page has been updated to include information
on the port differences, all of which were supplied by Eric C. Otherwise,
one additional game has been added to the homebrew section: Castlevania:
The Bloodletting, which gives life to the previously canceled
game of the same name. And, er, if you have any interest in that Memory
Bank thing I was doing, then you may like to know that my Castlevania
piece has been updated. The good news is that it's now actually
Slow times, man. Not much going
on. About all I've got are two new additions to the Homebrew section:
Castlevania the Lecarde Chronicles
and its sequel, Castlevania
the Lecarde Chronicles 2. They're both fine games; I should
have added them much earlier. Also, I should have known that
Castlevania: Bloodlines was made available for GameTap in 2006,
right around the same time as Konami Collector's Series: Castlevania
& Contra appeared; I've updated its
games page accordingly. Thanks to Iniche for making me aware of
this. On a final note: This site has recently seen its 20th anniversary.
Maybe I should have mentioned it earlier, back in November, and posted
a speech or some silly picture. Oh well--I've never been the celebratory
type anyway. I just thought it'd be worth it to at least point this
out. So hurray! And a big thanks to all of you who are reading this
and to everyone who has ever taken time out of his or her day to visit
my humble little Castlevania site. May it bring you more joy
in the future.
The Francisco R. Show
continues: The super-contributor has for us this time a huge amount
of material for the upcoming Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls.
We've got the game's soundtrack
and 126 pieces of official art.
This gave me the perfect excuse to finally set
up a page for the game; it's lacking for content at the moment,
yes, but it'll fill up over time. I've since come to possess a tablet,
so I'll be giving the game a look; doing so will allow for me to provide
the game adequate coverage.
Say hello to newest contributor
TheWanderingNight, who has contributed an assortment
of MIDI creations and--get this--the accompanying sheet
music! That's a first for this site, and it's made necessary a new
"Special MIDI Creations" page in the MIDIs section. Hop
on over there if you want to hear the tunes or if you're looking for
sheet music. Currently there are 39 works in total.
Otherwise, Francisco R. is back with another
batch of random items. We've got an Electronics Gaming Monthly-exclusive
Symphony of the Night
ad (to view ads and such, click on the game pages' "Media"
links and check under "Magazine Coverage"). An official-art
piece for Harmony of Despair--a logo-less version of its
desktop wallpaper. Official art for Castlevania
Judgment in the form of character shots and packaging art.
Three Power Play Magazine ads that put focus on Super
Castlevania IV but also advertise previous entries (Castlevania,
Simon's Quest, Dracula's Curse, Adventure and
Belmont's Revenge). A Total! Magazine ad for Vampire's
Kiss (the European version of Castlevania: Dracula X).
Three flyers for Haunted Castle:
two Japanese and one North American (check under "Scenes, Packaging
Scans, etc."). Scans for the Castlevania
II: Simon's Quest - Original Video Game Soundtrack
30th-anniversary vinyl edition. And scans for the Castlevania:
Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate
official soundtrack.
After avoiding doing as much
for about five years, I went and took a look at the site's
home page and yikes--what a mess. The backgrounds
weren't tiling properly, and there were pixelated artifacts everywhere.
So I cleaned it up as best I could and added a whole bunch of animations.
See if you can spot them all! (Note that some browsers, like Edge,
don't display them properly.) I'm planning on adding two or three
more over the coming days (creating even one of these is a
time sink, I've been reminded). But that probably won't be all: In
the future, if suddenly I get any ideas for interesting animations,
I'll be sure to work them in. Otherwise: I've updated the design for
the game-pages' basic-information tables (as you can see here);
they're generally more colorful and now include little system icons.
It was all part of a greater process of doing away with tiny text,
like I've done on the weapons pages.
Finally, after realizing that something was amiss, I rearranged the
entries on the games page so that they're
listed in the proper release order. That such errors exist or have
existed is a reminder that there's a lot of work to be done to make
a real website out of this place.
I've finished redesigning the
stage pages. Of note is that I replaced those
placeholder map images with actual map imagery from the respective
games Well, save for Curse of Darkness, which I don't feel
like playing at the moment, and games that don't feature maps either
in-game or in their packaging material (as far as I know), like Castlevania:
The Adventure and the N64 and Lords of Shadow games. My
next order of business is to get a hold of some real stage
maps so I can finally trash those tiny,
poorly formatted thingamajigs that currently occupy the space.
