battle against this large form, called "Ultimate Dracula,"
is a little bit different perspective-wise. That is, Cornell will be
positioned in front of Dracula on one plane while the Dark Lord occupies
at different times two background planes--one close, the other far back.
The object here is to strike the little face located below Dracula's
chest. Though, it's hardly an easy task because the skin around it only
opens sporadically. While in the front plane, Dracula will (a) cause
lightning bolts to strike down and on impact lift Cornell sky-high,
(b) viciously swipe his clawed hand, or (c) vacuum in Cornell, grab
onto him, toss him high into the air, and on his descent bomb him with
repeated laser blasts. When Ultimate Dracula jumps to the far plane,
it will execute a separate set of attacks: (1) It will send Cornell's
way several heat-seeking meteors. (2) It will launch forward a series
of ice shards, each flying in at a fixed direction. Or (3) it will summon
a pack of tortured souls and command them to stalk and overwhelm Cornell.
For best reference: Ultimate Dracula jumps between planes and attacks
in an obvious pattern (a-1, b-2, c-3). |