Mega Man X5

X5 has the usual round of 8 Maverick bosses. However, most of these Mavericks were regular reploids and some were former Maverick Hunters before being infected with the Sigma virus, and they're willing to fight to protect their habitat. Each of them holds essential pieces to fuel the Enigma and Shuttle vehicles.


Grizzly Slash

Slash loves to fight against strong opponents. Slash hides out in a rocky area, where he likes to jump from section to section. He uses his prime possession, his claw, to swipe upward. When angered, he'll begin diving off the screen, and he'll fall downward with his claw spread wide. Also, after diving, he can break through the background to surprise X.

  • Weapon used: Crescent Shot
  • Weak against: Spike Ball and Twin Dream

Squid Adler

Squid was once a Maverick Hunter. When he became doubtful of his job, he quit to pursue a life of researching. As a fighter, he'll use his Tri-Thunder to keep X guessing, and he can send several electric shocks bouncing about. To keep X off balance, he can make an electric beam linger across the ground, leaving a center platform the only safe place for X to stand—but he can use his electric power to make that pulsate so X can't stand on that, either.

  • Weapon used: Tri-Thunder
  • Weak against: Goo Shaver and F-Splasher

Izzy Glow

Izzy is an authority on laser engineering whose inventions never see the light of day due to his fear that they may be used wrongly. Most of his game plan is teleporting high and low, stopping to blast his powerful F-Laser. As a second attack, he'll hover about and release a swarm of flies, or he'll shoot two circular projectiles in X's direction.

  • Weapon used: F-Laser
  • Weak against: Tri-Thunder and E-Blade

Duff McWhalen

Duff is chief of the oceanographic museum and captain of the maritime security force. Before battling X, he had his problems with Repliforce's sea division. To protect himself, he'll spit out ice blocks in varying patterns—sometimes in a maze—trying to crush X against a wall; while X is moving around to get in a clean shot, Duff will fire missiles. When he's had enough, he'll jump to the other side of the screen, where he'll move up and down, spitting lines of ice blocks, trying to push X into the spikes on the right wall.

  • Weapon used: Goo Shaver
  • Weak against: Crescent Shot and C-Sword

The Skiver

Reminiscent of Storm Eagle, Skiver, with a strong sense of justice, is the leader of Repliforce's air division. He fights in memory of Carnel, his former Chief. Skiver will start off by hovering and dropping eggs that spawn four robot birds, or he can throw his wing spiral, an air tornado that grows bigger as it moves. He'll occasionally land to dash forward, sometimes faking X out by projecting an image of himself before the real dash. Finally, he'll fly off the screen and dive-bomb about 5 times, several directions.

  • Weapon used: Wing Spiral
  • Weak against: Dark Hold

Axle The Red

As a product of mutation, Axle can control the nature of jungles, reploids and Sigma viruses. Like Split Mushroom and Gemini Man, he can clone himself, and only the real one can receive damage. If that fails, he'll use his spike ball, making it bounce around the room. Finally, he can use his spike rope attack, keeping X at a distance.

  • Weapon used: Spike Ball
  • Weak against: Ground Fire and Quake Blazer

Dark Dizzy

Dark is actually a creation of Sigma, but he escaped from Sigma's control to go out on his own. As you'd expect, Dark can walk on ceilings, and his flying patterns make him hard to figure. When hovering, he'll unleash a huge supply of bats to occupy space and intercept X's blasts. He can blast X with a sonic wave at that time. But his most prevalent attack is to use his dark hold, which, like the flash stopper, will stop X in his tracks.

  • Weapon used: Dark Hold
  • Weak against: F-Laser and C-Slasher


As a former member of the disaster countermeasure team, Mattrex used to create weapons with magma energy to protect Sanhouse Mountain. Not surprisingly, all of his attacks involve fire. First he'll throw two flame blasts that hit the ground and spread over a short distance. At this time, he'll either continue this or he'll point his back flames forward and dash in X's direction—very hard—sometimes leaving a trail of flames with little space between them. As a last resort, he'll spit flames all over the place.

  • Weapon used: Ground Fire
  • Weak against: Wing Spiral and W-Shredder




Dynamo was a Maverick Hunter that was believed to be hired by an unknown agency. In reality, his mischievous nature led to him to change allegiance to Sigma. To prove his worth to Sigma, he showed up twice to bug X and Zero, his former friends. Both times, he attacked the Hunter base with his blade-like grappling weapon only to purposely waste precious time.

  • Weak against: Wing Spiral and W-Shredder

Black Devil

To almost make it concrete that Dr. Wily is somehow involved in the life events of X and Zero, the Devil-type returns. Its attack pattern is the same as always: It teleports in piece by piece, each having to be dodged. At that moment, its eye, appearing in random locations, will blast red electrical blasts. When damaged enough, it'll teleport by forming into two globs on either side of the room and send its pieces crisscrossing back and forth. As a final attack, it'll morph into a machine with spikes lining its bottom part, and it'll try to crush you underneath.

  • Weak against: Tri-Thunder and E-Blade

Rangda Bangda

The barrage of enemies from the past returns, as this contraption from Mega Man X will block your path. In its regular form, three kinds of eyes will attack: (1) A red eye that spins, sending electrical flames rotating around the room; (2) A blue eye that takes quick air dashes in X's direction after pausing momentarily; and (3) A green eye that continuously blasts X with metallic shards for a period of time. When the room narrows, spikes line the floor, so X'll have to cling to a wall while attacking the shooting-star-like nose of the contraption. If all three eyes are defeated, the room will stay narrow, and the rest of the energy meter will be allocated to the nose.

  • Weak against: Red Eye - Tri-Thunder and E-Blade | Blue Eye - Ground Fire and Quake Blazer | Green Eye - Crescent Shot and C-Sword | Nose - Goo Shaver and F-Slasher

Sigma Body #1

The first form of Sigma is cognizant of most of his forms from the past. His two initial attacks include shooting a set of three large, waving sparks, or dashing back and forth—or diagonally upward, depending on where X stands at the time. After taking some damage, he'll hover on the right side of the screen and release 3-6 large scrolling blasts—high, low and split—in a row. His rarest offense is to surround himself with Sigma viruses to slow X down while he continues his normal moveset.

  • Weak against: Tri-Thunder and E-Blade

Sigma Body #2

This form takes up the whole screen. Before the battle begins, he'll make several references to an "old man" who gave him the idea to spread the Sigma virus, continuing to hint at Wily's presence. Sigma's two large, spike-lined hands will do all the work, as they bob up and down, trying to smash into X; both can stand upright and shoot purple sparks from their wrists. When the hands leave, Sigma will shoot out four regular sparks from the red gem on his head—his weak spot—they'll land on the ground and each quickly proceed to dart in X's direction; they'll do this twice. During all of this madness, you must focus your attack on the red gem.

  • Weak against: Spike Ball and Twin Dream