I oughta update that "Site Requests" list one of these days.
While I was at it, I whipped up an original-mode
map for Akumajou Dracula X68000 and added it to the Bloody
Road section of Castleography; you can now swap between it
and the arranged-mode map with a point of the mouse cursor. Also,
I replaced whatever was left of those old GIF-dot-filled character
sprites--mostly the bosses, including
Dracula forms, and some lesser
enemies. There's still one exception: Capturing the Spider Skeleton
remains a problem, since the HUD in both Chronicles versions
obscures its upper half, so I fixed up the existing sprite as best
I could.
General Updates
Before I get to this "month's"
new additions, I'd like to mention that I'm going to be making a little
change to how I list site updates. Until presently, I'd wait for a satisfactory
amount a material to accumulate before bringing light to it, which always
worked out to about a month's time, but such a method no longer make
sense when certain realities are considered (a slowing down of contributions,
the Castlevania series torpedoing, and my general disinterest).
So I'm instead going to break the updates into two types: "Recently
Added," which will be updated every time something is added to
the site, and "General Updates," which will be reserved for
special announcements and my usual ramblings.
And now, for the last
time, the medium-sized list of death:
- Sir Lan Belmont has provided ending videos for Castlevania:
The Adventure (Konami Classics version) and Harmony
of Dissonance (for Simon Belmont, specifically).
- Model-maker Mark has whipped up two amazing new creations in the form
of a Castlevania: The Adventure papercraft
diorama and a series of interchangeable
Castlevania creatures.
- Aya79's game-collection
page is eight items richer.
- T.D. Stoneheart has directed two new tracks for the Ainaveltsac
Medleys album plus a new variant remix.
- Intros have been added to the "Part 2: Legacy of Sorrow"
portion of the fan fiction Darkness
Never Dies.
- SolarCiel informs us of a useful exploit for Castlevania
II: Belmont's Revenge (check the addendum to the breakable-brick
Also, for those who
have been keeping up with it, my previously
discussed Memory Bank blog has two series-related pieces chronicling
my history with Castlevania
and Castlevania
II: Simon's Quest, respectively. Future Castlevania-related
pieces will be appearing over time. Thanks to anyone who's given it
a look.
4/11/14: This
is just a quickie update to note, if you haven't guessed by the slight
visual change to the link index above, that I've started my
own blog. I'm calling it "From the Memory Bank: My History
with Video Games." What I'm doing is taking games that have resonated
with me through the years and detailing my history with them--discussing
my history with each title, sharing stories about my gaming experiences
with friends and family, and having fun writing about my favorite hobby.
I've got about 8 entries up at the moment (not including the first
post, which details the mission objective) and plan on adding at
least one a week.
be honest and say that Lords of Shadow and the recent series'
news haven't been doing it for me, so I'll be focusing my energies elsewhere
for a while. Of course, the blog will be covering Castlevania
games, which will include a lot of extra details never mentioned in
any of my reviews or other more-formal platforms.
it a look if you're desperate for reading material.
2/26/14: So
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 has been available for a few days,
and the reviews seemed kind of mixed. From my view, having not yet played
it, it looks like a solid game that's content to simply deliver a more-seasoned
helping of a dish we've already tasted. It finds itself tasked with
a difficult mission that future entries will also undertake if they
follow its lead; that is, they'll have to compete in the highly volatile
AAA sector, whose increasingly risky ventures are symptomatic of a console
industry ruled by staggering budgets and a narrow-minded fanbase with
a rapidly decreasing attention span. I mention this because of recent
comments made by Dave Cox, who stirred up some trouble with his
assessment of the current industry. More on this in a bit.
don't have anything new to share on the Lords of Shadow front,
since I never got around to finishing the boss descriptions. I've been
too preoccupied with other games, mainly. I'll eventually get back into
the groove and output a whole lot of work in quick bursts. Though, I
can provide a more timely update if anyone can contribute scans
for the game's packaging (any version from any platform).
for site activity over the previous few months:
- Stoneheart has completed another
track for this Ainaveltsac Medley album, bringing the total
to 32.
- Dracula9, who previously contributed some artwork, has joined
the MP3-making party with a collection on 17 remixes. There's also
a bonus MIDI composition--a Circle of the Moon track that can
be found here.
