Saint Germain

    Germain greets Hector in the Garibaldi Temple and makes regular storyline appearances before acting a boss in the Machine Tower; he thereafter departs
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness

As Hector begin to enter the Garibaldi Temple, he was stopped short by a mysterious individual. It was Saint Germain, looking like a stranger who had dropped in from an unknown land. "I have a request," he said to the cautious Hector. "Stop your pursuit of Zead." Hector could only suspect him an enemy of Zead, who had been nothing but helpful. But Germain revealed the purpose for this request: He was "seeking to maintain the very flow of things." Hector was unimpressed, having no time for such games--the crazed Isaac had to be found. Germain insisted, though, that he knew far more than anyone could imagine; it was, after all, his "arrangement."

Hector, naturally, could not understand this request or the following chatter and told Germain to stand aside. Germain again asked him to reconsider, for the world was hanging in the balance of this very request. He wouldn't stand in Hector's way, but he trusted that the correct decision would be made. As the seemingly enigmatic Germain fled the scene, the confused Hector wondered, "Who was that?" He continued on despite the warning.

At a meeting near the entrance to the Mortvia Aqueduct, Hector ran into Zead, whose behavior started becoming more and more erratic; they at first conversed calmly, but Zead exited suddenly, all the while trembling and tripping over his own words. Immediately after, Germain appeared to find Hector but not his expected guest. Germain again warned that Hector should avoid Zead and his instructions, but the forgemaster didn't appreciate the advice--Isaac had to be taken down at all costs. Germain contested that his was the real mission--that he had to track down Zead, being a man not of his recollection. Hector still could not understand.

Upon entering the Forest of Jigramunet, Hector heard voices; he ducked behind a tree and spied on a nearby meeting between Germain and Zead. The subject: Zead couldn't have Germain interfering any longer, so he from his arm extended a blade and launched an attack. Germain evaded each stab by shifting in and out of the physical plane, cagily disappearing and reappearing at will. "I will keep returning," he promised Zead in parting. "No one escapes from me," the undeterred Zead thought to himself with a wily grin. Now Hector knew for sure that these were indeed enemies.

When Hector reached the top of the Eneomaos Machine Tower, he found Germain wandering about. Though known as a master of miraculous escapes, Germain revealed that he was stuck within a time barrier placed upon the tower's top, and he wondered how Hector was able to breach it. Though, Germain could still have a physical effect, and his only inclination was to fight Hector. "Everything I need to know will be revealed," he said, as he challenged the still-confused Hector. In the end, Germain was brought to the point of surrender. Knowing then that fate truly was in Hector's hands, Germain promised not to interfere any longer, for he was only a traveler, half here, half elsewhere in time--not allowed to speak the truth and changing nothing. Before departing, he spoke of a feeling--a new fate for Hector. "Walk the path without fear, for you are alone," he counseled. "Give my regards to Zead." The encounter at least open Hector's mind to certain possibilities.

Germain would stick around the machine tower's top a bit longer to watch on, to see Hector's mission through to a conclusion. He was caught by one of Julia's closing thoughts: "Have faith in the morrow." They were fine words, he knew, but not for him; as one who traveled through time, he saw the "morrow" differently. He decided to go far into the future to see what awaits--to witness the final battle between Dracula and the humans. Perhaps they'd remember Hector's exploits, or perhaps the battle would begin anew. He would travel through time to find his answer.

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