In the legendary Castlevania, the series'
origin, the Dark Lord fights like the typical ol' Dracula that you'll come
to know and love: He'll teleport in and out to random locations, appearing
right where you stand maybe 80% of the time. After
each teleport, he'll open his cape and release three-directional fireballs
(which would become known as "Hellfire"). You'll have to avoid
the fireballs, by either leaping over them or by whipping them away, and
in turn strike Dracula's lone weak spot--his head. After disposing of his
original skin, he'll transform into the creature below.
The Count morphs into a gigantic man-bat-type
creature (which resembles one of his transformations in Bram Stoker's
Dracula). However slow, its size is its most overwhelming attribute,
and its high jumps, which see it catch much air upward, supply the hero
little time to sneak directly underneath it because of said size. The most
important thing to remember is to not get cornered on either side of the
room. After every second jump, it'll
stop to spit out three-directional fireballs diagonally downward at the
grounded foe. So simply waiting for it to complete a jump before you strike
is not always the best idea--dodging its attacks while trying to strike
it is a task not to be taken lightly. Remember that striking its head does
the most damage, but holy water thrown at any part of it can be used slow
it down greatly.