- I've added some screenshots
for the original Lords of Shadow. I've also added a few shots
for the HD version of Mirror
of Fate.
- Sr. Lan Belmont returns to the fray with two
new art pieces.
- And in case you missed it: NES Castlevania titles have
been appearing on all iterations of things called "Virtual
To finish up on my previous
thoughts: I don't personally know Dave Cox, so I can't confirm if his
opinions suggest a painful industry reality or if he wants to play a
role in continuing to push things in that direction. Either way,
it's more than sad that Konami is intent on following this ruinous path,
since Castlevania doesn't deserve to be misguidedly reimagined
as a "blockbuster" franchise steeped in super-derivative modern
action-game formulas with little to no regard for its roots or cherished
source material. Yes--sometimes things need to change, as I've pled
for years, but that doesn't entail following industry trends and currying
favor with a crowd that only buys games that are heavily marketed and
promptly brushes them off in favor of next week's chart-topper. It worked
once, with the first Lords of Shadow, but Konami can't
gamble on the hope that lightning will continue to strike (and I've
seen no proof that the sequel will be a big seller). Do we really want
to see the day when Castlevania is permanently put on the shelf
because a highly marketed entry doesn't achieve its ridiculously projected
sales-total of, say, 4,000,000? There's no need to take that kind of
risk. If Konami allegedly wishes to serve a "wider public" with big-budget
games, it should do so by brewing up new franchises created specifically
for this purpose.
Rather, the company should reconsider
on how to slot the series. While it's true that I'd like to see Castlevania
stand tall amongst the big boys, as it once did, it's just not feasible
at this point in time. However, there is value in a Castlevania
series positioned in a more-stable "niche" category, which
isn't synonymous with "low-selling"; it can certainly find
success with smaller, better-focused games that can accumulate 400,000-plus
worth of sales where it's easiest to do so--on portable game systems
and today's many digital services. Without the worry of physical distribution
costs, auteurs like Koji Igarashi can be free to experiment with new
types of gameplay in an environment where people are starved for them.
It at least deserves that
10/27/13: Castlevania:
Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD has arrived for your digital
pleasure, which is just the spark I need to get back into the swing
of things. I've updated Mirror of Fate's game
page to reflect this happening, and I've set up new pages for the
soon-to-be-released Castlevania:
Lords of Shadow Collection (which
combines the original Lords of Shadow and the previously discussed
Mirror of Fate HD)
and the further-off Lords
of Shadow 2. Things to do before Lords of Shadow 2's
2014 release include finishing up on adding the original Lords of
Shadow bosses to the big list
and adding some media to the previous Lords' respective game
Though there hasn't
been much activity over the last six months, there have been a few notable
- Contributor Khala has done yeoman's work in supplying actual quality
images for the Lament of Innocence
and Curse of Darkness weapon
pages (replacing my poor-quality rips from a decade ago).
- Legacy of Sorrow, the second
part to the fan fiction Darkness Never Dies, is again being rebooted.
New chapters are already present.
- Sallongsword has contributed a "help" document called "Castlevania:
Mirror of Fate
- Map Files," which functions as advertised.
- Stoneheart, the artist formerly known as tduyduc, has whipped up four
new tunes (tracks 29-32) for his Ainaveltsac Medley collection.
- The relentless Druid Vorse has made his mark on the "High
Score" page by maxing out Order of Ecclesia's stat-page.
- I've put up a quick preview for Castlevania:
Lords of Shadow 2.
I'll be needing a little
help in regard to Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection, for
which I'll need all the scans I
can get. Thanks in advance to anyone who can send them in. In the
meantime, enjoy some news, participate in
a poll, or, like, don't.
4/4/13: This
update is all about Lords of Shadow. Though I stated, originally,
that I was going to wait for the trilogy to be completed before giving
it proper representation, I realized by doing so that I was resigning
myself to an unimaginable amount of work piled into a single period.
So I've instead prepared the site as best I can for the arrival of Lords
of Shadow 2, whose content will now be easier to manage.
We'll begin with the
recently released Mirror of Fate:
- I've got scans of its North
American casing (there is no manual). I had planned to also scan
its pre-order bonus material, but it simply wasn't possible. I can explain
why in one word: GameStop. Though, that's my fault for doing
business with them when I should know better. If anyone took the trouble
to scan the bonus material, I'd appreciate it if you could contribute
your work.
