Night Watchman

Though the Night Watchman has been dead for several years, a terrible curse has prevented him from leaving the world of the living. His only purpose, now, is to keep lit the castle's lanterns and torches, his only company the scavens who obey his commands. When he spots an intruder (namely Simon Belmont), he manifests and begins attacking with his lantern-adorned spear, using which he executes skillful combos--two- and three-step assaults filled with spins, slices and hammer blows. He can conjure his pals, scavens and flying scavens, who will join the fight and serve well to distract the hero. The Watchman can in addition twirl the lantern to block Simon's attacks. When low on health, he'll momentarily turn invisible and start running back and forth, his still-visible lantern the only evidence of its being; when in this mode, he starts waving the lantern as he runs, forcing you to dodge the blunt item. He'll soon reappear and continue his usual offensive scheme; though, he will until defeat continue to intermittently disappear, his waving-lantern attack increasing in speed but decreasing in width.

Games In: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate

Similar Enemies: Executioner (2) & Necromancer (2)
Forms List: Not available
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