the Necromancer's mission is to seize from Trevor Belmont (though, he'll ultimately
have to settle for Simon) the Combat Cross and deliver it to Zobek, the Lord
of the Dead. In return for its service, it's been promised the return of its
soul. It plans to do that with its deadly scythe and its dominion over lesser
monsters, which it continuously conjures. As the hero focuses on the minions,
like Skeleton Warriors, the Necromancer will be picking its spots, tossing
the boomerang-like scythe and moving in for quick swipes of the weapon. After
absorbing a lot of damage, the Necromancer will steal from Simon his Spirit
of Belnades power, entering a phase where he continues pounding on the hero
with swipes and uppercuts while adding
the ability to make deadly ectoplasm slowly rain down, which forces Simon
to choose his wisely his movements. In the final phase, he'll surround himself
in two- then three-layer shields whose separate components turn opposite to
the one on which they're stacked, each featuring openings that eventually
line up; Simon must time his charge to dash through the lined-up openings
and grab the Necromancer to initate a cut-scene. In this phase, the Necromancer
will alternate between this sheild-generating and an offensive where it appears
on either end of the screen and fires scrolling blasts high and low, putting
to the test Simon's dodging and jumping abilities.
Games In:
Castlevania: Lords of
Shadow - Mirror of Fate
Similar Enemies:
Executioner (2) and Night Watchman |
Forms List:
Not available |