- Kev has provided the casing scans for the European
version, which does include a
- The general
information, hero descriptions, and weapons page have been filled
in. Also, the "Media" page is now home to official
art and official comic
- Its lesser enemies,
bosses, Dracula
forms, and supporting
cast pages have been filled in--though, mostly without images, which
I'm at the time unable to produce in high quality.
- It has its own stages
and codes pages.
- Its story has been added to the storyline
section, which now has a subsection devoted to Lords of Shadow.
- Its enemies have been added to the main lesser
enemies and main boss pages,
where they're covered in more detail.
- The four playable characters have been added to the heroes
section, which now also segregates the Lords of Shadow trilogy.
- Its many secondary characters now populate the supporting
cast and Dracula's allies pages,
which get the same treatment.
There's also a whole
lot of new material for the original Lords of Shadow:
- Its dedicated storyline page has been updated
to include the events of the DLC chapters Reverie and Resurrection.
- Gabriel's profile has been added to heroes
- The supporting cast and Dracula's
allies join their Mirror of Fate companions.
- Some general information
has been filled in (enemy descriptions and weapons), mainly.
- There are now scans for the North American Xbox
360 and PS3 manuals.
- The bosses have been added to the main
boss list. Though, they're at the moment place-holders. I was going
to work on those next, but I ran out of steam and needed a break.
I'll fill them up with text in a few months when I've recharged.
There are a few miscellaneous
- The main boss listing has changed
a bit, its index now separating Lords of Shadow and "Gaiden"
titles into their own categories; their respective monsters just seemed
out of place grouped in with those from the original series.
- Camilla/Carmilla now has her own
page in the recurring boss section.
- There are two new chapters for "Part 1" of the fan fiction
Darkness Never Dies.
- Dracula Fan's collection
has grown by double digits.
- And I've put together my own "Essay": I'm calling it Mr.
P's Top 250 Games, which lists my favorite video games (of course
including Castlevania titles) and those for which I have at least
an appreciation. Its likely to balloon by increments of 50 as the years
go on.
As I add all of these
new characters to my many lists, I'm rewriting old descriptions where
I can. I apologize for the pretty bad quality of most of the writing--a
lot of which was done over a decade ago and seems to have been produced
as if I was under some type of deadline. The lesser
enemy list is particularly disastrous ("Boy this guy's
dangerous!"). It's just one of many things that'll improve over
time in addition to general site navigation and the "cramped"
nature of the game pages.
2/22/13: Year
#14 of this aging site starts with a glimmer of activity and does so
right before the bomb hits on March 5th, which is of course the
release date for Castlevania:
Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate. The last two months have been
drenched in developer interviews and general
newsbits, for those who devour Castlevania news. The site
updates in regard to the game's release will begin shortly after the
fifth, starting with scans of the packaging material and pre-order bonuses;
the usual enemy listings, character profiles, and story-based elements
will start appearing after I've spent some time with the game.
It's the last month
of the dry spell, yes--but there's some new material for us to gobble
- SolarCiel has provided
manual translations for the two versions of Akumajou Special: Boku
Dracula-kun (Famicom
and Game Boy).
The translations appear in image form, the Japanese symbols cropped
out and replaced with English text. You can otherwise locate these images
on the game pages for the Famicom
and Game Boy titles.
- The Demon Guest breathes a bit of life into the Midis
section with Inner Quarters, which is an Aria of Sorrow
- The ongoing saga of Darkness Never
Dies has seen the addition of three new chapters--one per sub-story.
- Newcomer Lapistmacir has given birth to a budding art
- Stoneheart has written up his second entry to the Essays section--a
piece entitled The Scariest
Enemy in Castlevania.
I'll see everyone next
month and in the meantime leave you with this question: Do these
rockin' guys provide the best metal-remix version of Dr. Wily's
Castle, like, ever? You decide.
General Updates: Interested in reading
out about when big site events went down? Click this link to view the
longform updates that began way back in November of 1999!

Want to
get in on the action? Send rare information, custom sprites, art, music,
reader reviews, your own Castleography or CV Library features, or any
other crazy facts you might have; they'll show up on my site with full
credit given to you!
Email to: