Regular Zombies
Basic zombies are those undead
nightmares that pop up at the most convenient times. These rotting yet reanimated
remains, whether in whole or in decapitated/amputated form, come alive with
an insatiable urge to consume living forces.
Dracula's resurrections
have a way of making the dead rise from their graves, eager to serve as
eternal servants to his cause. As per their nature, the reanimated zombies
hunger for brains and are drawn to living entities. They're known to climb
out from the ground (particularly in cemeteries) and even solid surfaces,
their ranks seemingly endless. Zombies can continue to function even if
their limbs are dismembered, after which they'll resiliently crawl, hop,
or even pull themselves forward.
Names/Forms: Rotten
Zombie |
These zombie
hangmen lurk about in torture-themed areas, dragging along their bags of goodies
while keeping out of dodge; they'll randomly pull out and throw one of three
items: Bombs that explode after a short period, blue skull heads that eventually
erect themselves into full-fledged skeletons and give chase, or, unwittingly,
a pot roast which will instead help you.
These brains
with attached curling spines have been freshly ripped right out of the ripe
frames of a group of unfortunate souls. They're conveniently bunched together
in narrow tunnels wherein they float back and forth to create an annoying
obstacle for those seeking to attain vertical passage. If a brain float ceases
in its movement, it'll brain-channel and blast out
from its eyes piercing energy.
Even dislodged
zombie limbs are under the influence of Dracula's curse. These creepy
claws glide through the air and grab onto ill-prepared heroes, wherein they'll
begin draining away their precious heart-total. A victim of a claw attack
will have to shake profusely to knock it off. Other such limbs are simply
on your typical stalk-and-destroy mission.
Alternate Names/Forms:
Evil Hand |
This is merely
a weaker version of the boss called "the Dancing Specters"--they're
sort of an offspring of the deadly duo. They'll carry out their dance number
in a pattern that sees their levitating around an area, spinning about endlessly
and rebounding around the room until destroyed. Making it tougher is that
some pairs of ghost dancers can temporarily separate, darting off in opposite
directions before again joining together.
Names/Forms: Ghost
Dancer |
This creepy zombie is in
charge of protecting graveyards together with its equally undead hound.
When the zombie spots a threat, it will order the canine to charge forward,
which it will continue to do until its master is destroyed. However, if
you destroy the dog first, the master will weep in sadness and then
disappear on its own.
Ghouls are
an advanced form of your everyday zombie. They're described as legendary evil
beings that feed on human corpses. Despite a slight difference in appearance,
a ghoul's method of attack mimics that of a regular zombie; that is, ghouls
will spring up from the ground, suddenly, in large numbers and methodically
give chase. Contact with certain ghoul clusters will result in a poison status.
The rarely seen
king of the ghouls is a patient fellow that won't show its rotting face until
several of its underlings, the typical ghouls, have been slain. The tough-skinned
ghoul king will at that point pop out from the ground and frantically run
about for a few seconds,
smothering heroes with its long reach and speed,
before returning to its resting place in the depths.
If you're a zombie,
you'll of course need the appropriate confines from which you can eventually
break free in your search for brains. The Grave Digger (proof that Konami
staffers are fans of pro-wrestling's Undertaker) is responsible for providing
the real-estate, over which he stands guard in hope of "meeting"
new people. His welcoming gestures include tossing his sharp-tipped shovel
as it were a spear and delivering vicious side kicks.
A moldy corpse
is a former human consumed by evil after eating a cursed mushrooms; it lives
on as a hideously deformed (and very blue) humanoid with fungus growing all
over its frame. Unhappy about this undesired fate, a moldy corpse will trek
slowly through castle corridors and expel into the air, all around, a poisonous
A Mr. Hed is a decapitated
horse head that lurks about within barns and other farmland. In that sense,
you can be sure that they'll be traveling in packs. If you manage to wake
up from its slumber a Mr. Hed, it'll quickly, relentlessly, stalk you via
the surrounding airspace until defeated.
These reanimated
corpses of unknown origin eat and infect the dead remains of other creatures,
their ravenous activity causing infestations wherever they lurk. As commanded
by the Night Watchman, scavens hunt in packs, overwhelming prey with their
diving beak attacks. Some scavens mutate with violent convulsions, developing
wings and a more effective pounce attack; this advanced form is capable
of sucking out the souls of those it encounters.
Names/Forms: Flying
Scaven |
This is a guillotine-victim
monster that quickly lunges itself in all directions, rebounding around the
area in an unpredictable pattern. You can never fully anticipate when it's
going to strike, since it's so quick; however, it's not that big of a threat
unless it appears in an area populated by other other types of enemies (like
lions and scarecrows).
Wights are
another of those in the class of flesh-craving madmen. Like Ghouls, they fit
well under the category of "advanced zombie," too--the strongest
of their kind. They're in fact extremely loyal to the force that awakened
them. As such, they'll pop up unexpectedly from the ground and march toward
a living presence in search of a dinner of fresh brains.
What if some
zombies can't get out of their graves? No problem--they'll just reach through
the ground and try to pull you under. While some can hurt you just
by grabbing at you, others are able to hold on, leaving you prone to the attacks
of the other lesser enemies in the surrounding environment.
The lesser Clinking Men were
drunken thieves that foolishly entered into Castlevania to reap its rewards.
Now undead, they roam about with a craving for flesh. When they sense a living
presence, they dive forward to try to obtain it as a would-be dinner. The
most greedy of this type are the advanced Zombie Thieves; when these muddled
beings get near, they'll attempt to dive onto you and steal your possessions
Advanced Forms
Advanced zombies have special
abilities or quirky traits that make them more dangerous than just the regular
undead selection. In simple terms: These zombies will always put up a fight
rather than just aimlessly stalking you.
The Monster (better
known as "Frankenstein," the name as borrowed from its creator)
is a recurring boss who like its mummified contemporaries knows a lesser form
(at least in terms of item-list status). The Monster's abilities change from
game to game and entail anything from simply marching back and forth, to firing
lighting from its fingertips, to throwing electrically charged punches. Still,
The Monster is but one form of "artificial monster," a class
that includes the following:
zombified executioners are abominations that were created using body parts
as taken from numerous corpses. They use their massive hammers to smash anyone
and everything within range. The advanced iron gladiators were stitched together
using the remains of Roman gladiators; these terrors swing around their giant
iron balls and then viciously throw them at targets.
Alternate Names/Forms:
Iron Gladiator |
Previously burned
at the stake, they become reanimated, their new form an enflamed humanoid.
This zombie type
attacks by emitting onto
the ground smaller balls of fire,
which trek along until hitting a wall. Others simply patrol an area, leaving
behind many smaller residual flames that continue to blaze for long periods
before self-extinguishing.
These extremely-slow-moving
but tough zombies try to overwhelm prey simply with sheer numbers. When struck
enough times, their ribcages will tear apart; in following, their top halves,
now a separate entity, will float through the air parallel to their lower
limbs, which will continue to march forward.
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old pal Franky has been shipped over the evil-inhabited Oldrey Mansion to
maintain their Villa's fine garden. He'll also back up his duties by doubling
as the Villa hedge maze's guardian, chasing foes around with his arm-implanted
chainsaw. He cannot be defeated--he can only be immobilized temporarily.
Don't bother trying to outrun Franky--he knows the maze and its entrances/exits
so well that he can sprint around the maze in seconds to catch up to you
if you go through a door.
These undead
creatures are the decapitated remains of warriors who used to serve the
Brotherhood of Light, reanimated by Necromancer magic to prey upon their
former brethren. Burrowers at first toss their heads, whose flaming visages
fly about and generally distract the hero. In the meantime, the submerged
Burrower will attempt to pop up from the ground and drag the hero down to
his new grave.
This is a malevolent, artificial
life form that was created by a demonic scholar. The homunculus is kept
in stasis and retained in liquid--in this case the watery depths of a castle--using
a tube. It will unexpectedly spring to life and flail away, moving as far
as its tube will allow. Though, after stretching it as far as it will go,
homunculus will break free of the tube, at which point its reckless flailing
will become a greater concern.
Butcher is a madman who upon spotting a visitor fires up its mechanized
saw and charges toward the soon-to-be victim; though skilled in the field
of sculpting, it's its love of butchery on display as it violently swings
its chainsaw, stopping only for a moment to regroup. A more advanced version
of this enemy, the Mad Snatcher, has eight arms--one of which has transplanted
onto it a chainsaw; though it's said that the Snatcher is a parasite that
clings to its victims (as surmised by its spider-like appearance), it
merely mimics the Butcher in method.
divers are long-clawed zombies that burrow into the ground and freely
travel below the surface. Their mode of operation is to circle their prey
and then suddenly pop up for a surprise attack; thereafter, they swipe
away with their claws. There are two advanced forms of mad diver: The
evil stabbers, a group of elite divers that have inherited the former's
evil nature, and the bulkier assassin zombies; both are tougher than mad
divers, yes, but they employ the very same tactics.
Names/Forms: Evil
Stabber & Assassin Zombie |
These are distinctly
different from your average zombies--they're actually
heaps of a formaldehyde-like gel that morph into typical zombie forms. When
they take on this human-like appearance, the slothful foes will begin their
death march. While most are destroyed easily, others can absorb the damage
from lower-level whip forms and reform elsewhere.
It took a lot
of force to destroy these large monsters, as it will to take down their undead
remains. These poisonous zombies crawl about slowly, dragging along what's
left of their spinal columns. After a short while, a Melty Zombie will spit
out a glob that will morph into an additional Melty Zombie; they can do this
again and again, if not quickly destroyed, to create a small army of their
While this
lesser class of mummy isn't quite on a higher tier as represented by your
typical boss mummy, they're elite amongst most other minor enemies. A great
number of mummy men share with the boss brethren the the waving shard attack;
others simply utilize a quick dash, which they use to catch heroes off guard;
and others, still, can due to a certain elasticity elongate their arms for
a long-reaching grab-attack. You can always expect to run into large groups
of mummies in the encompassing graveyards and torturous death chambers.
Dracula warehouse
is no doubt filled with these ghastly eyeballs, 'cause they just never stop
dropping in. Rolling eyes will pop out of crevices, ceilings, pits, etc. in
continuous streams without letup. A rolling eye's most instinctive property
is the explosion caused when it's struck--a burst that can result in large,
torn-open gaps in less-solid surfaces; this quirk's prominence is magnified
when many rolling eyes are bunched together within the vicinity. Rolling eyes
come in large and small form, sometimes bereft of an explosive property and
acting merely as an obstacle.
These are no doubt the victims
of Vlad Tepes Dracula's paranoid rampages. Impaled zombies bounce around
on the weapon of their execution, in pogo-like fashion, searching for their
brains. They can't harm you while you're on the ground, but they can make
things messy while you're fighting the airborne lesser enemies with which
they're sometimes paired.
Zeldos seem to be Dracula's
attempt at cloning his buddy, Death, the result of which is a poor man's Reaper.
These hooded druids, while slow-moving, are experts with boomerang-like sickles.
They'll throw high
or low a sizably thick
sickle, which will return in the opposite range. Due to their sloth in executing
this attack, you can often telegraph as to which level they'll be releasing
the sickle.
These amazingly annoying maids are
rare habitants of the castle keep. They'll wait patiently for you to draw
near before evading your attack by backflipping, during which they're invincible;
while in a flipping motion, they'll sometimes throw a barrage of daggers in
five different directions. If damaged without being killed, they'll turn more
vicious-looking and take to hovering, a position from which they'll generate
from their hands blue flames, which they'll toss toward the ground, each breaking
into four smaller fireballs with a homing ability.
These are
the commanding lieutenants that led their brigades into the castle, the
place of their humiliating defeat. The now-tough-skinned zombies patrol
the castle with their deadly machetes. If you come within range, officers
will extend their weapons over a long distance--this while marching forward
in an attempt to corner you.
As if the
Eastern Church's raid didn't teach them anything, the military tried years
later to storm the castle. They met the same fate. The remains of these
lower-class soldiers now march around the castle with their combat knives
at all times pointed forward; if you remain at a distance, they'll whip
out grenades and toss them in predictable arcs.
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