Helping Hands

The Belmonts' efforts aside, there existed an entire world of characters that very much wanted to bring about Count Dracula's demise. Where there abilities may have been lacking, these more-common folk, many of whom had fallen victim to Dracula's attacks on Europe, were ready to do their part in seeing him vanquished. Indeed, the Belmonts, who were always open to their support, have procured the assistance of many a character and in effect have over the centuries gained a cast of loyal acquaintances. There were others who did their part further the story along in their own unique way--by aiding the heroes as merchants, by supplying helpful clues, and by generally making the heroes' jobs easier. On these pages, you'll read about the supporting cast of Castlevania, both the ubiquitous and the intangible. For the more-exclusive supporting cast members, including minor players, please click on the "Supporting Cast" links on each of the game pages.

To proceed through the "Supporting Cast" section, use the links in the frame above to zip over to the character of your choice or use the bottom links to view the characters in chronological order. To navigate these pages without frames, click on the appropriate link: Original Series, Lords of Shadow, or Heroes of Gaiden.

First Character