Daemon Lord originally tangles with Gabriel Belmont in what is more a "cinematic"
boss battle, where it has its eye torn out and finds itself magically sealed
away. Returning in its original form to haunt Alucard, it shows off its in-game
offense: Its attacks include gnawing, slamming its front arms to the ground,
and executing a flipping, squashing dive; this battle is scripted, so Alucard
can't win.
instead get a fair fight against the Daemon Lord Resurrected, as upgraded
soon after his reanimation as per a ritual carried out by a trio of witches.
The Daemon Lord utilizes the same offensive moves but adds the abilities to
stab with its tail and fire from it a beam from--the blast dodged only by
grinding overhead using a conveniently placed magnetized rail. When its health
has been depleted, it'll retreat to its machine-populated perch in the background,
from where it'll activate two laser-generating machines on either side of
the room; the lasers, which appear overhead, stretch across the room and turn
in opposite directions. While dodging the lasers, Alucard must somehow find
time to destroy the generators. When one is destroyed, the remaining generator
will instead a produce a single room-long laser, which turns clockwise.
The Daemon Lord will intermittently cease their function and return to the
battlefield for a timed skirmish, adding increased pressure. In the final
phase, the action will shift to the room's background, where the two will
fight atop the machinery. Alucard must now be cognizant not to back into a
horizontal electrical current perpetually running behind him; his goal, now,
is to successfully block the creature's tail-released expanding blasts and
eventually move in close enough to land the final blows.
Games In:
Castlevania: Lords of
Shadow - Mirror of Fate
Similar Enemies:
Reaver |
Forms List:
Not available |