Elizabeth Bartley

Here's the niece of Dracula in the flesh. Her plot to revive her uncle was just another chapter in Dracula's assaults on mankind. As a boss: Elizabeth makes 4 spheres, each of which contain an element in their center--fire, ice, dagger, etc.--float around in a circle; a countdown then begins in the form of the orbs circling inward toward a center position where they'll intersect. She'll then begin randomly appearing on one side of the screen, firing flame blasts until you finally strike her. If you don't get the required number of hits on Bartley, which equals the number of spheres, before they reach center, you'll fall prey to a powerful sword, fire or ice attack. If so, Bartley will then reappear center screen and continue the cycle.

Games In: Castlevania: Bloodlines

Similar Enemies: None
Forms List: Not available
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